*********************************************** *** SA README file 2009-2012 *** *********************************************** SpatialAnalyzer Release Notes Copyright (c) 1995 New River Kinematics, Inc. All Rights Reserved Visit us on the web: http://www.kinematics.com SA 2012.12.06 -----------New Functionality------------ - Added ability to repeat an instrument alignment in the Toolkit Inspection tab. * When you locate an instrument with Quick Align, Measure Nominal Points, or Frame Wizard, the information needed to repeat that alignment is stored with the instrument. Then, in the inspection tab, when you are connected to the instrument, you can press "Repeat Alignment". - Language Translation * Added stock languages which ship with SA -- currently Chinese, German, Russian, and Spanish * File >> Language Translation -- allows easily selecting between English (no translation) and one of the stock languages * User Options >> Display >> Custom Language File -- use this to create/edit/select custom (non-stock) language files - When creating a new custom language file, there is an option to base it on an existing stock language - Language Editor: Added Import function. * Now supports importing .lan files in addition to just .csv files * When importing either a .csv file or .lan file if there are existing translation pairs, you can choose whether to merge or replace - Language Editor now has a button to clear the missing maps list * If a stock language is chosen, instrument interfaces will automatically use the same language (unless they have their own custom language defined) - Reporting * Within the report designer, right mouse click menu support for Insert / Delete Page. These menu items are only present if the functionality can be performed at the location from which the menu was presented. You can only insert a page if the current location does not intersect any other report items horizontally at the location selected. You can only delete a page if the page body does not contain any report items. * Right mouse click on report table and select 'Do Not Truncate' to display full table (if truncated via global Max Table Rows). * New report designer main menu option to 'Delete Empty Pages' at the end of a report. - File >> Import >> Custom Formats >> Leica GSI8 / GSI16 File -- support for GSI data containing Name, Hz Angle, Vert Angle, Distance OR Name, Easting, Northing, Elevation. Angle+Distance always takes precedence over ENH information. - Direct CAD Access import updates to supported formats - CATIA V5 - R4 to R21, V5-62012 (R22) - CATIA V6 - 2011 to 2013 (3DXML) - Solid Edge - V19 - 20, ST - ST5 - View >> View Control >> Set Viewpoint from Object -- sets the view looking down the Z axis (toward negative Z) of the selected object - View >> View Control >> Set Viewpoint from Surface Point -- sets the view looking down the normal vector of the surface at the clicked point - Geometry Relationships * Added a Point List dialog that lets you view the individual points and check or uncheck them. Right click Geometry Relationship >> View Point List * Added a Report option to let you show the individual point details table in the report. * Added a fit residual graph. You can access this from a Graph button in both the point list dialog and the Properties dialog. If you leave the graph open, it will automatically update with the relationship. - Measurement Plan * New Commands - View Control * Show/Hide Instrument Probe Tip * Show / Hide Points - Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Copy Group Excluding Obscured Points - Analysis Operations * Get Cone Properties * Fit Geometry to Points -- same as "Fit Geometry to Point Group" but allows providing a list of points rather than an entire group - Instrument Operations * Delete Measurements * Advanced Instrument Operations * Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar (LR) - LR Hardware Connect - LR Hardware Disconnect - LR Verify Hardware Connection - LR Set Red Laser Intensity - LR Self Test - LR Self Test - Linearization - LR Self Test - Flip Test - LR Self Test - LO Sep * Instrument Operations - Start Instrument Interface - Added new argument - "Run in Simulation" * Locate Instrument with USMN - added arguments for Point Groups to Exclude, and exclude points measured by only one instrument. * Relationship Operations >> Make Group to Group Relationship -- additional arguments for tolerance / constraints now supported. * File Operations >> File Import >> Import Leica GSI File * MP Editor Dialog now supports Step List searching. - GD&T * Added GD&T >> Evaluate all Feature Checks -- evaluates all feature checks in all collections in the current job * Added User Options >> Analysis >> GD&T Options >> Check Pre-Eval Validator - None -- the default, works the same as before - The other options (ASME 1994, ASME 2009, ISO 1983, and ISO 2004) apply standard-specific validation checks before doing a check eval * This might cause checks to fail which would otherwise pass using the "None" option * Reporting has been updated to reflect the selection in the header area of the report summary table * Numeric results from GD&T are not affected by this choice - the option controls only pre-eval validation to determine whether or not the check can be evaluated * Feature Check Report Options -- added a new option, "Include Title in Graphical Summary" - When enabled, the feature check name and # measurements will be shown as part of the graphical summary in reports - Construct >> Surface >> From a Collection of Surfaces -- added an option to delete the original surfaces - Construct >> Point Clouds >> On Object's Vertices -- same thing as the corresponding Points command, but this creates a point cloud - Construct >> Plane >> Perpendicular to Plane, through Line -- new command - Context Sensitive Help * Pressing [Shift + F1] within the main application window allows the user to select a toolbar button or menu item for help. * Press [F1] on an active dialog for help relating to the functionality of the active dialog. * Initial release, more functionality will be provided with each new software release. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Direct CAD Access -- changes made to streamline the import experience * Added menu item File >> Import >> Direct CAD Access Settings - Also available in User Options >> Machine Configuration >> Direct CAD Access Settings * Changed default behavior - Import Settings dialog -- disabled by default - Selective Import -- enabled by default - Import into Folders -- disabled by default (everything goes into the default collection) - Center View on Imported Objects -- enabled by default * Selective Import Dialog - Added a checkbox to disable it for future imports (you can turn it back on via the Import Settings dialog) - Added a checkbox to hide empty items (on by default) - Tree fully expands initially when shown (avoids having to click the Expand All button to see whats there) - Direct CAD Access -- better handling of unsupported periodic UV curves * Previously, periodic UV curves in surfaces could cause surface import failure * Now any faces with periodic UV curves are skipped but the remainder of the surface is imported * The event object, job log entry, and MP command warning message results indicate the # unsupported UV curves encountered and the # faces skipped as a result - Dimensions * Point to Object dimension properties now allow the operator to use the target radial offset if desired. * Right-click Dimensions >> Set Text Scale -- added Apply button, allowing you to change and update with the window still open - Shots at targets that are hidden are now hidden. - In general, Name incrementing now preserves leading zeros. P001, P002, P003, etc. - Reporting * Date/Time Locale now acknowledged withing report fields. * Undo enhancements to support large reports. * New option to color 'In Tolerance' report Delta fields green. * New User Reporting option to specify the "Maximum Logged Data Points" when creating report event items. This option only applies during report event item creation. Report event items are static items whose reported data points cannot be changed once created. * Pt to Object Relationship: addition of collection and group names to report - Job File Restore Points now only created if a change has occurred within the job file since the last restore point was made. - Addition of Position / Rotation Transformation Increments to Point of View dialog - Measurement Plan * All Applicable Commands Collection Instrument ID aware * Delete SA Report - reports with object type of 'SA Report' now operate on the latest style SA Reports (dynamic / drag-drop reports). * View Control >> Show Labels -- now allows individually turning on/off point and/or object labels * Improved printing of MP's via the details view dialog. * List Editor dialogs are now resizeable and remember their position and size * Make a integer from string - modified to fail for strings that contain both alpha and numeric data. * MP Subroutines >> Run Subroutine -- Now supports specifying an embedded MP file using a string reference * Process Flow Operations -- Font argument added to the below comands - Ask for String - Ask for String (Pull-Down Version) - Ask for Integer - Ask for Double - Ask for Point Name * Analysis Operations >> Fit Geometry to Point Group -- max # points for histogram chart to be shown increased from 10k to 30k * Read Ascii Line (Iterator) - Fixed issue with delimeter argument missing and execution failure. Need to remove and insert new step command of same type to resolve the issue. - UDP - Text is now sent over UDP using the UTF-8 Unicode encoding to ensure Unicode chars are properly transmitted - Language Editor is now resizable and remembers its position and size - USMN Build Settings dialog -- when checking/unchecking items, parent/child items are now automatically updated as appropriate - Instrument >> Locate >> Quick Align to CAD -- if thre's only 1 instrument in the job it will now be automatically selected -----------------Fixes------------------ - ASCII Export of points now respects the "Angular Representation" setting in user options (-180...180 or 0...360 degs) - Language Editor - Reduced the dialog size so it fits on lower resolution displays - Edit >> Group Manager - fixed an issue where clicking in the list between a copy and paste operation would clear the paste buffer - Fixed an issue which could result in mis-interpretatin of imported GD&T dimension annotation tolerances - Better selection of a default text size for dimensions. - Angular dimension drawing bug corrected. Old code picked incorrect quadrant. - Measurement Plan * The following commands were updated to correctly use the object type (if specified) in addition to the name when locating objects * This avoids problems when two objects are of different types but have the same name - Construction Operations * Points and Groups >> Construct a Point at Projection of Point onto an Object * Planes >> Construct Plane, Normal to Object, Through Point * Frames >> Construct Frame, Known Origin, Object Direction, Object Direction - Instrument Operations >> Measure Nominal Feature - Reporting Operations * Append Items to SA Report * Define Report Template * Reporting Operations >> Append Items to SA Report - fixed issue with starting items to be appended on a new page sometimes overlays items on first page. * When editing ref list args in the "Enter" mode (in the list editor) and picking a referenced arg (in the reference browser), the current arg was not highlighted in orange -- this has been fixed * Construction Operations - Lines >> Construct Line - Project Line to Object Reference Plane -- the created line was always being put in the default collection even if a different collection was specified - Rename Collection - Fixed a bug which could cause job file validation errors when renaming collections containing measurements * MP Subroutines >> Run Subroutine -- When running a subroutine, a check is now done first to make sure the subroutine has the required input and return value steps - Add Instrument - spacing along axis now properly reflects working units. - Vector Groups - default blotch size not properly reflects working units. - Fixed problem when changing units due to having predefined scale-bar types - Fixed issue where Plane coefficient input dialog (A,B,C,D) could inproperly apply the change IF the previous plane X axis aligned with the new plane Z axis. - Fixed issue where Geometry fitting with a projection plane would then apply the projection plane to a cylinder, for example, if you switched geometry type without disabling the plane. Now, only Circle, Line, and Ellipse will use the projection plane. - Temperature compensation scaling (Analysis>>Temperature Compensation, or Instrument Scale) * Fixed issue where the computed scale factor was rounded to the 6th decimal place in the dialog as opposed to showing (and using) full precision. - Labels for points, objects, and vectors now obey clipping planes. - Right-click point group >> Set Point Properties -- will now trigger relationship recomputation as needed - Quick Align - made some improvements to the "bullseye" rendering to prevent cases where the bullseye gets offset in the wrong direction (and renders inside the model) - GD&T guided inspection -- better handling of the "Skipped Measured Features" checkbox -- now when there's nothing else to measure it will skip to the end (or beginning) of the list - Removed the Point/Target right-click >> "Move to another Collection" command -- This reported "Not yet Implemented" and the same result is available using the Rename command -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - added Settings >> Video Settings >> Video Capture Device which calls new SDK API to let the user pick the video source - MV300 series changes * Added a new setting, ScanThreshold, which is the Box scan power threshold (dB) - This is the minimum acceptable return power for each of the individual ScanPoints that are used in the measurement * If the Linearization Threshold has been exceeded, a modal message box will be shown in addition to the normal output window message - Dock/Undock from a Measurement Plan was not working -- this has been fixed - updated to new SDK, v6.1.1.1442 - New LR-specific Measurement Plan commands (repeated from above) * Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar (LR) - LR Hardware Connect - LR Hardware Disconnect - LR Verify Hardware Connection - LR Set Red Laser Intensity - LR Self Test - LR Self Test - Linearization - LR Self Test - Flip Test - LR Self Test - LO Sep - Measurement Plan fixes * Instrument Operations >> Auto-Measure Specified Geometry - After executing this command, the interface could get stuck in the "SA Geometry" mode and then subsequent use of the "Set Instrument Measurement Mode/Profile" MP command would fail - When using the "Wait for Completion" flag, the operation would never complete Laser Trackers ALL - Added "3-Plane Point" Operation. This automates the measurement of a 'corner point', a point that is constructed by intersecting 3 planes. * This Operation consists of 3 entities, Plane1, Plane2, and Plane3. * Right click a plane in the Measure Profile grid to set its parameters. (Left click the plane if you want to select an existing plane from SA.) * You can set each plane to be "Fit To Points" (defaults On, otherwise the plane is selected from SA), and you can set the number of points to use (defaults to 3). * The "Regenerate in SA" option will draw the plane after the profile completes (defaults off). This option redraws a plane that has been selected from SA upon [OK]. * The "Remove from Profile" option only applies to pre-selected planes. * As with any Operation, this can be used with several acquisition types: Discrete Point (good for 6D targets or remote controls), Stable Point (good for 3D targets), or Spatial Scan acquisitions (you'll want to increase the plane points in these cases, and likely use a Stable start trigger). - The new plane settings for measuring the planes described above also apply to the Projection Plane in the following Operations: * Circle Operation ("Fit To Points" will default ON for Hole Profiles, but not Pins) * Patch Points * Single Point Hole Operation (the Intersection Plane) * Unless otherwise noted, in all these operations, "Fit To Points" defaults Off so as not to change default behavior. * In these cases, there are 3 Options for the Projection Plane: 1) "None Set" means there is no projection plane. Planar offset magnitude comes from the target's offset, with planar offset direction defaulting to probing direction. In other words, this is the behavior that existed before the introduction of the Projection Plane as part of these Operations. (This setting would of course be invalid for a 3-Plane Point.) 2) "Fit To Points" is as described above. This means you've set the number of points to use to fit the projection plane. That number of points is taken at the first part of the acquisition. The associated Acquisition will be used to gather these points, and the Acquisition will be performed as defined after the plane points are acquired. 3) "X" where X is the name of a plane selected from SA. In this case, the selected plane is used as the projection plane. This plane is used for every subsequent run of this Measurement Profile until it is changed. - The RMS Monitor now has 2 lines of big data, 1) the RMS of the last discrete (or stable, etc.) point, and 2) the identification of the next point or measurement info where applicable. * It will show "Plane2 Point 2 of 3" for example during measurement of a 3-Plane Point. * It will show the inter-point distance of the last 2 vector bar points for example, during a Hidden Point measurement. * Using this utility, you can see the rms of each point as measured, and even elect to set a threshold and reject points outside that limit. You simply re-measure a rejected point. * Go to the Tracker menu Settings >> UI, and hit the [Discrete Pt. RMS Monitor / Measure Indicator] button to toggle this feature. * If you close the interface with the RMS Monitor window up, it will come back at the same size and location the next time you run the interface. - Pause, Done and Abort now have Hot Keys in the Measure Progress dialog... F4, F5, and F6 respectively. This was added for support of remote controls that emulate keyboard buttons. - Added support for new MP "Run in Simulation" argument in 'Start Instrument Interface' command. - The option to always "Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring" now defaults to ON (Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction). * Also, the option to automatically "Run Watch Update When Watch Window Opened in SA" now defaults to OFF. * These default changes will make it possible to measure a discrete/averaged point while running a watch window without changing any settings. - The "Watch Update" measure profile is no longer a default Quick Select profile. - Added programming options Next, Previous, and Stop for Function Keys (or remotes that emulate keys). Added for SA Toolkit Bar. - The Function Key programming UI (Settings >> Fcn Keys) could end up with a drop list for each key that contained more than one copy of the available selections. This is fixed. - Targets/Retros database - The Target tooling option to "Add: From Selected Reflector" now offers the ability to set tooling nest offsets. * You can still simply edit these offsets in the Target grid, but this allows you to set them before adding. * The default values for these offsets will depend on whether the interface is in English or Metric units, as well as the size of the selected reflector. - 6D targets are no longer allowed as Quick Selects. All production 6D targets are automatically detected and set Active upon beam lock. * Target Quick Selects are for 3D targets and associated tooling. - 6D target names no longer have the "6D: " prefix. Some names can be too long for this. - The option to "Home At Startup" (General Settings Gear tool) now defaults to OFF. - Stable Point Acquisition - Start Trigger and Delay Before Meas. are no longer options in the parameter grid. * Stable Pt. already waits for stable target before first point, and starts paused if there is no beam lock. - The "New Station" option in the Connect to SA dialog will now reset the Collection::Group::Target names in addition to clearing remote positions and drift points. - Run Without Hardware option - when on, the quick select graphics were not initializing properly at startup. This is fixed. - Measure Profiles and their component (acquisition and operation) names are no longer translated, since users can edit the names. * The parameters of the acquisition and operation which do not have user-editable names are still translated. - When sending frames to SA, streamed offset frames were not carrying the "_offset" name suffix like discrete frames do. This is fixed. - MP Op Check string command "HoldPositionNoBeamLock On" or "...Off" and Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> Point Laser 'Point Only' or 'Point and Attempt Reset' * These perform the same function, and are now enabled for all trackers. * Leica emScon and Faro trackers will still lock if pointed exactly at a reflector, even if they are set for "HoldPositionNoBeamLock On" or 'Point Only' * The emScon trackers implement this by simply toggling PowerLock as appropriate. * API trackers will not lock when pointed exactly at a reflector when they are set for "HoldPositionNoBeamLock On" or 'Point Only'. - Fixed issue with case where user has MeasProfile dialog popped, and changing parameters without saving the profile while using a Remote instead of the Measure button: * Combo cells in the Acquisition and Operation grids would not end their edits after a combo selection change. So previously set parameter in combo would be used. * An example of this would be in a Send Frames Operation, changing the frame(s) to be sent, and immediately pressing a remote button to measure. - UDP - When sending scanned frame updates with an offset frame defined, the udp stream was only receiving non-offset frames. This is fixed. * Also, every update in an instrument's packet is now sent to the udp stream, even though only the upper bound is sent to SA as an update. - Circle Fit - Make Point on Normal Cardinal Point is now an option in the fit output parameters. It has no effect if Make Cardinal Points is off. - Name incrementing now preserves leading zeros. P001, P002, P003, etc. - Quick Selects - both targets and measure profiles - If a target or profile which was set as a quick select was deleted, the associated quick select icon was still present. * Now, the icon is cleared in this case. NOTE: There was no errant association to a non-existent target or profile. - Quick Selects - both targets and measure profiles - If two quick select buttons were assigned to the same target or profile, one button would not work. * Here again, the original button simply needed the icon to be cleared. There was no errant double assignment, just an icon that needed to be cleared. - Language Translation - The menu was not getting translated immediately upon startup if interface was docked. This is fixed. - Offset Frames for 6D measurements - Ensure that when a new offset frame is set, the raw frame is used as the reference frame. Leica emScon - ALL - Precise Point to SA Measure Profile had a measure time of 0.5 seconds, where it should be 5.0 seconds. This is fixed. - When the option to always "Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring" is on, the updates will occur at a frequency controlled by emScon. - By request, there is no more "Power Lock" button in the main dialog. This control is once again a check box in the emScon settings dialog (Gear tool >> "Leica emScon") Leica emScon - ALL Except 401 - When the option to always "Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring" is on, the updates will be 3D or 6D, depending upon the current target in use. - The interface will now try to automatically set the "Measure with No Tip" (Gear tool >> "Leica emScon") option based on the characteristics of any 6D target at beam lock time and startup time. - Added support for Leica's Virtual Stylus. * This is a subset of the same function found in the "Send Frames to SA" and "Send Frame Updates to SA" Operations. * If you use the Virtual Stylus, then it is recommended that you always select "Raw Frame" in the above Operations to avoid confusion. * When defining a Virtual Stylus, Leica's native frame convention is used as the initial orientation to avoid confusion. The SA convention (Z-axis points along probing direction) is used in all other cases, including all other probing instruments. - Added [Find Reflector] and [Measure] buttons to camera view dialog ([Drive Head] >> [Camera]). This matches the 401 camera view dialog. - There are now fewer default measure profiles. There are no more default 'Samples/Frequency' discrete or stable acquisitions, since emScon is based on Measure Time only. - TProbe Target names still include probe tip serial number, but now also radius and length in mm, so "serialNum_Rxx.xxx_Lxxx.xxx". This convention is also used for Virtual Stylii. Faro (ALL) - Updated to sdk v.4.0.2 from Beta. - New JRE and Camera files are available for download from ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/Laser%20Trackers/Faro/ API DI (Device Interface) - Updated to SDK v. from v. - This SDK version has several very important updates pertaining to data accuracy. These include the following. * I-Probe discrete point measurements are now more accurate. * External Trigger was not working. Data was allowed to come in at the maximum rate, no matter what frequency the triggering signal was set to. This is fixed. * STS ADM reset was not occurring properly. * Auto ADM reset has been disabled if beam is broken at the Birdbath position. User is forced to HOME the tracker in order to avoid wrong IFM readings. * Front/Backsight measurement error: QVC has been correctly applied for both front and back sight now. * Reported RMS values from SMR and IProbe measurements no longer look unreasonably small. * When scanning data, the time stamp is once again available, so SA will take advantage of this for UDP data streaming. - Contact API for more information on this important SDK update. NDI OptoTrak - Updated to support NDI ToolTray v.2.19 and Perceptron ScanWorks v.5.60 - Added Geometry Trigger mode to be used with probe. * In ToolTray, set Probing Mode to Continuous for best performance. - Upgraded support for scanning with Perceptron V5, NDI Multi-Sided Probe, and NDI grip. * It is now easier to switch back and forth between probing and scanning. - Added support for 6D data. * You can now run TransTrack. Just select "Updates" and "6D", and set ToolTray for "Continuous" data. - Added a big box Measure Data indicator so you can see your current settings from a distance. - Added support for MP "Measure" and "Stop Active Meaasurement" commands. * NOTE: This feature is supported either by ScanWorks 5.60.18, or by a patch to ScanWorks 5.60.17. You can get the installs from ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/Scanners/Perceptron/ScanWorks/ (Legacy directory for older versions) and the 5.60.17 patch from http://www.kinematics.com/ftp/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/NDI%20OptoTrak/ The file is a zip with instructions called Perceptron v.5.60.17 NDI Patch for Measure Command.zip * If in probe mode, the sdk only supports discrete points, not matter whether "Continuous" is set in NDI ToolTray * In probing mode, this command returns when the measurement is sent to SA, and there is no need for the "Stop Active Measurement" command. * However, a new feature has been added to the interface such that if the Continuous mode has been started from the instrument, the [Start] and [Stop] meas buttons will function as a start and pause. * In scanning mode, this command returns as soon as the scanner starts measuring. - See the Quick Start guide which you can download from http://www.kinematics.com/ftp/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/NDI%20OptoTrak/QuickStart/ - Added a Probing Data Type box at the bottom of the main dialog. From a distance, you can see if the type is "Points", "Updates", or "Geom Trigger". * If the scanner is connected instead of the probe, the box will simply say "Scanner". - Changed the group increment check box to a [+/-] button (Left-click to increment, right-click to decrement). - Probe data with all zero's as coordinate values is treated as invalid, and are ignored. GSI VStars - Added key sequence for MMode Measure. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F5 to match VSTARS keys, for support of remote controls that emulate keys. Theodolite Manager - New GeoCOM interface support for Leica TDA5005! Instrument must be added as the new 'Leica TDA5005 Total Station (GeoCOM)' type. This does NOT require the use of the NRK embedded SpatialAnalyzer application. Requires the instrument to be running the default 'MEAS' program. The MEAS program should be running from the its top level menu. Entering lower level menu items within the program will cause the device to cease GeoCOM communication until returning to the top level menu. TDA5005 should be CONFigured with GSI Communication: 9600/N/8/1/No Protocol and GeoCOM Communication: 9600/N/8/1/GeoCOM Protocol. - Leica Total Stations: Added battery capacity % to Utility >> System Info dialog. CMM Arms - Arm buttons can now be programmed for feature navigation commands. Next/Previous can be set to correspond to a Short/Long duration button hit. Hexagon RDS Arms - Connection to RDS was being attempted, even if "Connect to Arm" was unchecked in the Log On dialog (simulation mode). Leica T-Scan - Added support for MP "Set Instrument Group and Target" command. Sets Collection::Cloud Name:: and ignores the Target name. SA 2012.09.14 -----------New Functionality------------ - Parallel Processing enabled for surface projection - Speeds up analysis, fitting, etc. - Turn on parallel processing in User Settings >> Machine Configuration >> Parallel processing (this is the default) - When enabled, an icon will be shown in the status bar (bottom right) and will light up when parallel processing is occurring - Commands - Query >> Points to >> Objects - Query >> Point Clouds to Objects - GD&T >> Feature Inspection Auto Filter - Construct >> Points >> Auto Filter to Faces - Construct >> Point Clouds >> Auto Filter to Faces - Relationships >> Points to Objects - Relationships >> Point Clouds to Objects - MP >> Analysis Operations >> Query Groups to Objects - MP >> Analysis Operations >> Query Clouds to Objects - MP >> Analysis Operations >> Query Clouds to Surface - Direct CAD Access -- added import setting, "Selective Import (Choose which Components to Import)" * Allows viewing and selecting which parts of the CAD file to import to SA * Also allows viewing a list of the components which make up the file (for .CATProduct files for example) * Entries in the legend are bold for types which occur in the file * A count to the right of each entry in the legend is shown indicating the # of that type currently selected for import - Reporting * Line, Box, Ellipse graphical objects now available within reports. Right mouse click within report to add a graphical object. Right mouse click on any graphical object + Properties to set color(s) and line/border widths. * Individual report objects may now be locked (versus an entire report lock). Right mouse click an object + 'Locked Object' * CTRL-Z Undo support added to reporting dialog to provide a means to undo the last several operations. To activate Undo support for a report within the designer dialog, select the 'Undo Active' menu item from the Edit menu. * 'Add to Active SA Report' menu item now available from the SA Tree. This option will append the tree item to an active SA Report. If no report active, it will create a new report and append the item to that report. - Automatic Selection of Incoming Measurements * View>>Graphical Selection Mode - now has an option for "Automatically Select New Measurements". This will take any incoming point measurements and select them IF you are in a single or multiple point prompting mode. This lets you Construct>>Line>>2 Points, for example, then just take 2 measurements and a line is created. Option currently defaults to OFF. - If measurements will be auto selected, the prompt text will have '[M]' added to it so you are aware the mode is on an applicable. - While in this mode, the feature navigation commands from the instrument (Next/Prev) will work so that Next will complete a multiple prompt and prev will cancel a multiple or decrement a single prompt. - Added Construct >> B-Splines >> From Circles - Added Edit >> Delete Cloud Points >> By Radial Distance From Points - Added Relationships>>Geometry Comparison>>Select Nominal Geometries - this supports regular multi-select (F2) Renamed existing function Relationships>>Geometry Comparison>>Select Nominal Geometry... - Added Construct >> Point Clouds >> From Existing Point Clouds Uniform Spacing - Added Construct >> Points >> From Cloud Points >> Pick Clouds - Added Query >> Point to >> Point along a Curve - Added "Expand All" and "Collapse All" to collection right-click menus in the tree - Measurement Plan * New Commands - Analysis Operations * Query Point to Point Along Curve - Construction Operations * Points and Groups - Construct Points Auto-Correspond 2 groups Proximity - Construct Points Auto-Correspond 2 groups Inter-Point Distance * Other MP Types - Make Projection Options - Make a Transform from Doubles (Matrix Elements) - Decompose Transform into Doubles (Matrix Elements) - Reporting Operations * Delete Picture * MP Editor - Now supports drag / drop loading of MP from external file. - Added a button, "Show Step References" which shows which steps reference the selected step - Added command line argument, "-minimize" (without the double quotes) -- when used SA will minimize on startup - Added 'Copy' menu option for Crib Sheets - Single click on an instrument image or logo in the "Add Instrument to SA" dialog to add the instrument. (Same as pressing the [Add Instrument] button.) -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - F2 Object Selection -- multiple wildcards can be used in each field by separating them with commas, the wildcards are OR'd together for that field - Measurement Plan * Utility Operations >> Write to Log -- no longer adds an extra log entry and the log message itself is prefixed with "MP Step X: " * For the following commands, if an empty output name is supplied, one will be chosen automatically - Construct Points WildCard Selection - Construct Points Layout on Grid - Construct Points at intersection of Principle Object Axes and Surface - Construct Points from Cylinder - Construct Points Spaced at a Distance on Curves - Construct Points N-Spaced on Curves - Construct Points on Objects Vertices - Construct Points on Surface(s) by Clicking - Construct Points Shifted in Working Frame - Construct Points Cylindrically Shifted - Construct Points at Intersection of Circle and Line - Construct Point Group from Point Name Ref List - Construct Point Group from Point Cloud * File Operations - File Export >> Export ASCII Points and Export ASCII Point Clouds -- added Tab as an option for the Data Delimiter argument - ASCII Data File Operations >> Read ASCII Line (Iterator) -- added data delimiter argument allowing choice of space, comma, or tab * Instrument Operations >> Laser Projection >> Project Objects now collection-instrument aware * Instrument Operations >> Laser Projection >> Stop Projection now collection-instrument aware * Instrument Operations >> Instrument Operational Check now collection-instrument aware * Reporting Operations >> Append Items to SA Report -- new argument, "Begin On New Page?". When true, will cause new item appending to begin on new page. - Delete Associated Points * Option in Toolkit Inspection bar now added to the right-click menus for Relationships, Datums, and Feature Checks. - Geometry Relationships: * If another relationship depends on the geometry or cardinal points from a relationship, they will update when the relationship changes those entities. - If you have circular references in your dependancies, one of the relationships will be tagged with /CIRCULAR REFERENCE/ in the tree. * If you have Cardinal Points turned on for the fit geometry, it will create placeholder points for the placeholder geometry until the fit is valid. This allows you to configure dependancies before actually measuring the job for the first time. * If you are trapping into a geometry relationship and you trap scan data, it will only recompute the fit periodically, not with every point. - Geometry Fit interface - the Next button will now initiate the last point selection (points or clouds) automatically when next is pressed. - Geometry Fitting - When a Paraboloid is constructed by fitting, the length of the paraboloid is now set closer to the extent of the data. - Scripts>>Command History - eliminated Unknown Command entries. - Construct >> B-Splines >> from Surface -- now accepts multiple surfaces - Construct >> Point Clouds >> From Existing Clouds -- now accepts thinning options - Auto Measure -- The below commands were updated to allow the user to browse for the output group name (click the "..." button to browse) * Instrument > Automatic Measurement > Auto-measure * Instrument > Automatic Measurement > Auto-measure (streamlined) * Instrument > Automatic Measurement > Auto-correspond Measured Point to Closest Point * Instrument > Automatic Measurement > Auto-correspond with proximity trigger > points * Instrument > Automatic Measurement > Auto-correspond with proximity trigger > Vectors - Setting vector group properties to default through the Geometry Fit Interface will now be remembered and applied to next vector group - Improved readability of "+" or "-" indicator (out of tolerance) within the colored box of vector callouts and report tables. - Language Translation * File >> Language Translation Settings >> New - initial set of strings has been greatly expanded - initial population of the strings is much faster now - User Options + Analysis Tab -- new target computation mode "Remove All Prior Shots" added. - Watch Windows -- Right mouse menu item added for "Show Group Name". This toggle, when applicable, determines whether or not to display the group name associated with a watched object. - GD&T * Feature Check status is now shown in the tree as (PASS), (FAIL), or (Mixed Status) if the eval succeeded and there is status to show * When selecting a Feature Check in the tree an evaluation will always be triggered even if the report bar is not visible * Added right-click >> Evaluate All Checks to the Feature Checks item in the tree which will evaluate all the Feature Checks in that collection - Reporting * Improvements to PDF generation to address bleeding of report body objects into header/footer areas. -----------------Fixes------------------ - GD&T * Guided Inspection - If a measurement profile name was specified with multiple instruments, instrument selection was initiated to pick which instrument to use - As a result the measurement profile was not being sent for the first inspection item (since an instrument had not yet been selected) - Now, in this case, after an instrument has been selected, the measurement profile will be sent for the current inspection item - Added interlocks to prevent mouse motion for view adjustment causing problems while large files are loading. - Corrected issue with transform extraction routine that clamped frame to frame relationships in the special case where a compound rotation resolved to a 180 degree rotation. - Treeview values for angular dimensions now properly synced to the view options selected. - Relationships: * Right-Click Copy option now asks if you want to keep the data associations in the new copy of the relationship. Also fixed issue where geometry relationships would stay connected to the actual fit geometry from the source relationship. * Fixed bug in compare-only relationships (no fitting) where the second geometry could be ignored in the report. * Auto-Vectors: If you remove a point causing the auto-vectors to recompute, the Vector Group dialog's statistics will also update immediately. * Fixed reporting bug that caused Geometry Relationship for Ellipse to always show 0 RMS. - Geometry Fitting * Paraboloid Fit, when locking Vertex or Focus, was locking to WORLD origin, not WORKING origin. This is fixed. - Query Points to Objects was creating offset points with errant target offsets of 1.0 when the queried points were non-measured points (not targets). -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Laser Trackers Faro - NEW: Released support for the Faro Vantage tracker - Updated to sdk v. Beta * You MUST have the v. Faro JRE and Camera files to use this version. These can be downloaded from the Instrument Drivers area on the NRK web site. ALL - Added a new Measure Profile - Edge Line. Its Operation will make a line by default, but the new part is the Edge Points Acquisition. * This acquisition is similar in operation to the Edge Line measurement in the Arm interface, except it uses stable start and beam interruption instead of buttons. - Hidden Point Acquisition (vector bar) - Added options to send measured pts. and to set acquisition time. * Also displays the measured inter-point distance of the vector bar points in the RMS Monitor if it is in use. * To use the RMS Monitor, go to the Tracker menu Settings >> UI, and hit the [Discrete Pt. RMS Monitor / Measure Indicator] button. * If you elect to send the measured points, they will appear in a group with the suffix "-Meas", with point name suffixes "-Top" and "-Bottom". * For multiple hidden points, set the Start Trigger to 'button/stable' and set the desired number of Points in the acquisition parameters. * Measurement Details in SA include the rms errors for the top and bottom points, and the measured distance between the top and bottom points. - Active Quick Select selections for both Measurement Profile and Reflector/Target are now hilighted for easy identification. - Utility >> ASCII Import - Added overrides for Collection, Group, and Target names for the imported polar data. * The Group name defaults to the imported file's name. * Target name override is used only if the imported data has no point names. - React to distance or temperature display unit settings in SA when they are changed, and at startup. * Distance display unit is set to match that in SA. * Temperature display unit is set to match that in SA. * If Temperature units are changed to C, pressure units will be set to hPA(mbar). If Temperature units are changed to F, pressure units will be set to inHg. * Tracker Angular, Level Angular, and Humidity display units are unchanged. - Interface will no longer ask if user wants to run simulation if interface was started from SA (MP, SDK, or SA "running man"). - MP (or SA SDK) "Start Instrument Interface" command will now fail if no instrument connection can be made. (Old behavior was to wait indefinitely.) - Scanned 6D measurement data was not supporting all combinations of sending raw frame, offset frame, and offset point. It is now. - Sending 6D updates would send nothing if "both offsets", "both frames", "Pt. & Raw Frame", or "All" were selected. * Will now send raw frame in all these cases. This is all because sending combinations of data for updates would not make sense. - Added an MP op check string command for checking whether a tracker is currently measuring, and the following row in the command string table.... "Is Measuring" - Returns success if the tracker is actively measuring, fail otherwise - When a watch window is opened in SA, the tracker interface tries to pop the "Watch Update" profile. * If not found by name, it will look for the first profile with a 'temporal scan' acquisition and a 'send updates' operation. * Also, the interface will now no longer report the error in finding the "Watch Update" profile by name. - Added smaller icons for 7/8" and 1/4" smr's to show under target quick select buttons. - Target/Retro database dialog (accessed from 'smr' tool in tool bar) now has a bigger Target grid to show more targets without having to scroll down. - Button text changes in main dlg - "ADM Reset" >> "Find Target" - "ADM Drive" >> "Drive Head" Leica All emScon Trackers - Remote (T-Probe or 401) buttons have new programming options for Navigation: Next, Previous, Stop, added for SA Toolkit Bar. - Remote buttons have new default programming: * A = "Start/Stop Meas" * B = "Navigation Next" * C = "Start/Meas Watch Update" (A second press of 'C' will send a measurement at the subsequent update. A press of 'A' will, by default, Stop the Measurement) * D = "Navigation Previous" - Measure Profile quick select #1 now defaults to "Fast Pt. to SA". This is also now the default startup profile. Leica 401 - Tweaked user instructions when measuring hidden point (vector bar). * The 401 does not register a beam break when blocking the 'top' smr, and may not even register the lock on the 'bottom' as having moved for the stable restart unless you block both smr's and then expose the bottom one (instead of just blocking the 'top', like you can with the 901). API DI - Updated to API DI SDK v. from v.4.5.2 * This version allows for non-integer measure times to be set when measuring discrete points sampled on the controller. Valid range is still no greater than 10 seconds. * Measure times of less than 1 second are now therefore possible. * This version also fixes a long standing error when measuring in the back face. Prior to this, back face measurement results were given in the front face calibration. * This version fixes a crash in the Innovo camera multi-SMR feature; * There was also corrective work for the iProbe: 1)IProbe PRM file corruption - Accessory search function was corrupting the probe PRM file. This is fixed 2)IProbe in-field calibration routine bugs 3)IProbe tip diameter reading error - was defaulting to 0mm. It is now changed to 6mm. - Updated 3D Spatial Scan to a new measurement mode in the SDK. * This new mode removes the maximum number of points limitation imposed by the old method. * This new mode also performs much better than the old one, allowing tighter increments than before. * There is no time stamp in the data packet for this new mode, but that will be introduced in a future SDK version. CMM Arms - The 'Question Mark' help button graphic (for connection/startup, mp commands, etc.) has been updated to look better. Nikon Surveyor 2.0 - Added support to Measure 3D and 6D, and start/stop 6D streaming from a frame by name: * "Measure []", "6D Measure Mode On []", "6D Measure Mode Off []", "Stream 6D On []", "Stream 6D Off []", where "[]" indicates the frame name, [] not part of string. - Also, Listening to a frame can be toggled by name: * "Listen On []", "Listen Off []", where "[]" indicates the frame name, [] not part of string. - Added support for the MP Start Instrument command, including the IP address. - Work around for a crash that could occur if a frame was set to listen in the interface, and set to stream points and capture data was on in Surveyor. Vicon - Added support for Automation * Supports MP Instrument Operations 'Start Instrument Interface', 'Measure', 'Stop Active Measurement Mode', and 'Set Instrument Group and Target'. * Allows for full configuration of the active Vicon object to measure, the measure mode, the data type to measure, the data to send to SA, and the scan mode parameters. * A new [MP Help] button pops a browse window with full descriptions of the above functions. It allows cutting and pasting the string commands, and printing the command listing. - No more "...defaults restored" message on first run if starting from SDK or MP. - No more "...App will close." message upon connection failure when starting from SDK or MP. - When the connection to the hardware fails, the automated 'Start Instrument Interface' command will now fail instead of waiting indefinitely. - 2 more new string commands added: * "Get Unlabeled Markers" - gets the unlabeled markers from the current active Vicon object (used as a diagnostic to see if a calibration is needed based on total number increasing) * "Get Labeled Markers" - gets the labeled markers from the current active Vicon object - Measurements will now timeout and fail if no data is received for 30 seconds (by default) after the measurement is started. The time-out can be set via another documented MP command. Theodolite Manager - Import - Added overrides for Collection, Group, and Target names for the imported data. * The Group name defaults to the imported file's name. * Target name override is used only if the imported data has no point names. - Fixed issue with TDA5005 and MP Point At command triggering measurement. - Fixed issue with TDA5005 Auto Measuring. - TDRA 6000 now supports relative positioning from within rotation dialog. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - Updated to new SDK, v6.1.1.1361 Metris K-Series - Upgraded to support Metris HHAPI v.3.6. This is the recommended HHAPI, as it supports the MCA II arm (CimCore), new Faro arms, and all K-Series scanners. - Feature added to define hardware Profiles. So no more default profiles appear in the SA install. * Creation of profiles is easy, and ensures compatibility with the system you are using. * Just press the new [New Profile] button to define profiles based on Localizers and Scanners which are installed on your system. * The 'Hardware Settings' buton label has been changed to 'Profile Settings' since the settings do pertain to the current selected profile. Faro Focus 3D, Photon, and LS Scanners - Updated Faro Open interface from v.4.6 to 5.0. * NOTE: you now need to register 2 dll's. The InstrumentDriverInstaller does this, or you can get instructions and a batch file from * ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/Scanners/Faro%20LS%20Photon%20Scanner/ - Should be backward compatible with older versions of Faro Scene. - Points with all zero values (0.0,0.0,0.0) are now treated as Invalid, and are not sent to SA. A running total is shown in the import progress dialog. - Cancelling an import is now quicker. SA 2012.07.09 -----------New Functionality------------ - New Toolkit added. View>>Show Toolkit Bar * There are several new panes added to simplify SA operations: - Relationships - allows you to easily create geometry relationships and immediately start trapping measurements into the geometry. - Inspection - allows you to navigate the trappable items in the SA tree. These include GD&T datums and feature checks as well as relationships. So, you can use the relationships tab to create a plane fit and several circle fits, then use the inspection tab to move between them as you take measurements. - Analysis - contains common SA functions that used to require menu clicks. These are located here to reduce user clicks. - Reporting - Report creation, Dimensioning buttons, and callout buttons. Previously you would make a dimension then set which type you wanted exactly. Now, you can pick it with a single click. - GD&T - New Toolbar design now allows the creation of Features while creating GD&T checks. Particularly useful for simple GD&T checks. * Check out the Video Center on the new NRK website to see a brief video of the new Toolkit in action: http://www.kinematics.com/about/video.php - Reporting * New User-defineable report headers and footers. Drag the header / footer boundary lines to define the desired size of each section. Add images, text, fields, and field tables to the header / footer areas. If desired, layout additional items within the body section of the report. Optionally, specify the SA Report as a default template. The active default template will be used for all new reports. The default template is placed into any new report prior to adding specific / additional report data. To modify header / footer areas: - From the report designer dialog -- Edit >> Modify Header / Footer. - OR Right mouse click within header / footer or page section and select 'Modify Header / Footer' - OR Left mouse double click within header / footer section to edit. - Left mouse double click within an empty body section to end edit. * To define a report as the active default template to be used in all new SA reports: - Right mouse click on a SA Report within the SA Tree to "Make Default Template". - From the report designer dialog -- File >> Make Default Template - From the main application user options - Reporting tab - New / Select / Clear the default report template. * See new reporting MP commands below. * Report bar and report designer/editor now support keyboard zooming. + (Doc Zoom in) - (Doc Zoom out) Enter (Doc 100%). - Report bar tabs also contain graphical buttons for zooming. * Ctrl-G and menu support added to SA Reports for quickly going to a specified page. * Ability to configure image border drawing within SA Reports via Page Settings. Not applicable to old reports containing images. * SA Report Template - page settings supported for Output Type of 'SA Report' * Combining all SA Reports to PDF now properly maintains page numbering for created PDF. - Object report tables can generated relative to any frame, not just the working frame. * If you right-click an object, you can select the "Reporting Frame" menu option to change the frame it is reported relative to. If you set this, it will display the frame in the title area of the report. * This only affects the report bar and SA Reports. The tree, dialogs, exports, etc are all still in the working frame. - Added Clipping Planes to the graphical view: View >> View Control >> Clipping Planes * Allows you to select an object in SA to act as the clipping plane. By default the plane exists at the Z=0 (or XY) plane of the object. * By editing the clipping properties of the entity, you can add a second plane along Z, and clip everything outside that region. * Same applies for X and Y axes so you can control the entire volume of clipping. * If you move the object that is the basis for the clipping volume, the volume will move along with it. * Mouse over the clipping cube edges and drag to move the planes. Mouse over the middle of an edge and you can move both planes at the same time. * Mouse over the middle of a clipping plane and it will highlight. Click it to toggle whether it clips or not. - Added Quick Align with Point Clouds * Instrument >> Locate >> Quick Align Clouds to CAD * Analysis >> Best-Fit Transformation >> Point Clouds to Surfaces/Objects >> Quick Align Clouds to CAD * Right-click Instrument >> Locate >> Quick Align Point Clouds to CAD - Geometry Relationships * Added option to "Project to Plane" for Line, Circle, and Ellipse relationships. This allows you to select a projection plane. * Added ability to control/select/create the nominal geometry from the report options dialog. * New command: Relationships>>Geometry Comparison>>Select Nominal Geometries - this will allow you to click on nominal objects and immediately create a fit and compare relationship ready to receive data via trapping. * Clear Point Associations menu command added to Relationships category and individual relationships. This allows you to clear out data from a measurement and repeat the process with new measurements. * Fit Settings and other options in report options dialog are now visible even before you select the points you wish to fit. - Direct CAD Access updated for the following formats * Autodesk Inventor 2013 * Creo Parametric 2.0 * A number of import issues for specific files were addressed - New Version of SA Remote (2012.06.22) updated in the Apple store * Added Previous and Next buttons for measurement trapping for inspection (GD&T and Relationships) * Added a button to display and allow cycling through the target quick selects * Widened collection, group, target edit boxes. * Additional language translations added. * If no Remote Home is set, the 'RH' button will home the tracker to the tracker mounted nest corresponding to the current selected target. - Measurement Plan * New Commands - File Import * Import VSTARS .xyz File * Import VSTARS Cameras - Reporting Operations * Add Custom Table to Report Bar * Set Custom Table Cell Font * Delete Custom Table * Set Scale for Picture * Append Items to SA Report * Make New SA Report * Output SA Report to PDF - Utility Operations * Copy Directory * Set Notification Cancel Override * Set Automatic Backup State * Move Robot/Machine through Path - View Control * Set View Clipping Plane - Construction Operations * Construct Frame - Average of Other Object Frames * Other MP Types - Decompose Transform into Vectors (Origin and Axes) - Make a World Transform Operator (from Transform and Scale) - Process Flow Operations * Ask for User Decision Extended - Analysis Operations * Query Frame to Frame * Query Point to Objects * Query Points to Objects * Remove i-th Object From Collection Object Name Ref List * Remove i-th Point Name From Point Name Ref List * Auto Filter Points/Groups/Clouds to Surface Faces * Get Surface Physical Stats - Instrument Operations * Dock Instrument Interface * MP Editor now support most recently used MPs within File menu. Only applies to MPs loaded from disk. * MP Editor now supports moving a block of steps up or down. * Set Interaction Mode - the "Measurement Plan Interaction Mode" argument now persists for the life of the SpatialAnalyzer execution (versus only for the life of the executing MP). * Set Interaction Mode - the "SA Interaction Mode" argument now persists for the life of the SpatialAnalyzer execution (versus only for the life of the job file). - SA Machine - added motion path commands: * Right-click the machine and: - Simulate Motion>>Path through Frames - runs the inverse kinematics and shows the robot at each of the frames in the selection. - Command Controller Motion>>Run Path through Frames - allows you to use manipulator kinematics and send frames directly to the controller, or have SA run its kinematics and send joint sets to the controller for a calibrated path. * Also contains option for Linear paths between via frames, or a controller-created spline between the via frames. * MP - Move Robot/Machine through Path command added. * Robot/Machine calibration - Added ability to import joint sets and match with Frames in SA instead of just points. Right click the calibration and select Import Joint Poses and match to frames - Added Construct >> Lines >> From CAD Surfaces -- works just like Construct >> Circles >> From CAD Surfaces, but creates lines at the hole centers - Added Construct>>Frames>>From Point Measurement Probing Frames - for measurements that contain frame information (T-Probe measurements, etc), this will allow you to create a frame representing the transform of the probe at the selected measurements. - Added View>>Show Points -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Measurement Plan * Added decimal precision argument to “Set Custom Table Cell Double” * 'Define Report Template' - 'User Summary Information', 'Additional User Summary Information - Left Block', 'Additional User Summary Information - Right Block' arguments removed - 'Items to Report' argument now supports custom tables, events, and relationships. - New argument 'Show Generated Report?' * 'Set Point of View from Frame' -- argument 'Behind XY-Plane Clipping?' removed. * MP Editor, selecting File>>Load when the current MP has been modified will not prompt with "Would you like to save first?" * Make a Collection Object Name - Runtime Select: Now supports cones. * Set Active Units -- now handles misspelled units - GD&T * Annotation Toolbar - New layout which better suits the logical flow for GD&T annotation creation - Added validation checking on input fields when clicking the buttons to create annotations - Datum Annotation button label now updates to show the next available datum letter which will be used (instead of always just showing "A") - After creating a datum annotation, the datum field used for checks is auto-filled in with the newly created datum - Composite Checks * upper and lower tier tolerance values can be specified using a comma to separate them * upper and lower tier datums can be specified using a comma to separate them * GD&T with SA Objects - Annotations now highlight associated objects when selected in the tree - Datums and checks also provide the same highlighting - Annotations are now offset away from the object as opposed to being placed right at the object origin - Scripts >> Quick MPs - Expanded to support up to 30 quick MPs - Filter Point Clouds to Points and Vectors - drastic speed increase! * Construct>>Points>>From Cloud Points>>Filter to Points & Filter to Vectors - improved computation speed with parallel processing - Best-Fit Transform - added an error message when there are fewer than 3 matching points. - Points (and clouds) to Objects relationships - If the objects are all lines and curves, it will set the target offset override to zero in projection options. * Also implemented for Point to Object relationship, and added properties dialog where you can set the Ignore Target Offset property - Construct >> Points >> Shift Points >> In a Direction - when using with Frames, now prompts for axis for direction of shift. - Geometry Fitting Interface - if all points are in the same group, the group name is used as the initial object name. - Instrument>>Bundle Adjust * Moves objects associated with instruments along with the instruments when you bundle. * Updates the graphics after the solution even before you accept it. - Analysis >> Best-Fit Transformation >> Points to Points, Undo Last Best-Fit Transform was not available - when choosing to move only the corresponding group (no objects or instruments) the Undo Last Best-Fit Transform was not available - Now you can choose to only move the corresponding group and the undo will be available - Construct>>Points>>Center>>Circles, Spheres, and End of a Line - all now prompt for first point name then allow you to click multiple objects to layout points. - User Interface Customization - you can now setup custom icons for all commands, not just the commands which have icons by default - View >> User Interface Customization >> Customize Current Profile, then right-click any menu item or toolbar button - Vector Container Report dialog now properly sorting when user region settings are other than default English - F2 Select dialogs are now resizable, they start out slightly smaller by default, and remember their size and position - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Full decimal precision now supported on floating point data transfers. - Relationships: Removed the fit weight display from the tree view. - Measurement Trapping - when you turn on trapping for a feature in the SA Tree, the name of the feature is set as the group name in the instrument interface. - Geometry Relationships: * Now constructs a hidden placeholder geometry when the relationship is created or when you delete the poins associated with the object. - The object notes will indicate PLACEHOLDER, or show the fit results once there is enough data. * When using the "Apply settings to all of this type" option, all other geometry relationships that are affected will be automatically recomputed. * The Highlight Entities menu option did not always work for geometry relationships. This is fixed. - Construct >> Circles >> From Surface Faces, when creating circles from cylinders only create the circle closest to the click point - Construct >> Points >> From Surface Faces, when creating points from cylinders only create the circle closest to the click point - Construct >> Circles / Cones / Cylinders / Spheres >> From Surface Faces, The "Normals Point Inward" option is now correctly set based on the CAD - Creation of Vector Callouts now supports GUI options to hide dX, dY, dZ. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Measurement Plan * Fixed issue where editing an argument cell value within a MP Step followed by clicking on a different argument sometimes updated the wrong step argument with the value. * MP Task Overview - Font color is now used when displaying text in the task overview window - previously the color was ignored * Construction Operations >> Rename Object - when renaming a point group to another collection, that other collection is used to check for a name collision * Make a System String - invalid user format strings now cause step failure. * Excel Direct Connect - adding a worksheet to a workbook no longer results in the excel.exe process continuing to run even after the workbook handle is closed * Analysis Operations - Query Clouds to Objects * Results are now created in the desired collection (if one was specified) as opposed to always going in the default collection * Result name is now used as specified (subject to ensuring uniqueness) and returned as opposed to being used as a prefix with a suffix added as part of the projection process (as in the interactive query command) * The command no longer shows as failed when specifying a point group as the output - Sort Point Group in Database - sort options dialog was always showing the last values used in the dialog instead of the values chosen for the step being edited - F2 selection list - fixed issue where expanding an item in the list could cause a crash with huge files. - Instrument>>Drift Check - fixed "invalid argument" error when ending the drift check. This would happen if the group containing the measured points was not in the first collection in the file. - Reports and Callout Views containing relationships could fail if you move the relationships to another collection. This is fixed. - Paraboloid Geometry Fit - If locked focal length was used, the resulting fit focal length was incorrect. - Fixed an issue where opening large files using File>>Open worked, but double-clicking the files in Explorer could cause a crash - Right-click >> Sort in the tree could result in invalid references in the job, this has been fixed - Points (and clouds) to Objects Relationships - moving the objects to another collection could cause Invalid Argument errors in a relationship fit. This is fixed. Workaround was to close and reopen the job after moving the objects and before doing the fit. - When importing another XIT file that contained scale-bars, the collection names of the scale bar points were not automatically renamed to the new "post merge" collection. This is now fixed and automated. - Instrument >> Synchronized Measurement >> Master - Slave and Polling - Fixed target offsets posting as inches regardless of job units for Slave and both in Polling mode. - Point Groups >> Edit Point List - When tabbing through a point's row in the grid to enter/edit data, hitting [Enter] from the 'Notes' column was not adding a new row. This is fixed. - GD&T * Improved behavior when mirroring CAD surfaces with associated annotations - If datums/checks had been created from the mirrored annotation before the mirror operation, those would still refer to the old (pre-mirror) geometry - Now, after the mirror operation, any associated datums/checks are updated to refer to the new mirrored geometry * Guided Inspection Design/Rehearse - fixed a problem which prevented the backspace key from working in the text fields * right-click Annotations >> Set Text Scale - this command did not have any effect on the annotations - imported CAD annotations in the PRC format are not affected by this scaling parameter - when using this command, all annotations in the collection will first be converted to SA annotations and then scaled - the result is that the Set Text Scale command will now have the desired visual result for the annotations in the collection - Inspection - Advancing to next/prev item when using instrument trapping could get stuck on expanded relationships in the tree - now correctly advances past these - Edit>>Delete CAD Objects by source - when choosing 'Native SA Object' this could cause SA to hang - Selecting items in the tree via double-click and ENTER could cause the error "bell" sound to occur sometimes - Mirroring a B-spline curve (Edit>>Mirror Objects) after having moved it used the original position -- it now correctly uses the current position when performing the mirror operation -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- SA Surveyor 2.0 -- New Instrument Interface added - Added for Nikon Metris Surveyor version 2.0.44 and above with compatible iGPS systems. - Has new MP commands to Measure 6D from a frame by name, and to toggle 6D streaming from a frame by name. - The original Surveyor interface is unchanged to support older iGPS systems. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - When sending circles to SA, they will now using the Collection/Target naming set in the LR window Leica Automation Interface Driver - At this time, the MP command for checking valid 6D status, "Is 6D Status Valid", does not work for the TScan. * This is because the COM interface provided will return true from this request even if the laser is locked on a 3D target (e.g. smr). * So the following commands have been added for the TScan - NOTE: "Is 6D Status Valid" works via the NRK emScon interface when using the TMAC. "Is Laser Locked on TScan" "Is Laser Locked on TMac" "Is Laser Locked on TMac MultiSide" * Again, these are for use with the TScan interface. The "Is 6D Status Valid" command does not work properly for the TMAC. - By request, a 1 second delay was introduced between calling StopScannerMeasurement and IsLaserLocked, because it can cause a crash. * This will be fixed in a later version of TScanCollect, but the delay should fix the issue until then. Laser Trackers ALL - Make Circle operation now has a projection plane. * Just left click on the new "Projection Plane" row in any Circle Operation grid to select the plane from SA. * Added to support holes with probing devices, but can be used any time you want to project the measured points to a plane. * Projects copies of measured points to the selected plane before the fit. * Measured points and their offset values are unaffected. * If a Circle Fit Operation has a valid projection plane set, the planar offset values of all the points in the fit are overridden to zero. * The Projection Plane is persisted in the Profile's Operation if you save it. * Right click on the "Projection Plane" row in a Circle Operation to either remove the projection plane from the Operation, or regenerate (redraw) it in SA. - Level Monitor - a Maximum Observed value is now displayed along with the time of observation. * The max and time observed are shown in red if the alarm has been tripped. * When you reset the baseline, or reset the data displayed (deltas or values), or close and restart the monitor, the max and alarm condition are reset. * Until you reset the max and alarm condition in one of the above ways, the alarm condition will now persist once it has been tripped. - Level Monitor - a minimum size is now enforced for the dialog. - Target and retro quick select buttons - text now shows info about target instead of 1 2 3 4. 6D for those, and the ball size for the others...(0.5", etc). * NOTE: You can still hover the mouse over a quick select button to get the full name of the associated target. * NOTE: A graphic is now shown under each quick select indicating whether it is e.g. just an SMR, or if it is a tooling definition, such as a pin nest. * NOTE: Since most 6D targets are automatically recognized and set active upon beam lock, there is generally no need to set any 6D target as a quick select. - If no Target/Reflector quick selects are set at startup, they will be assigned up to the first 4 definitions found for the given tracker. - Measure Profile quick select buttons - Icons for associated Acquisition and Operation are now shown under each button. * NOTE: You can still hover the mouse over a quick select button to get the name of the associated profile. * And you can still have the Measure Profile window open while clicking through the Quick Select buttons to see all the parameters for each. - "ADM Reset" MP OpCheck string command - now allows setting the adm seed distance. * So you can now send "ADM Reset 285.5", which would first set the adm seed distance to 285.5 inches, and then issue the ADM Reset command. * If you have an MP that still sends "ADM Reset" without a seed distacne, it still issues the ADM Reset and uses the current seed. - Added Jogging to MP OpCheck string commands - "Jog Up X", "Jog Down X", "Jog Left X", and "Jog Right X", where X is the jog step in degrees. - Added ability to set ADM timeout in MP OpCheck string command - "ADM Timeout X", where X is the time out in seconds. - Persistence File Editing Without Hardware Connection - Added a 'Run Without Hardware' option in the LogOn dlg. * When set, interface will load and save the appropriate tracker settings file as if it is connecting to hardware. NOT to be used for simulation! * While running in this mode, any changes you make will be persisted as though you had been running the selected tracker. * This is for editing and saving options only (e.g. measure profiles and parameters, general tracker settings, units, function keys, etc.) * Due to the interface uploading reflector definitions from the various controllers, you must run the interface with hardware once for this mode to work. - Part Temperature Monitor - a minimum size is now enforced for the dialog. - At startup, the first target owning the persisted active reflector was being set active. Now, the persisted target is set so long as the reflector is still present. * This behavior depends on trackers that allow uploading of refelector definitions from their controllers. - 'Delete Last' button was only deleting the last shot from SA. Now, the last target (point) will be deleted, no matter how many shots the point contains (front/back, etc.) - In "Stable Point" or "Time Spaced Pts", when acquisition was set for 'Front/Back' and 'Send Ft/Bk Points As' 'Single Avg Pt', acquisitions were taking 2 times the number of selected points. This is now fixed. - Stable or Discrete Point Acquisitions - with 'Front/Back' and 'Send Ft/Bk Points As' 'Separate Obs', and a Geometry Fit Operation with 'Show Fit Dialog', the point names did not look right. * Now, the fit dialog indicates the shot number for each of the separate observations per target. - Added Inspection Navigation controls -- Previous, Next, and Stop. Leica emScon - ALL - Upgraded to emScon 3.8.256 Beta - Front/Back discrete measurements - Angles in raw data are 'unwrapped' such that all appear to be from the front face. * When the tracker is in Face2 (back face), we now re-wrap the angles so that "Use most recent shot from each face" setting in SA Analysis tab will work properly. Leica emScon - All Except 401 - Update SA While Not Meaasuring would not work after a measurement was aborted, until the next successful measurement. This is fixed. - Measurement Plan (MP) OpCheck commands added to control tipless measurement with probes: "Allow No Tip On" and "Allow No Tip Off" - Interface was not auto-recognizing a TMAC-Inspect (TMAC w/touch probe adapter). This is fixed (emScon id's the TMAC-I as a multi-sided probe). - Leica 901 model is now separate from the Leica Tracker Stand. The Leica stand is now selectable in the [Options] from the Add Instrument dialog. Leica emScon - 401 - Corrected a timing issue that could cause a crash when iterating a stationary point measurement many times with front/back mode on. Faro - Added a 'Smart Warm-Up' check box to the 'Faro Connection' settings dialog to make the Smart Warm-Up optional. * When checked, this option causes the "Waiting for Tracker Ready To Start condition" message while the startup sequence asserts this condition. * This box will always default to checked at startup. API DI - Updated to API DI SDK v.4.5.2 * Fixes an issue with ADM target search failing to complete with certain Radian models with updated ADM module (this would cause any auto-measure routine to fail). * Fixes an issue where a failed target search was notifying ADMSearch instead of targetSearch. This means that failed target searches will now fail much quicker. * NOTE: Testing has shown that locking the ADM distance is what fails most of the time in the TargetSearch command. * The sdk currently does not send a notification re. the failure if it is the ADM reset part, only the search itself sends a notification upon failure. * Fixes an issue where Radian would reset adm before target search completed. * Attempts recovery when Radian jog command fails. - Many code changes to support API sdk changes in function definitions - removed iProbeGlbDlg and iScanCalDlg - no longer supported - added iVisionDlg - added support for new RMS values returned from 3D sigma meas (3D sample on controller) this now appears when using the RMS Monitor - added data buffering for 3D spatial scan (had a Radian in house for first time) - sample on controller option for discrete pts disabled for STS - API sigma meas does not return 6D data - updated op check command string listing button help with new "API DI iVision Dlg" command - Added support for Innovo Multi-Point mode. This is run from the iVisionDlg. - A user requested an addition to the iProbe auto-target recognition. * When the beam is caught by an iProbe when it was previously locked on a different target, the Measure Profile will now automatically change to "I-probe Discrete Pts. To SA". * When the beam is caught by a 3D target (e.g. SMR) when it was previously on the iProbe or iScan, the Measure Profile will now change to "Single Pt. To SA". - When using an API Radian or API Tracker Device Interface model in SA, the interface will no longer allow the Legacy interface to run. - Added diagnostics to help identify issues with DI and Radian... * To run the new diagnostics, go in the tracker interface menu bar to: * Check/Cal >> Tkr Specific (Mfcr) >> Diagnostic Logging. This will allow you to enable/disable logging and set the path to the logging file. * NOTE: Logging will NOT persist. You will have to turn it back on if desired any time the interface is restarted. SMX - Made a change in spatial scan measure filter for trackers with firmware v.2.7.1. Leica T-Scan - In the previous version, the following was added by request: * Interface asserts that the scanner controller is connected at startup. - Now this command as well as SetSystemStatusUpdateHandler, and SetScannerPower commands are no longer treated as system failures when they return false. * This is for backward compatibility with older versions of T-Scan Collect. * Leica has tested this interface version with T-Scan Collect versions 7.05, 8.03 32bit, 8.03 64bit and 9 32 and 64 bit. * Per Leica's recommendation, support for versions older than 7 has not been attempted. Theodolite Manager - TDA 5005 now supports the 'Configure and Measure', 'Set Instrument Targeting' and 'Measure' MP commands. - TDA 5005 now supports Auto Measuring. Metris K-Series - Deployment - factory default hardware profiles are now copied to C:\Analyzer Data\Persistence\Metris HHAPI Profiles\. * These profiles from Metris were added to the SA install back in v.2010.02.15. They were not compatible with the version of HHAPI with which SA runs. * Compatible profiles have now replaced them in the installation. CMM Arms - Batch of Points (Guided) Measurement - During initial meas startup, user could hit arm button and get an errant point at the instrument base. This is fixed. - Also, by request from a user, measurements outside the Drive Tolerance parameter are no longer accepted. - Ctrl + Left Arrow now sends an InspectionNavigation 'Previous' signal to SA. Ctrl + Right Arrow sends an InspectionNavigation 'Next' signal to SA. - A user reported that the Options dialog was too tall for some monitors and resolutions. Contents are unchanged, but it is now shorter and wider. Hexagon RDS - RDS v. is supported. * The SA RDS interface is built with RDS Application Programming Interface v.3.3.1, which is still the current API. NDI Optical Tracker - Last updated in 2008, the unit conversion has changed in later versions of Perceptron ScanWorks for the probe radius. * This has been adjusted for newer versions of ScanWorks. * At this time, NDI recommends ScanWorks v.5.60.017. SA 2012.03.13 -----------New Functionality------------ - Added new colorization function to display deviations from a surface: * Construct>>Colorized Graphical Mesh>>From Point Proximity * This replaces the previous function that generated Colorized PolySurfs by fitting surfaces. - New functionality added to Construct >> Surface >> From Point Groups * Now produces offset surfaces based on the acquired data target offsets. * A new unified approach replaces the earlier interpolating and approximating methods and allows for randomly sequenced points within a group. Perfect for constructing surfaces using instrument geometry measurement triggers (like plane crossings) - File Integrity Checks * This feature makes sure the SA file you load is the same as the SA file you saved. If even one byte is changed it will flag an error - this is especially important if removable media (like memory sticks) or network file servers are accessed. * When saving files, checksums are now embedded in the file content so we can verify the file contents later. * When loading a file which contains this checksum data, SA will verify that the file is not corrupt due to filesystem issues. * Also, file buffers are flushed to disk after saving. This adds a small delay, but helps to prevent file corruption by ensuring the data is on disk, not in cache. * Progress bars are shown on save/load and the load bar gives progress through the current file. * User Options >> Machine Configuration now has a checkbox, "Verify File Checksums after Saving" which re-reads the entire file after saving to make sure the embedded checksums match the data. Use this if you save directly to thumb-drives or other temporary media. It defaults to OFF since it is not needed for normal disk systems. - USMN - added Group selection dialog before USMN runs * This allows you to refine the selection by instrument and by point group before building the network. * The dialog also detects and highlights groups within an instrument that ONLY have measurements from that instrument, and groups that have matching point names within an instrument (like drift check points, for example). * Also drastically improved the startup speed of the main USMN dialog. - Added Custom Report Tables to MP. * These allow you to create custom report tables similiar to the normal SA object reports. * MP Commands under: Reporting Operations >> Custom Report Tables - Make Custom Table - Clear Custom Table - Set Custom Table Title - Set Custom Table Header Cell - Set Custom Table Cell String - Set Custom Table Cell Double - Set Custom Table Cell Color - Add Custom Table to SA Report - Added support for Win7 task bar button progress indicator to SA * If running on Win7 or later, when a progress bar is shown in SA, the task bar button will also reflect the progress * Applies only to SA not instrument interface apps - File >> Import >> ASCII: Predefined Formats * Added a new format used when importing points with tolerance info * Imports high and low values for each tolerance field - 64-bit version of SpatialAnalyzer now supports SA Charts. - Added Edit>>Delete Folders by Wildcard and Edit>>Delete Collections by Wildcard - Reporting * Vector Group & Relationship reports now support reporting options for Cartesian/Cylindrical/Spherical coordinates - Measurement Plan * New Commands - Reporting Operations * Combine SA Reports - Construction Operations * Collections >> Delete Collections by Wildcard * Folders >> Delete Folders by Wildcard * GD&T >> Delete Feature Checks * Points and Groups >> Construct Points Layout on Grid - Events * Make an Event Reference List- WildCard Selection * Get Number of Events in Event Ref List * Get i-th Event From Event Ref List * Get i-th Event From Event Ref List (Iterator) * Rename Event * Delete Event * Add Events to Report Bar - Utility Operations * Set View Idle Update Frequency - adjusts the idle frequency used to cause view graphics to be updated. The larger the value, the slower the graphics will be updated (NOTE: A value of 0 indicates ignoring idle frequency couting and update based on SpatialAnalyzer's internal timer interval). If you are running an MP that makes thousands of points, for example, you could set the idle frequency to 10,000 which would reduce the updates during the busy operation. Then set it back to 0 for normal operation. - Excel Direct Connect * Set Clear After Insert - when inserting cells in Excel, formats are copied from the cell above - this command allows effectively disabling this behavior by clearing content after the insert - by default clearing does not occur; use this command to enable post-insert clearing for the desired content types - Analysis Operations * GD&T Operations - Datum Alignment - perform datum alignment based on a specified feature check -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Measurement Plan * Construct Point Group from Point Name Ref List - now copies points preserving offset information. * Analysis Operations >> Cloud Filters >> Filter Clouds to Plane -- offsets are now preserved * Analysis Operations - GD&T Operations * Evaluate Feature Check -- added boolean result indicating when a non-unique solution occurs * Feature Inspection Auto Filter - added optional check list argument, if present filter only applies to those checks - added an "include datums" argument, if TRUE, all datums are also included, if FALSE, they are not * View Control >> Show/Hide Annotations for Feature Checks -- added highlight and set inspection view arguments * Define Report Template -- now supports relationship and event ref lists as arguments of objects to report. - DataShare ASCII files now support comment lines. Use "//" as first two characters of a line. - Construct >> Points >> From Cloud Points >> Filter Clouds to Plane -- offsets are now preserved - Construct >> Points >> Layout >> Grid * now allows a 3 dimensional grid. (specify z min, max, and count) * added collection name field to create the grid in a collection other than the default - Direct CAD Access * When importing a multi-part assembly, the log file and import event now list the loaded components and the missing components (if any) - GD&T * When creating feature checks from annotations, if a check already exists in the default collection for the annotation then it is not created * When evaluating under-constrained feature checks, the solution may wander and not settle on a unique solution - Previously, when this happened the check produced an error message - Now, the result of the last iteration is used, and an informational message is shown in the report indicating the solution is not unique - The Feature Check Eval MP command was also updated to return this as a boolean flag - Edit>>Group Manager now includes collections which do not contain point groups - Added Help>>Diagnostics menu area. * Moved the Memory Monitor under this menu. It will track system and application memory usage when dealing with huge files. * Added Advanced>>Check Job Data Consistency function. This will check the internal cross references in the file and report errors. * Added Advanced>>Re-Generate Measurement to Target References function. This will match up all of the measurement point names with the corresponding points in the database and fix any issues with internal references. - Transformation Matrix dialog - added Copy and Paste clipboard functions. These use format: r0c0 r0c1 r0c2 etc. - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Architecture change such that the SDK now maintains a single socket connection between the SDK and SpatialAnalyzer. This resolves issues with large MPs and their execution exhausting socket resources. - Changed background graphics and tree updating so it will not over-update when SA is being hammered with data. - Uncertainty Field graphical display - changed the scaling to be controlled by a "Cloud Magnification" factor in the user options analysis page. This way it is similiar to a vector group. - Geometry Fitting: * The Graph button shows a dynamic chart of the fit results. Added more intelligence to the Y axis tick spacing so it pick even numbers. Note - as always, you can click a point and ignore it. You can also right-click the chart to switch it to a histogram. * The Point List button shows a list of all the points and their errors. The "Abs Value" check box will now persist in the registry. - Reporting * Improved SA Reports and Report Bar image display. This affects charts, screenshots, etc. - Geometry Relationships - if you delete points such that there are not enough for a valid fit, the created geometry will be deleted. If, however, you remove all of the points, it will leave the last valid geometry. - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger * No longer adds "- manual" tag to points that are measured manually. * Fixed error reporting issue in dialog for manual measurements. - Relationships>>Move Collections by Minimizing Relationships * Enhanced tree, watch and report updates during fitting so they are all synchronized. Previously had to wait till fit completed to see all updates. - File>>Export>>Frames - added option to export the full transformation matrix. - Construct>>Vector Group>>From Lines is now "From Object Directions" - supports planes, lines, circles, cylinders, etc. - Analysis>>Best-Fit Transform>>Points to Points * If you check "Move Objects" and "Move Instruments", the motion will occur after all selections are made. (previously it moved objects, then prompted for instruments) * Objects are prevented from being "double transformed" because it will check the instrument selections and if a selected object is associated with a selected instrument, it will only move it once. - Select Instruments window is now re-sizeable and remembers its size and position -----------------Fixes------------------ - GD&T * When evaluating a feature check, if the data does not settle on a solution an error message is shown - When this happened, the check status could have still shown as PASSED - Now, the check will correctly indicate UNKNOWN * Fixed an issue preventing GD&T toolbar button tooltips from displaying * The Radius button was incorrectly creating a Diameter check; it now correctly creates a Radius check * The "update existing datums" checkbox available when editing datum annotation properties was not working -- the datums now update correctly * Above and Below text was not rendering for dimension annotations - Images now display in RTF reports when opened in MS Word - ASCII Import - fixed a couple of errors which ocurred when attempting to import large files (example, 7.5GB text file) - Fixed a problem which resulted in incorrect normals when converting surfaces to polygonized meshes - Fixed an internal reference consistency problem which could be introduced when deleting collections in certain circumstances. Use Diagnostics>>Advanced>>Re-Generate Measurement to Target References to repair damaged files. - Fixed issue where importing an SA file with Auto Vector Groups from relationships into another SA file would create additional Vector Groups in the wrong collections. - If the report bar contains a tab which is displaying a target and the collection containing that target is deleted, the tab will now be closed - Fixed a bug in polygonized surface scaling which causes the scale to be applied multiple times * The bug was introduced in SA 2011.10.20 and affected units change with polysurfs and Direct CAD Access import of polysurfs - Label font and color now resets when you use File>>New. - Instrument>>Bundle Adjust * Changed the computation for Collimation shots that are used in the bundle. It is now based on the angular comparison of both rays to each other instead of each ray to the origin of the other instrument. This only affects setups where you are bundling AND weighting collimation shots within the bundle as well. * Select Targets button - fixed issue where checking a point group (or collection) could double-select the points. - View>>Hover - Vectors now highlight properly when components are hidden. - Measurement Plan - Single selection modes initiated from MPs would never complete if the user hit ENTER without selecting anything. They now result in the step failing. - Construction Operations >> Vector Groups >> Construct a Vector Group - Area Profile Check -- if a collection is specified for the resultant vector group it is now used - Instrument >> Straighten - Aligns the instrument Z axis with the working frame Z axis - If the working frame was measured by the instrument it will move - the instrument will align with its original Z axis - If multiple instruments were selected, the above could cause some instruments to straighten to the wrong frame - this has been fixed - SA Report Templates - when reporting to Excel, formatting from cells (background color from tolerance info) no longer bleeds down to the rows below -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Steinbichler/Leica Probe Scanner for T-Probe -- New Instrument Interface added - Runs the T-Probe Scanner via ProbeScan, in the same way that the TScan interface runs via TScan Collect. - Just add the emScon tracker, and run. - This interface is the same as the TScan interface, with some changes in the Settings options. - Shutter time teaching is supported (using button C or D on the T-Probe), and success or failure is reported in the interface's status window. CMM Arms - Added new 'Single Point Holes' Measurement Mode. * Measure or Select a plane for projection. The plane will be persisted, as with other projection modes. * The plane will be used to project measurements as circle centers, and uses the probe's depth in the plane to calculate circle radius. * Measure holes on the plane with a probe tip which is larger than the holes to be measured * Note that the circle radius can be optionally locked at a selected value. * A measurement will not be returned if the probe center's distance from the plane is greater than the probe's radius. - Arm Settings >> Material Thickness >> Additional Patch Shift - was not getting applied to Patch (Projected Pt.) measurements. This is fixed. * This also affected holes, pins, slots, and planes if a patch shift was intended for the plane portion of these measurements. - Whan a plane is sent to SA and the plane has a patch shift, the shift is now recorded in the Plane's Notes (in the Plane's Properties). - Restored behavior for TransTrack. Was requiring a frame measurement to updated TransTrack. Frame measurement is still started upon starting TransTrack. * Now, updates are constant (in accordance with measurinig frequency set in Options), and a frame is deposited if arm measure button is pressed. FaroUSB - Updated TrackArm deployment package. This needed to be updated for Faro Tracker jre v.2.3.0. * There are now 2 deployment packages available for download: "TrackArm for Tracker jre 2.3.0 and later" and "TrackArm pre Tracker jre 2.3.0". * With the 2.3.0 deployment package, previous versions of SA will work with TrackArm, including v.2011.12.22. Hexagon RDS - Updated to support RDS v.3.3.1 Romer CimCore - Updated to WinRDS v.7.1.5. * This was a minor update to the 7.1.4 upgrade in SA v.2010.11.18. It only involves a new WinRDS dll. - After running Perceptron scanner, interface no longer resets probe autodetect or validates probe after reconnecting to winRDS. * This is in attempt to make the reconnection faster. The autodetection reset and probe validateion take too long in this condition, and are not necessary. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - Fixed repeated adding of "Scan data" to the measurement info during vision box scans after each scan line - MV300 changes (apply only when connected to MV300 hardware) * Stacking values are limited to powers of 2 not greater than 128 * Default quality threshold is now 45 for vision scans, surface point, and holes Laser Trackers ALL - New Hidden Point To SA profile added using new Hidden Point Acquisition. * Makes vector targets (a.k.a. THV's, or DVT's, Double Vector Targets) easy to use. * Takes advantage of Power Lock if available, and uses stable point otherwise. * Just set the Bottom Pt. Offset (distance from center of bottom SMR to flange), and if needed, planar offset (default 0), and radial offset (default 0). * Use the above parameters to define any number of vector targets housed within the acquisition. * The measurement progress dialog guides you through the measurement, whether power lock or stable pt. are used. * The routine measures the top point, then once locked, the bottom point, and then re-locks on the top point in anticipation for the next measurement. - New Patch Shift option added to 'Make a Plane' Operation * This makes it easy to, for example, add a material thickness offset to a plane measurement. - New 'Patch (Projected Points)" measure Profile added. * This Profile uses a new Operation, called "Patch Points". * To use it, just select a plane from SA, by clicking the Projection Plane in the Patch Points grid. * This Profile's default definition uses a Stable Point Acquisition, but as always, any Acquisition can be defined and saved with it to change it or add a Profile. * In conjunction with the new Patch Shift option in the 'Make a Plane' operation, this Profile makes it easy to measure patch points. - The RMS Monitor re-pops at startup if it was up at shut down. Location and size are persisted. * Go to the Tracker menu Settings >> UI, and hit the [Discrete Pt. RMS Monitor / Measure Indicator] button to toggle this feature. * The monitor displays the RMS of the most recent discrete point acquisition, and Stable Pt. progress (waiting for move, stable, etc.) * The monitor window is sizable. - Timestamps are now added to UDP data for streamed 6D measurements when availaible. - Timestamps are now added to Frame Notes in SA for streamed 6D measurements when availaible. - A user noticed that if the smr is held carefully, a stable start or stable resume measurement could be triggerd. * The parameters have been tightened to ensure that accidental triggering is less likely. * But it should still be easy to reach the stable state while holding the smr against an object. Leica emScon (All equipped with PowerLock Automatic Target Recognition) - Added a button in the main dialog to quickly and easily toggle PowerLock. Leica emScon and API Device Interface (except Leica 401) - Interface will wait for stable point after beam recovery instead of forcing you to hit the 'Resume' button. * This will happen automatically when scanning and either sending data to SA, or fitting geometry with 'Pause on Beam Break' set. * This also applies to the 'High Point' Acquisition, which used to Resume immediately upon beam recovery. * Due to low level background data and status acquisition constraints, cannot do this for Faro's nor API Legacy. - A user noted in the measurement details report, that discrete data observations from the Leica 401 could have azimuth values greater than 360. * Azimuth values are now unwrapped before sending to report. (Note the values were not incorrect, the 401 can rotate infinitely in azimuth, but values are now always <360.) Faro - When a Level Measurement completes, the Faro head points straight up. * Now, the position before starting a level measurement is recorded, and the tracker returns to that positon after the measurement. * If no position has been recorded before the level measurement, the tracker will return to the home position at the 1.5" tracker mounted nest. - When no temperature probe was found at startup time, the interface would post a warning, but would not allow connection to the tracker. * Now, you are given an opportunity to set the weather source for Manual input via the Faro weather set UI. * The interface cannot ask the Faro whether weather parameters are set for manual input, but when this startup option is used, the interface will show manual input. * This is so that you will see the yellow weather 'traffic light' as a reminder the next time you start the system. * Note that if you go into the weather setup and call the Faro weather set UI outside of startup, the weather light will once again show the green 'internal' indication. * Also note that for the next and any startup, the above warning will again be shown, since the interface cannot ask whether manual values have been entered and set. * This will remain true until you go into the weather setup and call the Faro weather set UI, which should be done as soon as a temperature probe is re-attached. - A user noticed that breaking beam in high point caused a crash if 'Pause at Beam Break' was unchecked. This is fixed. API DI - Attempt at fixing iProbe rms reporting error. - T3+ - Work around for API's "can't start a new process while another is running" message at startup when 'Home at Startup' option is set. - iProbe - A user requested that they get the message box when virtual level has not been run, so interface will let the sdk display any error that is returned by IPMeasure. - T3+ - Fix for Ranging issue implemented with help from API. API says it was only a fluke that this occurred only with T3+ trackers. * This fix should supercede the "DI sets, breaks, and resets beam every time an adm distance is set." work around from v.2011.08.05. * If the checks in this fix succeed, but a point is still acquired with a scalar length > 50m, you will get a message stating: * "INVALID DATA RETURNED FROM API getSigmaMeasurement" with additional information about the invalid data. Leica T-Scan - Interface asserts that the scanner controller is connected at startup. - Interface explicitly closes the connection to the tracker at shut down. - To warn the user, a sound is played (system Critical Stop sound) if a command to set a measurement parameter fails. - The default value for line to line distance is now 0.1 mm. It was 0.5 mm Theodolite Manager - Fixed issue with disappearing manufacturer reflector when adding to user reflector database. - Fixed issue with not being able to delete first row from reflector database via 'Delete Highlighted Rows' - Fixed issue where running Leica Total Stations in Simulation would set default reflector constants to zero. - Leica GeoCom devices: tracking now automatically disables automatic prism search upon loss of prism. GSI VSTARS Interface - Fix for possible missing of tag names that were set active. This was introduced in the previous version with wild card support for tag names. Surphaser - Added ability to run interface without connecting to hardware. * Unlike other interfaces in which this is a simulation feature, this allows you to import Surphaser .ptx files into SA from a given instrument plant. - Added SA Collection::Instrument Index identification in top left of main window. - Corrected a ptx file export issue that appeared somewhere between SA v.2011.10.20 and SA v.2011.12.22. Leica Automation Interface Driver - Added an MP op check string command for checking valid 6D status, and the following row in the command string table.... "Is 6D Status Valid" - Returns success if the 6D Status is valid, fail otherwise * When running the T-MAC, an event handler has been added to show the current 6D status as it changes in the status window. - Added MP op check strings to break apart the "AIC Move Robot" command sequence. Added the following rows to the command string table... * "Send Confirmed Go" - Same as "AIC Move Robot", but does not wait for position reached, only confirms that Go gets sent. * "Wait For Position Reached" - Only waits for the position reached signal from I/O. - Bug fix in T-Scan calibration code. * Calibration matrix values were only being properly initialized once at startup. Subsequent calibration results were not being applied properly. This is fixed. - Interface asserts that the scanner controller is connected at startup when in T-Scan mode. - When settings are made for the TMAC side at startup, power lock is explicitly turned on, and spiral search is turned off. - A sound is played (system Critical Stop sound) if a command to set a T-Scan measurement parameter fails. This is in addition to the MP command failing. SA 2011.12.22 -----------New Functionality------------ - Dimensioning Functions added: * Query>>MakeDimension>>Point to Point, Point to Object, and Object to Object. Allows creation of both linear and angular dimensions. Also allow dimensioning of diameters and radii. * Dimensioning checkboxes added to regular query functions. Assumes most common behavior by default, but can be modified in dimension properties. - 64-bit version of SpatialAnalyzer released! * In the start bar, you can select the 64 bit version of SA, or the 32 bit version. * Advantages: Speed and Size! - Speed: Native 64-bit applications will run faster on 64-bit operating systems. - Size: You can now use far more memory for SA. Before you were limited to 4Gb of memory usage on a 32 bit system. Now, you can have up to 192 Gb of memory usage (in Win7 64). This means you can have lots more points and larger CAD. Example: You can have 500 million points in SA Point clouds, and use it comfortably on a system with 16 Gb of RAM. * When you save a file in 64-bit SA, it saves it as a ".xit64" file. This can only be read into 64 bit SA. You can, however, use File>>Save As from 64-bit SA to save out a 32-bit ".xit" file that is totally compatible with standard 32-bit SA. 64-bit SA can open either ".xit" files or ".xit64" files. * When you double-click a ".xit" file (32 bit SA file), it will run whichever version of SA you ran last (32 bit or 64 bit) since both can open the file. When you double-click a ".xit64" file, it will run the 64-bit version of SA even if you last ran the 32 bit version since the 32 bit version cannot open it. * Known Issues: - The SA Charts are not yet 64 bit compatible so they will not display in SA 64. We are working on a solution for this. - SA Remote Control for Laser Trackers - Free Apple iOS app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad * Apple Store Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sa-remote/id473334282?ls=1&mt=8 * See the SA User Manual for details on the Remote! * New version, 2011.12.13 available - Added the ability to measure during watch updates - download the update in the App Store - Instrument right-click menu - added option to Run Interface and Connect - Instrument>>Drift Check * Added command to instrument right-click menu. (another way to get to drift check) * Added Re-Fit Analysis to detect common drift problems: - A test re-fit is performed and the results are reported so you can see how much a re-locate would help your drift. - If you have high drift and the Scale-Fixed best fit would fix it, then you know your instrument or part moved. - If you have high drift and only the Scale-FREE best fit would fix it, then you know your instrument or part scaled. - If neither best fit (scale fixed or free) will fix bad drift, then you know the points moved relative to each other and your drift points are not a rigid body. * Auto Jump and Re-Locate Feature added: - Added ability to use the drift measurements to add a new instrument, jump the connection, and re-locate automatically. - When you use this option, you will then see the dialog for Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points with everything pre-selected. - Note - it is up to the user to re-measure things that may have been compromised by the drift. - Decimal Digits for Display (Decimal Precision) * Added more granular control for different types of values. * In User Options, you can control digits for Length, Angles, Scale, Unit Vectors, and Weights. * These settings persist with your job (as the single setting always used to), and can be defined in job templates * In addition, in User Options, Machine Configuration, under No Default Template Options, you can set the default decimal precision for New SA files. - Angle Representation * In the Units tab of User Options, there is a new setting for whether angles should be shown as -180 to +180 or 0 to 360. * This setting will persist with the job file. - SA User Manual * PDF file now replaces the previous Roadmap HTML documentation that required Adobe Air. - This provides far better printing support, better search support, and a nicer look. * The documentation has been revised and updated! * It is automatically installed with all Beta and Customer releases of SA. * You can access it from the Help menu in SA, and also the Help menu in the MP editor. The MP command reference is a seperate document. - View>>View Control>>Set Viewpoint from Frame * Sets the view to the selected frame. * Also has option for clipping the view to the XY plane of the frame so you can cut a section into a part. - View>>View Control>>Set Viewpoint from Instrument Updates * Uses the instrument transformation to set the viewpoint dynamically. * You can use an Arm or TProbe, for example, to control the view of the part. - Measurement Plan * New Commands - Instrument Operations >> Get Instruments with Observations on Target - View Control >> Set Point of View from Frame -- Has option to allow it to clip behind X-Y plane. - Analysis Operations * Query Clouds to Objects * Relationship Operations >> Get Geom Relationship Criteria * Reverse Surface Normals - Construction Operations * Construct Objects From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Planes >> Construct Planes From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Cylinders >> Construct Cylinders From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Spheres >> Construct Spheres From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Cones - Construct Cone - Construct Cones From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Lines >> Construct Lines From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Points >> Construct Points From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Circles >> Construct Circles From Surface Faces - Runtime Select * Polygonized Surfaces >> Construct Polygonized Surface from Point Clouds - Excel Direct Connect * Run Macro -- allows running a macro stored in an Excel workbook from an MP * Write >> Picture -- use to write a Picture object to an Excel workbook - Utility Operations * Get Tick Count -- returns system tick count timer value in seconds * Scale Objects -- does the same thing as Edit >> Scale Objects with a specified scaling factor - Analysis>>Measurement Simulation>>Fabricate Measurements * Added the ability to limit the points that are measured to within a min and max distance from the instrument. - Reporting * Right mouse click on SA Report objects to set "Printing Invisibility" property for object. Invisible objects will not appear on printouts. - Added a System Info modeless dialog, Help >> About SpatialAnalyzer >> System Info * Also available via Help >> Memory Monitor -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Major speed improvement for querying points to polygonized surfaces. - New display mode added for colorized objects like Vector Groups. Allows full color spanning without saturation limits. - Vector Group dialog - Report button. This report will now hide columns for components that are unchecked in VG dialog. - Frame graphics - added option in frame dialog to have custom frame sizes. - Direct CAD Access * Surfaces which contained periodic uv trim curves would previously fail and import as poly surfaces instead - Now, the problematic face(s) are skipped, and the import proceeds with the rest of the surface * Updated CAD format support - initial support for CATIA V6, 2011 and 2012 -- polysurfs only, annotations are not yet supported - Creo Parametric, v1.0 - Parasolid, v24 * New CAD formats - VRML, v1.0 and v2.0 * Added import setting, "Prompt if one or more components are missing" - Relationships: * Group in the tree view: - Added right-click menu items to trigger "Move Objects by Minimizing Relationships". Note - if the relationship group is not in the default collection, it will make it the default collection so the relationships show up in the fit. * Relationship Fitting - Move manually button will now obey the "rotate about working" or "rotate about centroid" setting. * Relationship tree info and summary report block now indicate special settings for Points to Objects relationships (offset override, thinning, etc) - GD&T * Parallelism/Perpendicularity checks - if the nominal features are not parallel/perpendicular an error is generated * When copying a surface, any associated annotations are also copied and associated with the new surface * Mirroring surfaces will now also mirror associated annotations - Note that when mirroring surfaces with annotations, the annotations (if imported with Direct CAD Access) will be converted from PRC to SA format - This will result in the annotation appearance changing, but it should functionally be the same * When inspecting feautres for datums/checks, the search used to identify other datums/checks having common features has been made more strict - The search results in other datums/checks with the same features being assign the measurements for the current datum/check - This search is now more strict in that it requires an exact match for the feature list - Only datums/checks which have the exact same feature list are now considered - UDP Transmit (SA Watch Windows and Instrument Interfaces) * Updated the UI to provide clearer indication for broadcast vs. directed UDP * Added error messages for invalid inputs (port value 0, no host for directed transmission) * Default port number is now 10000 * Also updated UDPMonitor app to match - Analysis>>Coordinate Uncertainty>>Fit Geometry Using Uncertainty Fields * Added projected angle uncertainty to the report so you can determine directions in which geometry fits are more stable. - Measurement Plan * File Operations - ASCII Data File Operations >> Write ASCII Line * added argument, MakeCSVRow which combines the supplied arguments in CSV-compliant fashion * default value is TRUE which matches previous behavior * If set to FALSE, the arguments will be combined directly with no separators or other processing - File Import >> Direct CAD Access -- added argument, "Prompt on Missing Components" * Scalar Math Operations >> String Comparison -- COMPARISON TYPE ARGUMENT - EQUAL OPERATOR NOW CASE SENSITIVE. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Make Point to Point Relationship -- additional tolerance and constraint arguments added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Relationship Attributes >> Make Vector Tolerance -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Relationship Attributes >> Make Vector Fit Constraint -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Vector Groups >> Construct Vectors WildCard Selection -- WildCard Selection Names argument now properly handle references to point names. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a Collection Object Name - Runtime Select -- now supports circle & perimeter selection. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a Collection Object Name Reference List- Runtime Select -- now supports circle & perimeter selection. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a Collection Object Name Ref List - By Type -- now supports circle & perimeter selection. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a System String -- added a new content type, "MP Filename (Full Path)" which will return the full path of the MP file (for external MPs only) * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Concatenate Strings -- empty strings become newline characters in the concatenation, this no longer applies for references or variables, only for literal strings * Added an option in User Settings >> Automation to show the MP Watcher when a breakpoint is hit in an MP - This setting is stored in the registry for the current user and defaults to OFF * Reference Selection dialog now shows step comments - Drift Check * you can now change the tolerance within the dialog * the points that fail drift are highlighted in red. - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points * Reports RMS and MAX (used to report Avg and MAX) * Shows more detail on scale: Initial Scale, Change in Scale, and Current Scale. - Point Clouds - now stored in double precision, not single precision. - Geometry Fitting - objects are automatically associated with an instrument if ALL the measurements used in the fit are from a single instrument. Only works for points, not cloud points. - Geometry Relationships - added option to Make Cardinal Points. - SA Reports * Newly created event tables within reports now contain event data/time within the table title area. - Projected Angles: * Added images to the "Principle Projected Angles" dialog to clarify their meaning. * Added Projected Angle output to geometry fitting results. - ASCII Import * For Uncertainty import (Ux, Uy, Uz), added check box to "Make Instrument for Uncert. Meas.". This is ON by default to match previous behavior. If you uncheck it, then the point will be imported and uncertainty cloud points are computed based on the axis values given using a random number generator. Note - if you want to use these uncertainties in USMN, you will need to leave the option checked so they can be created on the fly using the instrument created to hold the imported measurements. If, however, you just want to do geometry fitting using uncertainty, or something like that, then this import option allows you to do that. - Hidden Point measurements - if both of the measured points are from the same instrument, the computed hidden point is made as a measurement from the same instrument. * This way when the instrument moves, the hidden point moves as well. * A note is added to the measurement to indicate it is a computed result, and the point notes also shows the input points used to compute it. - Construct >> B-Splines from Points, now only requires 3 points not 4 -----------------Fixes------------------ - Fixed "improper argument" error in, Edit >> Move Objects >> Transform in 6D using batch of points from an instrument - Scalebars no longer affected by changes to point group database sort order. - Vector Group Report - double-click column sorting is now limited to the non-spanning header rows - Set Relationship Tolerance MP command now updates auto-vector groups if they are enabled. - Improved left-click selection handling when using multiple graphical views - Bug fix where filter clouds to b-Splines did not correctly handle B-Splines that had been moved after import. - Fixed an issue with cloud to objects relationship fitting when using centroid option - GD&T * Fixed datum alignment issue seen during 3-2-1 alignment with perpendicular planes * Fixed use of line objects as features in GD&T * Fixed bullseye rendering bug in guided inspection which would cause the bullseye to be rendered at the world origin - MP command to Center View about Objects did not set the right view rotation center for point groups. This is fixed. - MP command to create Geometry Fit and Compare to Nominal relationshiop was ignoring the nominal geometry. This is fixed. - File>>Import>>SpatialAnalyzer file - fixed case where unchecking a collection was ignored if it contained the working frame. - Bug fix in language translation which was preventing the prompt text from being added to the list of strings available for translation - Hidden Point bar properties (distances and tolerances) now scale when job units are changed. - When copying relationships and callout views, the copy is now created in the active collection (it was being created in the same collection as the original object) - When copying callout views, the new name is now made unique within the destination collection - Direct CAD Access import * Fixed a bug which prevented imported hidden planes from rendering even after manually showing them until the properties dialog was opened and closed * Fixed an import issue which would prevent some polysurfs from importing - Fixed issue with report bar containing Event data after the event or collection containing the event has been deleted. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- GSI VSTARS Interface - Added ablilty to add and edit Label filter tags for Targets and Clouds. * When you press 'Set Labels' you'll see an empty row at the bottom of your filter tag list. Just right click to add/edit a new filter. * Right click any existing entry to edit it. * All new tag names are set to upper case since VSTARS has no notion of lower case point labels. * Supports wild-characters: '*', '?'; sets: [A-Z], '!' negation * Examples: '[a-g]l*i?n' matches 'florian' '[!abc]*e' matches 'smile' '[-z] matches 'a' - Added ability to "Use All Data from V-Stars". With this option checked, all data, no matter what the V-Stars label, will be used. - Added ability to restore default Label filter tags for Targets and Clouds. Leica Automation Interface Driver - Automation Mode - An 'Abort' button has been added to abort an automated move or measure from waiting for a digital i/o signal from the robot. * NOTE: This only aborts the MP step, it does not send a signal to the robot. This would generally be used only if the robot program has aborted unexpecetedly. - To determine whether connection and function calls go to emScon or TScan Client, this version depends only upon the Device Selection. * Before this change, the driver looked at the auto-detected connection from the AIC multiplexer, but some AIC systems have no multiplexer. - Checks have been added to ensure that ReleaseMotors, FindReflector, SetScannerPower, and IsLaserLocked will inactivate the scanner when it is active. * Otherwise, these commands would have simply failed if called while the scanner was active. - The 'Record Position' button, when used with the T-MAC, was recording the probe center, not the reflector center. * Since this function is meant to be used for storing beam reset positions for automation, the button now sends the reflector center to SA. * When used with the T-Scan, it still sends the reflector center. - Support for Scanner Alignment and Reduce Waviness have been added via MP commands (button help command list has been updated accordingly). * The alignment is automatically applied if the Last Error value is less than 1500. * The alignment results are presented if the Last Error is greater than 1500, in a sizeable window that is always on top. - Check for connected and functioning Meteo Station at TMac startup, and pop setup if not working or set for manual input. - Measurement with the TMAC has been re-formulated. A modeless Temporal scan now runs in the background, so that touch trigger data can be at its most responsive. - Point At - If in Automation Mode and using a touch probe, now waits 5 seconds for a laser lock before returning to MP. CMM Arms Hexagon Absolute - Added support for SE arms with CMS scanner or Perceptron V5 Shark scanner. - Once setup in RDS Control Panel, both will act like integrated scanners... just mount the scanner, switch it on, and go. - All Absolute arms will now show the current connected probe (or scanner) name in the main interface window. ALL - Patch (Projected Pt.) Measurement - Accept Plane button was not being enabled when enough pts. were taken to create a projection plane. * This is fixed even though arm button could still be used to accept the plane. - Fit/Measure Options dialog resized so it will fit on a 1024 x 768 screen. Laser Trackers ALL - "Point At" is now allowed during an active measurement. * The measurement will Pause, and if the Operation is sending updates, it will resume once the beam is locked. * This applies to right-double-clicking a point in SA, "Point At Target" from a Point's pop-up menu, and "Point Instrument At a Point" from the Instrument menu. - Acquisition parameters are now added to a Frame's Notes (in Frame Properties) when measured discretely. - Timestamps are now added to UDP data for streamed 3D and 6D updates when availaible. - Two face discrete points - when measured as a single averaged point (not separate observations), and sampled on controller, the Dist. Az. and El. deltas now appear in the measurement details. - Measure progress messages like Measuring, Paused, Waiting for Stable will now get posted to the sizeable RMS monitor if it's up. * Go to Settings >> UI and hit the "Discrete Pt. RMS Monitor / Measure Indicator" button to use this feature. - RMS Error is now reported with 6D measurements in the Frame's Notes, as it is with 3D measurements in point measurement details. * Points Rejected is also reported if any points were rejected (Auto-outlier rejection Sigma filter). * Points Rejected does not pertain to measurements Sampled On Controller since we have no control over point rejection in that case. Leica emScon - Improved support for triggering: * Set Trigger Source to ExternalEventMessage and trigger Mode to Event Trigger to initiate averaged discrete points when the trigger is activated. * In the above case, the trigger event will actually perform the current active measure profile. This is normally a discrete point in most applications. * Set Trigger Source to External and trigger Mode to Event Trigger if you want faster response by running a Temporal Scan, and having the trigger grab a single-sample point. * The Measure Profile with this Temporal Scan Acquisition must of course have its Operation set to 'Send Points to SA'. * Both the above also apply to the TMAC Inspect touch probe, which must be run via the Leica Automation Interface. - For 2-face measurements, 'Face 1' and 'Face 2' are now identified in the measurement details. API DI - This version is built with API DI SDK v., which API has tested with all Omni, T3, and Radian Trackers. - iProbe - Discrete point measurements now report rms components in Point Properties measurement details. Leica T-Scan - Interface updated for T-Scan Collect v.9.0 and above. T-Scan Collect v.9.01 is recommended. - Lots of new additions, including: * added 'Release Motors' button to release tracker motors for easier beam reset on scanner. * Settings dialog now includes settings for Scanner: Point To Point Distance, Line To Line Distance, Maximum Angle Of Incidence, and Close Gaps Up To Xmm * Scanner parameters can be set via MP Op Check string commands: - "Increment Group/Cloud Name" - "Release Motors" - "Is Laser Locked" - "Set Scan Point To Point Distance []" where [] represents the distance in mm - "Set Scan Line To Line Distance []" where [] represents the distance in mm - "Set Scan Maximum Angle Of Incidence []" where [] represents the angle in degrees - "Close Scan Gaps Up To []" where [] represents the maximum closed gap in mm (0.0 means do not use this option) - "Scanner Power On" - "Scanner Power Off" Theodolite Manager - Sokkia NET1 interface now supports ATR from reflector database settings. - Leica TDRA interface now adds current active measurement program to SA shot measurement details. - Fixed issue when deleting active reflector from reflector database. Will automatically pick a remaining reflector. - Leica Total Stations -- increased timeout for TMC_GetSimpleMea requests as recommended by Leica. Metris K-Series - New build to comply with SA library updates. LPT Laser Projector - In SA v.2010.08.11, the "L[index]" naming convention for plies in part xml's was removed by request from LPT. - In SA v.2010.09.30 it was put back, also by request. - In LPT Operator v.4, the "L[index]" prefix is no longer shown in Operator, so SA was not able to set the active ply for projection as of that change. - Now, the Set Active Ply command in the SA interface also masks off the "L[index]" prefix, and again works as expected with the newer versions of Operator. - The 'Project Immediately' MP string command has been removed, since this will now be the default behavior at all times. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - Added two new MP op checks, StartVideo and StopVideo can now be used to control the video window from within an MP SA 2011.10.20 *********************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - Right Clicking in the graphical view pops a context menu for the selected entity * The object type and name is shown at the top and a "Show in Tree" item is available to locate the item in the SA Tree - SA Remote - Free Apple iOS app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad * Apple Store Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sa-remote/id473334282?ls=1&mt=8 * Controls the SA Laser Tracker interface - Tap the "i" button in the upper left corner of the screen for settings. - Enter the IP/hostname of the computer running the SA Laser Tracker interface * Real time viewing of SA watch windows - Configure the UDP watch data to be sent to port 10000 - Only enable 1 watch UDP data stream at a time - Direct CAD Access import * Updates to support more current CAD file versions - CATIA V5 R20 (up to and including hotfix 63) - SA Reports * Introduction of report fields and tables. Right click within empty report area to add field or table. * Right-click a field or a cell in a table and you can set it to be input (mandatory or not) or output. - Help>>Check My Computer * Runs a health-check on your computer to advise you of common configuration issues that can cause issues with measurement (firewall, antivirus, etc) - View>>Hover improvements * The current hover item is selected in the tree and the rest of the tree is collapsed * Pressing the Hover keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+H by default) will toggle the hover window. - Relationship Fitting - the fit interface now allows you to interact with the rest of SA while it is displayed. - USMN - the USMN interface allows you to interact with the rest of SA while it is displayed. - View>>Object Visibility>>Translucency>>All Objects - new option added. - Measurement Plan * New Commands Added - File Operations >> File Export >> Export DXF - Excel Direct Connect >> Get Workbook Address - View Control >> Set Background Color - View Control >> Show/Hide Annotations for Feature Checks - View Control >> Define point of view - View Control >> Get point of view parameters - Utility Operations >> Move Objects Drag Graphically - Utility Operations >> Move Instruments Drag Graphically - Utility Operations >> Set Active Units - Scalar Math Operations >> Change String Case - Instrument Operations >> Start GD&T Inspection Design - Instrument Operations >> Start GD&T Inspection Rehearse - Analysis Operations >> Scale Bars >> Delete Scale Bar - Analysis Operations >> GD&T Operations >> Get Feature Check Measurements - Analysis Operations >> GD&T Operations >> Set Feature Check Measurements - Analysis Operations >> GD&T Operations >> Feature Inspection Auto Filter - Construction Operations >> Rename Points with Name Pattern - Construction Operations >> Planes >> Shift Plane - Reporting Operations >> Set Report Tag Value From String - Reporting Operations >> Set Report Tag Value From Integer - Reporting Operations >> Set Report Tag Value From Double - Reporting Operations >> Get Report Tag Value - Analysis Operations >> Remove i-th String from String Ref List - Variables >> Set String Ref List Variable - Variables >> Get String Ref List Variable * Added User Options >> Automation >> Auto-run MPs - If enabled, MPs will automatically run when double-clicking them in the tree or selecting Scripts >> Run Measurement Plan - The new option is saved in the registry -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - SA Machine * Robot Teach Pendant - added ability to move relative to the Working frame so now you can choose World, Base, Tool, or Working. * Calibration report - added the component residual values in working coordinates. - GD&T * Added a new GD&T Options dialog (User Options >> Analysis >> GD&T Options) - This allows you to set global options which control advanced aspects of the GD&T evaluation process - The options are stored with the job file and apply for all checks in a particular job file * Datum and Check properties window now remember their last position * When creating a new datum or check from the menu, the view field will be set based on the current value in the GD&T toolbar * GD&T Toolbar - When creating datums, holding down a key from A to Z when clicking the datum button will cause that letter to be used (if available) - When creating surface profile checks, the outer tolerance now defaults to 1/2 the entered tolerance value giving a bilateral equally disposed tolerance zone about the surface - When entering the tolerance value, @M and @L can be appended to indicate MMC and LMC * Improved handling and reporting for composite checks with mixed status (for example upper tier fails while lower tier passes) - Point measurement properties display - added Probing Frame orientation (Rx Ry Rz) for cases where there is a probing direction AND a full transformation. - SA Reports * Spaces now allowed in PDF filenames. * Drag / Drop by Category (Planes, Spheres, Relationships, etc.) now supported. - Text File Import now detects and skips the byte-order-marker (BOM) if present - Geometry Fit Interface - Point names in point list include collection and group. Log file and Event also contain the full name. - File>>Import>>Custom Formats>>DMIS File - now imports spheres, planes, and cylinders - added an import options dialog to give control over what gets imported - added an option to import points as measurements * Points are imported as fabricated measurements for the selected instrument * Point directions are imported as probing directions for the measurements if provided in the DMIS file - View>>Hover now also supports instruments - Jump Instrument to new location - added option to place new instrument on top of existing instrument instead of offset from it. - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Show USMN dialog type now supported. - Query Group to Point and Query Points to Single Point - both commands now assign a default vector group name. - Measurement Plan * Analysis Operations >> Evaluate Feature Check - Eval Delta Transforms are now returned (as World Transform Operators), these are the transforms applied to the measurements at the time of evaluation - Check Type is now returned allowing identification of the kind of check regardless of the name - Tolerance info is also now returned * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Concatenate Strings, empty strings are now interpreted as line breaks * Instrument Operations >> Show/Hide Instrument Interface -- added a "hidden?" argument which can be used to hide/show the instrument interface window * Process Flow Operations >> Ask for User Decision (Pull-Down Version) -- when using a large font the drop-down list will scroll now if it is too large to fit on the screen * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a System String -- added an optional Format String argument - Currently used for date and time strings - Accepts standard formatting codes – see the Roadmap documentation for details - If blank, uses the default format as before * Excel Direct Connect - workbook handles now work across job files - "Set Workbook Address" - added an argument, "Auto Move # Cells" to allow controlling how many times the auto move is applied * MP Editor Enhancements - double-clicking on the vertical borders which separate the columns in the MP editor will auto-size the column to fit the contents of the rows in that column - hitting ENTER or the down arrow key while in a cell will move down and activate the cell below it * MP Function Tree Enhancements - Improved keyboard navigation when searching for MP commands - When the search field is active, the DOWN/UP arrow keys and TAB key will take you to the function list - DOWN/TAB selects the first function - UP selects the last function - When a function is selected, UP/DOWN keys will navigate through the list - The ENTER key will add the selected function - ESC closes the dialog * Reporting Operations >> Define Report Template - added Excel output options - file extension automatically set in the dialog when output type is chosen * Reporting Operations >> Make Report Output Options - added Excel output options * Construct a Vector in Working Coordinates(Begin/Direction/Mag.) - fixed issue with negative magnitudes and additional error handling added. * Clear button added to MP Watcher. - Reports >> Log File - added a status display to the title bar which shows the # of items selected in the log - Edit >> Surface Normal Conditioning - An error is generated now when attempting to reverse normals on solid/closed surfaces since such reversal does not work in those cases - The resolution is to first dissect the surface(s) and then do the reversal - Point commands, "add watch window" and "point at" will now prompt for instrument if there are multiple live instruments - File >> Export >> Points (ASCII File) - comment lines disabled by default. - Direct CAD Access * When importing planes which are specified as infinite in the CAD file, use 10 inches for the plane size - Collection Move Top / Bottom reordering support added to SA tree right mouse collection menu. -----------------Fixes------------------ - GD&T * Found and fixed a performance issue with surface profile checks and surface features in general - Quick Align * After all measurements have been taken and when reviewing the results, additional measurements are ignored * They were being accepted and altering the results even though the measurement task had already been completed * Use the back arrow to switch back into measurement mode - Remote Window Viewer * When the monitored window was maximized, the "overlapped" image was being sent (blue background used when other windows overlap the SA window) * This was caused by the window borders going beneath the system taskbar * Now, when the monitored window is maximized, the borders are ignored for the overlapped test and are not sent - Left Handed Frames: * Fixed issue that could cause the normal vector of a circle and ellipse to report improperly in the object report when a left handed frame was set as working. * Fixed Construct Lines>>Along Frame Axes for left-handed frames. Previously it was using the right-handed Y axes for the Y line. - SA Reports * Fixed file naming issue when exporting to PDF. - Fixed lockup when sorting items in the tree that were not SA objects. (relationships for example) - Increased solver robustness for certain point best-fit cases (where data is far from working frame origin). * Added "INSENSITIVE PARAMETER!" warning in fit results IF data is ill conditioned. - MP call for USMN - fixed issue where showing the dialog during the fit would cause the incorrect RMS and Max error values to be displayed in the MP result arguments. - 3Dconexion's Space Navigator 3D mouse was not working when multiple graphical views were open, this has been fixed * The complete list of supported devices at this time are the SpaceNavigator, SpaceNavigator for Notebooks, SpaceExplorer, SpacePilot, and SpacePilot PRO (all USB) - Planes - if you input a plane using its A,B,C,D parameters, and enter a non-unit vector for A,B,C, SA will now automatically scale D to be consistent. - Query>>Sensitivity cloud>>to sensitivity cloud - removed redundant dialog and adjusted display. - Vector Groups - Report accessed by the Report button in the properties dialog did not display the partial component magnitudes. This is fixed. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Leica Automation Interface Driver -- New Instrument Interface added - Share a T-Mac or T-Scan between up to 4 AT-901 trackers. - Automatically connects via emScon or T-Scan Client depending on your device selection. - Fully supports automation with MP, and includes an HTML based MP command helper. - Supports 'Automation Mode' with fully programmable digital I/O signals for handshaking with a robot. - Supports 'Manual Mode' for teaching target lock positions and testing MP's. Laser Trackers ALL - Added new 'Single Point Circles' Operation. * Paired by default with a Stable Point Acquisition in a new measurement profile called 'Single Pt. Circles' * Just open the Meas Profile Parameters, and you'll see this operation has an 'Intersection Plane'. * Click on the label 'None Set' to select a plane from SA. * That plane will be used to project measurements as circle centers, and uses the probe's depth in the plane to calculate circle radius. * Note in the parameters that the circle radius can be optionally locked at a selected value. * A measurement will not be returned if the probe center's distance from the plane is greater than the probe's radius. - A user reported issues when using a Leica T-Probe and selecting the front/back option for a discrete acquisition. * Now, front/back option will be disabled any time it is set while using any 6D target with any tracker. * If you're running with the profile view up, you'll see the front/back check vanish. * Otherwise, it just won't ever do front/back when the target is 6D, it will just measure in the current face. - Per user request - Added the following text across the bottom of the progress dialog for cases where multiple trackers are being run: * "[Collection Name]::[Instrument Index] [Tracker Name] [Tracker Serial Number]" Leica emScon - When using the API Active target with an emScon tracker, the added ADM offset was not being applied. This is now fixed. - If emScon specific errors are encountered during measurement time, they are shown more prominently by reporting to both progress label and meas description in the progress dialog. Faro - Corrected an rms reporting error when sampling discrete points on controller. API Device Interface - UDP Data Stream option to send Instrument Time Stamp will now send seconds (was milliseconds), as with all other tracker types. - STS - API recommended a newer data path for the STS than that which was in use, which was implemented in v.2011.08.05. * Went back to the original methode because the new one requires a very large memory allocation for 'beam break' stop trigger measurements. - User reported that External Trigger was no longer working. Adjusted code to make it work again. * Now, the setting in the API DI Settings dialog will always show the current setting, but it will NOT persist. * This means the External Trigger option will have to be turned on any time the interface is restarted. CMM Arms ALL - Added MP commands to turn on and turn off mouse mode. See blue '?' in main arm window for more information. Theodolite Manager - All Devices: Added a new measurement mode specifically for the acquisition of collimation shots and mirror cube shots. - Leica TPS Total Stations: New Firmware ver 1.7 corrects bug in using the scope as an angle only device. Toggling distance with TDist did not clear the scopes distance buffer so old distance values were retained. - Leica Total Stations: Pressing the device record button while in Single Target Mode will use the current device GUI collection, group and target values when sending point data to SA. - Leica Total Stations: New option for Distance Measurement Mode (Precise, Standard, Fast). This option is used during non-tracking reflector point acquisition. - Added support for Sokkia SETX devices. - Sokkia NET1 interface now properly handling MANUAL drift check and MANUAL Locate Instrument by Measuring Nominals requests. GSI VSTARS Interface - Updated to GSI-DLLS-vs2010-2011-10-11. * This adds support for probing direction when measuring with a Probe. * This also adds support for automatically closing the measure progress dialog when the probe is not found. * This requires VSTARS v.4.7.0.A40 or later. SA 2011.08.05 *********************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - Transparent Watch Windows * Right mouse click within watch windows and select "Transparent Background" to toggle this feature on/off. - Added support for multiple graphical view windows * View>>New Graphical View Window * Hold CTRL while using view toolbar buttons to repeat the command for all views - applies to render modes (wireframe, shaded, etc.), autoscale, and the camera button - Geometry Fitting - added individual menu commands back in: * Construct>>Circle>>Fit to Points Ctrl+Alt+C - will now pop the new geometry fitting interface, and initiate point selection. * Hotkeys also implemented for Plane, Line, Sphere, and Cylinder. * Fit Details now displays a modeless dialog that can be left visible and will update as the fit changes. - Query>>Group to>>Multiple Groups - new functions added * This allows you to perform repeatibility studies easily. * Suppose you have a looping automeasure survey a series of points over and over. You can now easily query all of those groups back to the reference group to observe the variation over time. * There are two different ways to organize the results: By groups and by points By Groups will query each of the selected groups to the reference group and make a resulting vector group. By Points will make a vector group for each point in the reference group that has matches in the other groups. This lets you see the variation of a single point across the selected groups. - Construct>>Points>>Intersection>>Plane and Circle -- new function added. - New Method - Instrument>>Locate Instrument>>Frame Wizard - Measurement Plan * Utility Operations >> Set Object(s) Translucency -- new command added. * Construction Operations > Frames > Construct Frame - Copy And Make Left Handed -- new command added. - Single-Relationship fitting now allowed in SA Basic. * Previously, if you wanted to fit points to surfaces SA Basic, you had to use Analysis>>Best Fit>>Points to Surfaces/Objects. Now, you can also use Relationships>>Move Objects by Minimizing Relationships, but with only one relationship driving the fit. This lets SA Basic uses use the reporting and capabilities of the relationship fitting while still being limited to a single relationship. * To perform multi-relationship (simultaneous minimization) operations, you will need SA Ultimate. - Direct CAD Access import * Updates to support more current CAD file versions - Autodesk Inventor, 2011 and 2012 - JT, 9.5 - Solid Edge, Synchronous Technology 3 (ST3) - CATIA V5 R20 (up to but not including hotfix 63) -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Auto Measure Multi-Pass now supports "Number of Passes" setting. - Relationship Watch Window settings now persist for various relationship types. - Measurement Plan * Reporting Operations >> Report Bar >> Refresh Report Bar -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Report Bar >> Add Pictures to Report Bar -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Capture Current View -- new command added. * Generate Custom HTML Report -- now works properly with embedded files. * Instrument Operations >> Set Observation Status -- new command added. * Instrument Operations >> Get Number of Observations on Target -- new command added. * Instrument Operations >> Get Observation Info -- new command added. * View Control >> Set Render Mode Type -- new command added. * View Control >> Set Target Labels Use Full Names -- new command added. * Utility Operations >> Directory Existence -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Points on Surface(s) by Clicking -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Surfaces >> Construct Surface by Dissecting Surface(s) -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Reverse Engineering >> Send Points to Geomagic -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Reverse Engineering >> Send Clouds to Geomagic -- new command added. * File Operations >> File Import >> Direct CAD Access - added two return values which provide an indication of non-fatal warnings during import, along with the specific warning messages - Events within the SA Tree now support exporting to ascii file. - SA Machine * Added ability to create a "default" 6-DOF robot from the menu. Once created, you can then adjust the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters for each link to model any robot. Analysis>>SA Machine>>Add Machine>>Add Serial Robot>>Default 6-DOF Robot * Also, NRK has kinematic models for many industrial robots, so contact us with specifics and we can provide a .manipkin file in many cases. * In the Components tree branch for a Machine, you can now insert kinematic entities (links) before or after the selected link. * Calibration Interface - added button to set the measured point coordinates in the tool frame. This is useful when calibrating using an SMR located somewhere on the tool, but not at the end effector center point. - Large files with many point groups - improved the speed of tree updates which makes these files much quicker to manipulate. - When sorting objects in the tree, the objects are now also re-indexed to match the new order * Previously, the sort was visual only, the objects would retain their original positions in the database * Now the objects are re-indexed to the new sorted order so, for example, an MP will see the sorted order - Objects which have the "Normals Point Inward" flag will render using the backside highlight color when this flag is set * Applies to Spheres, Cylinders, Parabaloids, and Cones - Hover dialog (View>>Hover) - widened dialog to accommodate long names. Note: Names wider than dialog will be truncated in the middle with [...] - USMN - added hot-key for running USMN: Alt + U - GD&T * Added "Make Nominals from Actuals" to the right-click Inspection menu - This copies associated measurement into the nominal points list - SA Reports * Multi-selection right menu support added for left/right/top/bottom alignment based on first report item selected. * Multi-selection right menu support added for left/right/center page alignment of selected items. * Right menu support added to text items for left / right / center text alignment. * Reporting Options now support Grid display and Snap to Grid operation during object moving. Can also be printed. * During multi-select mode, arrow keys can be used to move selected objects. * Fixed issue with locked reports still allowing tabular data updates. * Changing report options on an object within a report no longer auto formats unless enabled within report settings. Newly added tables will be stacked and require user placement within the report. * Deletion of a table from a report will now change the report options for those objects that support summary / details table display. For example, remove the summary table and the summary table option will be deactivated (where applicable). - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Collection Object Name Reference Lists now support object names with object type. For example, "A::MyPlane::Plane". - Geometry Fitting * By request from a user, Point on Normal is once again included when you elect to make cardinal points for circle, plane or ellipse. - Added Construct>>Frame>>At WORLD Origin - this lets you re-create the origin frame if you decide to move or delete the original WORLD frame. - Callout Page properties now support the ability to specify border / leader color. - Network Browser Dialog now contains "IP Config" button for setting the computer network configuration to DHCP or Static IP. - Polygonized Surfaces now support Edit >> Scale Objects - Charts: Their title is now assigned when they are created. The chart name at creation is used as the initial title. - SA Viewer - removed the initial splash screen. It now functions more like a true viewer. It does not allow geometry creation, etc. All disabled menu items are hidden. It will let you open any SA file and view it without requiring an SA license. - Undocking of instrument interfaces no longer causes interface to remain always on top of all other windows. Once undocked, the interface display z-order can be changed by the user. - Relationship Fitting Interface * Added column for "Max Mag". This is used for point to point relationship and group to group relationships. -----------------Fixes------------------ - HTML Web Reporting will skip relationships that are incomplete (not all data elements specified by user). - USMN - fixed issue where instruments with locked rotational components would move slightly after an uncertainty analysis. - Point Group properties dialog: Fixed issue where tree-updates were required when dialog closed. This caused performance issues with file that had many, many collections. - Query Direction Consistency changes: Made some changes to make query results consistent across several functions. The default Query>>Points to>>Objects direction is from the geometry to the target contact point. This convention is now used for these queries: * Construct>>Geometry by Fitting - reversed the vector direction when Make Vector Group is checked. Vectors now go from the fitted geometry to the measured point. This matches the default query settings for Points to Objects. * Query>>Points to>>Circle (radial and planar) - changed arrow direction to match points to objects. * Query>>Point to>>Circle (ignore offsets) - matches sign convention of Points to Circle, and also properly handles the flag for inward positive normals. - File>>Import>>Standard CAD Formats * Fixed an issue which could cause point projections to imported surfaces to fail and project to 0,0,0 * The problem could be seen by query>>points to objects returning unexpected large errors and the error vectors all originating at 0,0,0 - Deletion changes: * Added logging details when you remove entire collections. * Prevent deletion of a collection when it contains the working frame. - Watch Windows: Point to Point in Cylindric or Spherical coordinates - fixed case where angle would go past 180 degrees instead of switching to -179 degrees. - SA Machine * If you edit the kinematic properties of a component of a machine and change its name, the tree will now update immediately. * Properties popup menu item for a machine now lets you rename the machine * Properties popup for a kinematic component of the machine lets you use Next/Prev buttons to walk through the kinematic chain. - Construct>>Planes>>From Surface Faces * Fixed an issue which could cause the boundary points (the outline of the plane shown in the 3D view) to rotate when the plane properties were edited - Relationship Fitting: * Statistics display in dialog: Made the RMS reported in the relationship fitting dialog only include the components used in the fit. Previously, even though something was removed from the fit, the component was still reported in the RMS. * Made the list order match the database order initially. You can still click columns to sort. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- API Radian Laser Tracker -- New Instrument Interface added - This tracker will automatically run using the API Device Interface. Faro Edge Arm -- New Instrument Interface added - You MUST have FaroUSBDriver v. (32 and 64 bit versions available) to run this arm. - This arm runs in the SA Portable CMM Arm interface like all others. All Instrument Interfaces which have a combo box for Group and/or Collection names - The dropped list will now adjust its width to accommodate the longest name. Laser Trackers ALL - Added support for new UDP Data Stream option to send Instrument Time Stamp (seconds). * This option is supported when sending 3D points to SA during a temporal or spatial scan. * The time stamp is at the resolution of the manufacturer's controller. - Added tracker serial number to frame name when measuring level frames. Leica emScon (All) - Added new default discrete and stable point acquisitions: "Fast" 0.5 seconds measure time, "Standard" 2.0 seconds measure time, "Precise" 5.0 seconds measure time. - emScon version upgrade from v.3.6.394 to v.3.6.400 * minor updates includeing: - An enumeration for the AT401 outdoor power lock mode (already supported in SA) - New error condition messages for ADM and ATR (Auto Target Recognition) hardware Leica AT401 - Compatible with new firmware v.1.1.11863.0. - If you run a Watch Window in SA without running a mesure profile in the tracker interface, Leica ReflectorPosition data will be used to update the watch. * With the new firmware, this is MUCH faster. * NOTE: This data is approximate if the smr is moving. - If you run a measure profile (e.g. Watch Update) while running a Watch Window in SA, the 401 interface will send updates by repeatedly attempting discrete measurements. * This behavior is unchanged for the new firmware. * This way, the data is always fully accurate, and the 'Measure' button in the Watch Update profile still sends fully compensated data. * Data is not sent in this case unless the smr is stable enough to measure a discrete point. - Added support for latest TPWizard for remote TrackerPilot checks and comps, compatible with TrackerPilot v. API Device Interface - All discrete and stable point measure profiles now default to "Sample on Controller". This includes single point requests from SA (auto measure, etc.), and Ops Checks. * This means API's static sigma measurement will now be used by default. * To incorporate this in an existing installation, just check the "Restore All Settings to Defaults..." box in the tracker connection window, or manually set the option in your profiles. * When using sample on controller, you will see the API sigma measure time reported. This value is equal to samples/sampling frequency. It is an integer value however, so the minimum is 1 second. - Work around - DI sets, breaks, and resets beam every time an adm distance is set. * This can cause distance errors when the interface processes beam state, and thinks the tracker is ready to measure when it is not. * API is working on a fix for this. * Until then, the interface now sleeps for 100 ms every time it gets a bad-to-good beam state change, then rechecks to make sure it really is good. - Work around for iProbe - If the beam was last set on an smr, the first set distance for the iprobe will be off. * Testing shows the error direction depends on whether the smr was set with ifm or adm. * API is working on a fix for this. * Until then, you will now see a brief yellow traffic light when the beam is first locked on the iProbe. - When the beam is locked, but not on the i-Probe, the Active Target will automatically become the 1.5" SMR, so long as the last active target was the iProbe. * This ensures that the iProbe auto-detection feature introduced in SA 2011.06.03 does not interfere with the use of the STS or the iScan. - iProbe - Probing direction (or transform for 6D measurement) was not properly corrected when the iProbe was laid on its side with the probe facing the tracker. This is now fixed. - STS - Users were having issues with temporal scans at higher data rates (80Hz). API recommended a newer data path for the STS than that which was in use. This is now implemented. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - updated to new Nikon SDK, v6.1.0.1183 - added support for Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Measure Batch of Vectors - added new MP command, "Measure Specified Geometry" * Specify instrument, measurement mode/profile, and the object to measure * Currently supports perimeters and circles - added new MP command, "Construct Mirror from Plane" * Specify the mirror name and the plane to use * A mirror will be created in the LR interface matching the plane - added Tests>>Advanced>>Config Checker * Select a config checker file * Click Begin Check * When finished, click Save Log File - Vision Scan Box and Metrology Scan Box were incrementing the group name by 2 each time instead of 1 CMM Arms Hexagon Absolute - Added models to support full 6dof series and 7dof SI series. Vicon - Updated Vicon DataStream sdk from v.1.1 to v.1.2. - This requires that you upgrade from ViconTracker v.1.1 to v.1.2. Theodolite Manager - Sokkia NET1 interface updated to support similar functionality as the Leica Totalstation interface. SA 2011.06.03 *********************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - Frame Wizard (Construct>>Frame>>Frame Wizard) * Added buttons allowing you to use points to define the primary and secondary axes. * You can either pick 2 points, or use the origin as the first point and select another. * Removed Construct>>Frame>>Using Points and Vectors from the menu since Frame Wizard now totally replaces this command. - Added ability to right click report template and move to another collection. - Instrument>>Run Instrument Interface and Connect -- or Blue "running man" on toolbar will now run the Theodolite manager for theodolites and total stations. You still have to perform the connection from Theo manager, but at least the interface is now started automatically. - SA Machine * Added the ability to import joint poses into a calibration set. This way you can use the SA Machine calibration without having SA Machine connected to the robot in real-time. * Joint Pose file format: , , , etc. pose0,27.000000,-90.000000,90.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 pose1,37.000019,-100.000023,100.000084,-84.999939,19.999720,89.999512 pose2,57.000057,-100.000023,120.000000,-84.999939,19.999720,89.999512 pose3,57.000057,-90.000000,130.000092,-84.999939,29.999821,99.998917 * When you right-click a calibration in the SA Machine tree, select Import Calibration Data. After selecting the end effector measurements (points) in SA, you select the joint pose file. SA will match the pose names to the point names and build the calibration data set. * If the points were measured with a 6DOF device (T-Probe or T-Mac for example), the 6D info stored with the measured point will be used. If they are single point measurements without orientation, only the 3D info will be used. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Measurement Plan * MP Editor - Step List right menu support to set text background color. Useful to organize blocks within an MP. * Utility Operations >> Set Auto Event Creation -- new command added. * Make a Collection Object Name - Runtime Select -- new argument added to support by object type. * Make a Collection Object Name Reference List - Runtime Select -- new argument added to support by object type. * Password protected MPs no longer viewable within the MP Watcher. * Analysis Operations >> Get Measurement Info Data -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Set Inward Positive Normal -- new command added. * Utility Operations >> Folders >> Delete Folder -- new command added. * Utility Operations >> Folders >> Move Collection to Folder -- new command added * Utility Operations >> Folders >> Move Folder to Folder -- new command added * Utility Operations >> Generate Random Number -- new command added * Construction Operations >> Delete Points WildCard Selection -- new command added * Analysis Operations >> Sort Point Group in Database -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Set Report Options for Object -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Report Bar >> Add Objects to Report Bar -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Report Bar >> Generate Quick Report from Tab Order -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Report Bar >> Set Report Bar Visibility -- new command added. * Make Group to Group, Make Points to Objects, Make Groups to Objects, and Make Point Clouds to Objects Relationship - contain new parameter to auto update a vector group. * Variables >> Set Boolean Variable -- new command added. * Variables >> Get Boolean Variable -- new command added. * Variables >> Set Vector Variable -- new command added. * Variables >> Get Vector Variable -- new command added. * Process Flow Operations >> Ask for User Decision -- buttons now respond to font specified. * Process Flow Operations >> Ask for User Decision (Pull-Down Version) -- buttons / dropdowns now respond to font specified. * Instrument Operations >> Start Instrument Interface -- now supports auto connect for Theodolite Interface. Theodolite Interface will auto connect based on instrument / comm port contained within persistence file from prior execution. * Instrument Operations >> Start Theodolite Interface -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a Relationship Reference List- WildCard Selection -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Get Number of Relationships in Relationship Ref List -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Get i-th Relationship From Relationship Ref List -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Get i-th Relationship From Relationship Ref List (Iterator) -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> GD&T >> Make a Feature Check Ref List from a Collection -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> GD&T >> Make a Feature Check Reference List- WildCard Selection -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> GD&T Operations >> Get Number of Feature Checks in Feature Check Ref List -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> GD&T Operations >> Get i-th Feature Check From Feature Check Ref List -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> GD&T Operations >> Get i-th Feature Check From Feature Check Ref List (Iterator) -- new command added. * File Operations >> ASCII Data File Operations >> Open ASCII File -- new command added. * File Operations >> ASCII Data File Operations >> Write ASCII Line -- new command added. * File Operations >> ASCII Data File Operations >> Read ASCII Line (Iterator) -- new command added. * File Operations >> ASCII Data File Operations >> ASCII File Close -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Frames >> Construct Frame with Wizard -- new command added. - Vector Callouts: * when initially added, now reflect only the visible components from the vector group to which they belong. Magnitude display now reflects only the active components. * support the ability to turn off the display of the tolerance color box. * support the ability to display the start / end locations of the vector. - Instrument Locate by 3-2-1 coordinate components. Modified to new wizard method. - Geometry Fitting: * The graph window and point list window will automatically display if they were shown when you last closed the interface. * Circle fit: if you check option to make vector group, it makes 2 now: Planar and Radial. * When you select "probe center" for offset mode, the override offset options are hidden. - GD&T * Change in how SA handles selection of multiple CAD faces for a datum annotation - Previously, if the set of chosen faces resulted in > 1 feature, only the first feature was used - Now, if > 1 feature is returned for the selected faces, they're all combined into a single general surface feature - This resolves a case where a planar face and 2 general faces were selected and the resulting datum ended up with a plane feature * Improvements to plane feature extraction from CAD faces * Added "Enable Actual Diameter Override" for the check/datum properties dialog - Only present if cylindrical features are present - If enabled, the specified diameter is used as the actual cylinder diameter - This allows you to ignore the measured diameter and force your own value * One example usage involves specifying the desired bonus tolerance for MMC * Guided Inspection - Added an option to highlight cylinder features during inspection mode - This is off by default and can be turned on using a checkbox in the guide window during inspection * Added automatic correction of reversed tolerances to prevent checks failing even though they appear that they should have passed - for limit tolerances (a-b) if a > b then a and b will be automatically reversed during eval - for plus/minus tolerances (n -a + b) if a > b then they will also be reversed during eval * If there are error messages during feature check evaluation, they will be shown in the report now even if the summary table is turned off in report options - Query>>Group to>>Group - no longer has option for creating a relationship. Use relationship menu instead. Also added hotkey - Ctrl+W (wisker plot) - Dynamic Reports * Reports now support COPY menu item via right clicking within SA Tree. * Double Left Mouse Button on existing text items to in-place edit. * User options + report tab -- default page settings available for dynamic reports. These settings are applied to any new report. - SA Tree Folders that contain the active collection are now highlighted. - Direct CAD Access * Improved speed of the Loading stage * Added support for loading incomplete .CATProduct files - If one or more referenced .CATPart files are not available they will be skipped - The available .CATPart files will load and missing files will not be considered a fatal error * IGES files with surfaces that were assigned names in CAD but which are coming in with "DE NNNN" names will now be assigned the intended name if possible * NURBS curves of degree 1 will now import as lines instead of the more general B-Spline SA object - File>>Remote Window Viewer now properly scales to fit on lower resolution monitors * If the monitor available size is less than the window being monitored, the monitor window will shrink to fit - Construct>>Points>>Shift Points>>In a Direction - group name for new points now provides a drop down of existing group names. - Construct >> Points >> Layout >> On Object Vertices by Clicking - for existing group names, now suggests next point name based on existing points. - Construct >> Relationship * Some of the modes here create the relationship object and then prompt * Now if the prompt is cancelled (ESC), the relationship object will be deleted - QuickAlign * Updated fit algorithm - now performs points-to-points, then points-to-faces, then a final fit of points-to-surfaces - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Now supports running of MP Subroutines. * Failure to load subroutines via SDK now returns DoneFatalError and related error message. - Instrument>>Bundle Adjust * Changed reporting so mirror cube shots and collimation shots are not included in the main pointing error report. * Also added units tags to the report sections. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Fixed crash that could occur when deleting a relationship right after creating it. - GD&T * When doing datum alignment with only general surface features, the alignment was correct but the residuals in the report could end up being uninitialized - The result would be very large deviations being reported (0xFFFFFFFF) * When editing annotation properties and using the "Update Existing Checks" checkbox, changes were not being applied to distance between, angle between, and diameter checks * Inspection Auto Filter - When using the auto filter with datums/checks which shared faces point assignment was only being done for the first datum/check for each face - The data is now properly associated with ALL datums/checks which are associated with the matching face * Fixed a bug which prevented creating multiple datum targets on a surface - Measurement Plan: * Transform Objects by Delta (World Transform Operator) - Fixed bug where scale-free transform was misapplied IF you had a non-WORLD working frame. - Construct>>Plane(s)>>From Surface Faces, Corrected an issue which would result in the extracted plane normal direction being opposite to the surface normal - USMN * When using the "Auto Solve" button, the Meas column in the point list was not refreshing - Construct>>Frame>>Average of Other Object Frames - made a correction in the average calculation. * When averaged resultant rotations were very near zero, the calculation was inaccurate. * Also, if any input frames to be averaged had all 0 rotations w.r.t. World, the calculation was inaccurate. - QuickAlign * When removing the last measured point, the results were not being updated * While picking nominal points and hitting BACKSPACE to go back to a prior point, the nominal targets were not removed - Geometry Fitting * Vector groups now properly display the case where offset is set to "probe center" meaning no offset. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Hexagon Romer Arms -- New Instrument Interfaces Added -- - You must have Hexagon RDS 3.1.1 installed to run these arms. * This can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver Downloads/PCMM Arms/Hexagon. - The ROMER Absolute (6dof), ROMER Absolute SI (7dof, integrated scanner), and Multi-Gage arms are supported. Laser Trackers ALL - Send Frame Updates operation now allows offset frames. * Options are 'raw frame', 'offset frame', and 'offset point'. * There are no combitations allowed, as with the Send Frames operation, since combinations would not make sense for updates. * The point's probing direction will follow the Z-Axis of your offset frame, and you can set its probe radius. * This allows, for example, the sending of an offset frame for use with Trans Track. - You can now set measure profile quick selects from the Meas Profile Manager Grid. Just hit the "Manage Meas Profiles" icon in the tool bar (it looks like a file folder). * A user had so many profiles defined that they filled up the quick-select drop menu. The profile manager grid allows scrolling through all the profles. - Active Target name and its reflector's ADM offset are now added to measurement details in SA. - The "Group" and "Target" labels in the main interface window have been converted to a button, which will toggle a large sizable window showing current group and target names. - Changed tab order so user can tab through collection, group, target. - Geometry fit results reporting... The point result reports were previously truncated to report ony the first 100 points. * Now, the truncation does not occur until 1000 points, and it is noted in the reported data. * NOTE: This is and has been only a reporting truncation. It does not affect the fit or the overall fit reported results (RMS, etc.) in any way. - Added improved beam state handling in stable start measurement trigger. * If beam is broken after first move while waiting for stable condition, appropriate auto-reset will be called instead of depending on an adm reset. - If you choose to delete the Active Target, and close the Target/Retro UI, an Active Target will be chosen for you, and its relfector will be the active reflector. - The interface no longer allows a 6D measurement (frames or frame updates to SA) to begin if the Active Target is not a 6D target. emScon - ALL - Video - The ActiveX object for the video window will now be automatically registered when needed. * This will happen if you attempt to use the video window, and the ocx is not currently registered. * You might see an unregistration window, and then you will see a registration window, letting you know that it succeeded. - A warning message is now more prominent in the case where the user is trying to reset ADM too close to the tracker head. emScon - ALL except 401 - Increased communication efficiency between the interface and the tracker. * This is similar to the communications style adopted for the AT401. * The interface now passively waits for status change events, in order to reduce communications, especially at measurement time. - Fixed the situation where the weather monitor status was reporting no connection at startup. * This was causing the weather monitor to automatically switch to manual input any time the tracker controller had been shut down or reset. API Device Interface - Added Auto-detection of the i-Probe. When the beam is locked on the i-Probe, it will be automatically selected as the Active Target. * When the beam is locked, but not on the i-Probe, the Active Target will automatically become the 1.5" SMR, so long as the 1/2" or 7/8" is not alread set active. - Added a new Temporal Scan mode. Now, API's new dynamic rate filter will be used any time the SMR is the active target. * This applies to ANY Measure Profile that uses temporal scan as the acquisition... "Watch Update" and "Poll - Store Internally" are examples. - Upgraded to API SDK V2.3.6.0 from interim V2.3.5.2224 * This version fixes an issue in V2.3.5.2224, which increased iProbe probing dynamic distance limit to 1000mm from 15mm, but introduced an issue where the iProbe measured points came in at the reflector center. * Scanning with the iProbe also did not work in V2.3.5.2224. - A user reported that the tracker mounted LED was not flashing during discrete pt. acquisition - this is fixed. - Added notification to measurment progress ui and measurement details in SA regarding measure time of API's new sigma measurement. * This is used when 'Sample on Controller' is selected for Discrete Points, Stable Points, and Temporally Spaced Discrete points. (See notes for SA 2011.03.18 below) - A 'Connect to Tracker' option now pops at startup to provide the option to run in simulation. This will also allow for a persisted tracker ip to be entered for quicker connection. * If this connection fails, the original API connection ui will pop with the built in tracker finder utility. API - ALL (Device Interface and Legacy) - Added auto-detection of weather station disconnect * This detection was previously done by recognizing that API sends values of exactly 20 deg. C and 760 mmHg when the weather station is not connected. * Now, a flag in the real time data structure is used for the detection. NOTE: The state of the flag can take 8 to 10 seconds to change once the station has been disonnected or reconnected. NOTE: After disconnection, values continue to be sent, so weather reads will succeed until the flag state changes. As always, double click the small traffic light for detailed weather status. Faro - Added support for the new Windowed target type. * All available targets are now uploaded from the controller instead of just manually populating the standard Faro targets. * This allows for the fact that the windowed target type is not supported on older models. - Changed beam state processing from StatusListener to BkndMeasDataListener. * This from working with Faro developers after customers saw unexplained red beam state light during use with newer trackers equipped with new IFM. * This change solves the red light issue with new trackers, but maintains support for all models. * This also provides a new scheme for always showing the correct beam state at startup. Metris Surveyor - Correction for transform from named vector probes which have arbitrary rotation about probe axis. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - For Trihedral measurements, the frame name will now use an "_" to separate the group and target name instead of "::" to avoid problems with Measurement Plans * Also, when sending collection/group/target names to SA, ":" will be replaced with "_" before being sent - When using a scan target (vision scan box for example) and sending data to a collection other than the default collection, an empty group was being created in the default colleciton CMM Arms ALL - Added new button short / long hit function options. * The default set of options are to set the main trigger button to "Record / Accept", and the secondary button(s) to "Delete Last / Cancel". * The new short / long button hit options are "Record / Delete Last", and "Accept / Cancel", for the main trigger and secondary buttons respectively. - The interface is smaller. A user noted that the main interface window was too long when using a 1024x768 screen resolution. - Changed tab order so user can tab through collection, group, target, geometry name. - MP Op Check string command added -- "Set Geom Name [ ]" will set the Geometry Name to the text designated by [ ] ([ ] is not part of the command string). - RMS report for spheres was incorrect when using millimeters as display unit. This is fixed. AICON MoveInspect - New instrument interface introduced for working with the AICON MoveInspect system. Theodolite Manager - Added ability for regular target incrementing to handle encoded Hidden Point Rod ID's. i.e., P500$0_0 - Target Number splitting routine now also accomodates Hidden Point Rod Target encoding. - Added docking button to Leica Total Station toolbar. - Beginnings of TM6100A interfacing. Surphaser Scanner - Added ablility to scan from main dialog, and ability to select a scan parameter set from main dialog. See new "Scan Using Parameter Set" button. * This will perform the scan, and process the data. Then you can send the scan to SA from the existing "Send a Scan To SA" button. - Added a drop down control to select from existing Collection names in SA. - Added 2 new Default paramter sets, "Default1" and "Default2". Together, these cover 0 to 360 degrees in azimuth. * These will show up in any new install, or if you delete your settings file, SASurphaserSettings.bin, located by default in C:\Analyzer Data\Persistence. - Instrument uncertainty analysis in SA is now enabled. * Scanners which are already in existing SA job files will not have this new feature. But a Surphaser added to a job (new or existing) will have the feature. Faro Focus 3D, Photon, and LS Scanners - Instrument uncertainty analysis in SA is now enabled. * Scanners which are already in existing SA job files will not have this new feature. But a Faro scanner added to a job (new or existing) will have the feature. SA 2011.03.18 *********************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - Geometry Fitting Interface * Construct>>Geometry by Fitting - replaces all of the "Construct>>_____>>Fit to Points" menu items. * This lets you see the results of the fit as you adjust the parameters. * Also shows all the settings on a single dialog to make it easier to control parameters. * And lets you dynamically update a Vector Group while adjusting the fit. * Adds the ability to project lines, circles, and ellipses to a plane as part of the fit. * Note - if you use a custom GUI profile, you will need to go to the Commands tab in customization and drag the new command to your custom menu. - Construct>>Frame>>3-2-1 Coordinate Components - this replaces the fit to coordinate components method. * Allows you to see the frame and change options before accepting. - Edit >> Rename >> Objects using Name Pattern - new menu command added. - Construct>>Lines>>From 2 Groups (name matched) - new function added. - Analysis>>SA Machine>>Volumetric Error Compensation Utilities>>Create Spindle Axis Comp Table * Similiar to Construct Lines from 2 Groups, but also creates a CSV file with the projected angles of the lines in each plane of the working frame. - New Trans-Track mode: * Edit>>Move Objects>>Transform in 6D using a batch of points from an instrument. * This mode applies to systems that provide multiple point updates to track rigid bodies. (Photogrammetry systems, for example). * Just like with other trans-track modes, you locate the body in its current location, then activate the tracking mode, and as the system updates the point set, SA will move the objects and update all relationships, etc. to represent the motion. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Direct CAD Access module updated: * The following CAD formats are now supported (for a complete list of supported formats, see the SpatialAnalyzer Roadmap) - NX 7.5 - Solid Edge Synchronous Technology 2 (ST2) - SolidWorks 2010 and 2011 - I-deas (up to) 13.x (NX 5) and NX I-deas 6 - VDA-FS v1.0 and v2.0 - Dynamic Reports * Report name now added to header. * Options + Reporting tab now contains "Quick Reports Include Report Name in Header" to enable / disable having the report name displayed within the report header. - Measurement Plan * Subroutine being run on its own (no previously loaded MP) will show the MP bar. Normally, subroutines will not require the MP bar to be visible. * Addressed issue with "Ghost Dependency" messages when deleting a step from an MP containing other steps with step ID argument types. MP editor would warn of possible dependency issue that did not exist. * USMN MP command - now returns Partial success if one of the tolerances is exceeded. - GD&T * For multiple required checks on a given feature (for example a true pos at MMC and the size tolerance which goes with it), the two checks are now more reliably identified as needing to go together in the evaluation * If Zone Type is set to "None" the Zone Type used in evaluation will now be automatically chosen based on the feature type - This applies for angularity, parallelism, perpendicularity, straightness, and true position for features of type plane, cylinder, and sphere * When a CAD model is transformed, associated annotations and GD&T features are now transformed with it - Construct > Points > Layout > On Object Vertex By Clicking now allows adding points to an existing point group. - Construct>>Point Cloud>>From Existing Point Group - changed to allow you to select multiple groups. Note that if the points have identical target offsets, those offsets will be used in the cloud. If not, the offsets will be set to zero. - Point-to-Point relationship reporting now uses point name vs Point A / Point B labeling. - Point Comparison Callouts now have expanded properties dialog to include "Show Coordinates" and Additional Comments Fields. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Cone Fit - The "Make Offset Pts" option was creating the offset points on the cone's surface instead of offset from the fit points by the planar offset. This is fixed. - Geometry Relationships - When making a fit-only relationship, if you did not pick any points, the default name was blank. This is fixed. - VSTARS outstar data import. Point coordinate mapping was not correct if the Working frame was not World. This is fixed. - User Options >> Machine Configuration >> No Template Default Options -- default non-template units now properly scaled for new files. - Dynamic Reports * Fixed occasional crash within reporting logic when deleting points from job file. - Excel 2010 - images were not being correctly written to the workbook * Image did not display in the workbook * An error message was shown instead indicating the picture could not be located - Relationship fitting - fixed "Invalid Argument" error that could occur IF a Vector Group that is an Auto Vector created by a relationship is set to move with the relationship, and that relationship was set to discard points that are out of tolerance or on an edge. - Collimation Function Bug fix. Was improperly positioning the moving instrument. - Fixed the 'Edit Point List' group edit feature. In Windows XP, the grid would show in a font that was too large. - USMN - fixed problem where changing an instrument's weight to 0, solving, and setting it back to 1 could cause a lockup. - User Interface Customization * Fixed a problem which ocurred when using a custom UI profile created in an earlier version and then upgrading to a version which included newly added menu items * If those new menu items had accelerator hotkeys, when you switched back to "Factor Defaults" the hotkeys didn't show up in the menu or function -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Laser Trackers ALL - Added a High Point acquisition mode and measure profile. * You select the Axis of the current Working Frame in SA. * You select the "Point Type". This can be either: - Along Axis - returns the highest point along the selected axis - From Axis - returns the point with the greates radial distance from the selected axis. * A single point is returned from this measurement. You can simply iterate the profile if you want multiple high points. - Added a Quick Select for Targets. This works the same as the Measure Profile Quick select. * This allows you to quickly set the Active Target, selecting between your 1.5" SMR and 0.5" SMR for example. * Do not use this option for targets which are automatically detected by the interface, e.g. T-Probe tips, T-MAC, etc. - All Measure Profiles now always use the Active Target. * The 'Target' section no longer appears in the Measure Profile Parameters, or the Manage Profiles window. - Eliminated the "database-like" saving of measurement "sub-profiles" (Target, Acquisition, and Operation). * Now, there is only one "Save" and "Save As" button for a given profile. - A user reported that Watch Update Profile should disable "Measure" when the beam is broken. This is fixed. * This is true for any Measure Profile which is sending updates to SA. * 'F3' or a programmable remote will also no longer send a measurement if the beam is broken during a Watch Update or similar measurement. - Collection name field is now a drop down showing available SA collection names. - UDP data streaming - Data is now set to current interface units (both linear and angular units). - Multi-Language Support - Fixed translation for Units selection dialog, and SA Interaction >> Single Point Request parameter editor. * Also, Measure Profile grids are now translated at startup. Faro - Upgraded to sdk v.2.3.0. This includes new direct call ops checks and new features like 'initializeSmart' and 'readyToInitialize'. * You MUST upgrade your FaroJRE for this version. Unzip 'Faro Tracker v.2.3.0 Java files.zip' to your C: drive. It will overwrite your FaroJRE folder. * If you use the Faro camera, update with 'Faro Tracker v. 2.3.0 Camera files.zip'. As always, see 'ReadMe Faro Camera.txt' in the zip for instructions. * For the new direct call ops checks (Self Comp, Angular Accuracy, and IFM/ADM), you MUST upgrade your tracker firmware with 'MCU Firmware 5.4.0.bin' beta. - Part Temperature Monitor was not working properly with Faro's. This is fixed. - If the smr was locked on a beam at startup, and the interface was NOT set to Home at startup, the traffic light was still red. This is fixed. Leica emScon - Added new measure profiles that use new emScon measure time acquisitions. These replace quick selects where appropriate. * AT401 - Your Measurement Profile quick selects will become the following (one time only, after this version is installed): 1) "emScon Pt" - same as "Single Pt. To SA" except this one uses the new emScon Pt acquisition. No more parameters for Samples/Pt. and Sampling Frequency, just Measure Time. Also, there are no parameters for Auto-Outlier Rejection or Threshold (Sigma), or PPM Tolerance, since these are only used in the SA single point acquisition. 2) "emScon Stable Pt" - same as "Stable Pts. To SA" except for the "emScon Stable Pt" acquisition, with the same parameter differences described in 1). 3) "emScon Pt ro Watch Update" - same as "Watch Update" except for the "emScon Pt for Watch Update" acquisition, with the same parameter differences described in 1). *AT901 and all other emScon trackers except the 401 - Only the quick selects 1 and 2 are reset as described above. The "Watch Update" profile is unchanged, since these trackers use a temporal scan acquisition for watch update. - These trackers do get an additional default profile, "Temporally Spaced emScon Pts", which uses the new "emScon Time-Spaced Pts" acquisition. - Updated from emScon 3.6.346 to 3.6.394 * Adds support for AT401 indoor/outdoor/outdoorLR (Long Range) power lock modes. Leica AT401 - Video Window - If 'Measure' is hit without a beam lock, measurement will pop Paused and Waiting for Beam Lock, but PowerLock will now lock on automatically. - Tracker would begin next stable point after back face when in front/back mode. This is now fixed. * This was due to requested behavior that the 401 can 'jump' from point to point using Power Lock in stable pt mode by covering and uncovering smr's. * The 401 can no longer do the Power Lock jump if front/back mode is set in a Stable Point acquisition. In this case, will Pause the stable point process until the beam is found. API Device Interface - For Discrete Points, Stable Points, and Temporally Spaced Discrete points, 'Sample on Controller' now uses the DI Sigma measurement. - Upgraded to DI sdk v. from v. * This solves the issue that the previously used sdk, v., forced users to run a special MS deployment package for it to run. * This also corrects 3D probing direction and 6D transform (frame measurement) for the iProbe, for both vertical and horizontal probes. - Level measure routine is fixed. Jog commands are now wrapped like they are in the Legacy interface, and level frame z-axis should now match between the two. Metronor Portable Measurement System - Interface now supports sending a batch of standalone LEDs or LED targets to SA. This provides the ability to perform TransTrack operations in SA. LEDs can also be stored as a point group within SA via the interface "Store Points" check box. - Interface provides an LED target drop down to specify the active target. - Lightpen now properly displayed in SA graphics when in DUO system configurations. Theodolite Manager - Leica TDRA/TPS/TS total stations interface: * Collection name field now drop down showing available SA collection names. * Fixed issue with ease of access of the reflector icon within toolbar on lower DPI displays. * Stable Point tracking now supported. * Change reflector dialog now similar to tracker interface. * Added status bar to dialog to display current active prism constant information. * Manufacturer listing within reflector database dialog now supports reflectorless. - Reflector database now persists within SA Persistence directory as its own file. CMM Arms ALL - Collection name field is now a drop down showing available SA collection names. - UDP data streaming - Data is now set to current interface linear units. Faro LS and Focus 3D Scanners - Updated to LS sdk v.4.8. This adds support for the new Focus 3D scanner. - Added a 'Translate' button in settings dialog for multi-language support, and the settings dialog itself will now get translated. - Added support for .fws files. Iterates through the scan files (.fls) which are referenced by the fws. Auto-increments cloud name for each scan. Leica T-Scan - Added a 'Translate' button in settings dialog for multi-language support. GSI VSTARS Interface - Added support for sending Batch Update (for Targets Data Only) to SA. * This provides the ability to run TransTrack in SA via "Edit >> Move Objects >> Transform in 6D Using a Batch of Points from an Instrument". LPT Laser Projector - Upgraded to LPT software suite v.3.11.1 from v.3.11.0 * See the startup help for notes regarding the upgrade process. Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - Linearization status control should now display the correct state as provided by the hardware * The method of reporting the linearization state changed and the instrument interface had not been updated * This resulted in an incorrect status display - Fixed loading of MCM and Hole discoverable targets created in older SDK versions which were not loading due to the SDK file name changes - Improved support for SDK keyboard hooks to facilitate keyboard commands for ActiveFocus and AutoFocus SA 2011.01.24 *********************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - Construct>>Frame>>Frame Wizard * Similiar to the Using Points and Vectors method except that you can see the effect of your selections and changes immediately. - Dynamic Reports * Multi-Select of report items now supported. CTRL + LEFT_MOUSE to select items. Select multiple items within a dynamic report, then simultaneously drag selected items or right mouse for multi-select options. * Drag / Drop of individual points now supported. * Object notes now included. Options >> Reporting >> Quick Reports Include Object Notes must be active. - New Function: Query>>Plane>>to Plane: distance between planes * Evaluates the vertices of the second plane in the first plane and reports min, avg, and max. * Useful for thickness evaluation. - Additional Translucency Control Added: * View>>Translucent Working Frame option added. * View>>Object Visibility>>Set Translucency option added. This lets you set solid objects (surface, planes, cylinders, etc) to draw transparently. * Object right-click menu -- added Translucency option. - Frame graphics - the tips of the frames are drawn drawn in the colors representing the axes. - Measurement Plan * MP Overview Functionality addded. This provides high level status updates to the user for complex MP routines. - the following new MP commands have been added * Create/Clear Task Overview List * Set Overview Title * Set Overview Title Image * Add Task Overview Item * Set Task Item Status * Set Task Item Name * Set Task Item Comment * Show Progress for Task Item * Set Task Item Completion Values * Set Current Task * Show Task Overview List * Added View Control>>Set SA's Window Pos * Added View Control>>Set SA's Window Size * MP Ask User Decision HTML - now allows for specification of fonts for buttons. * File Operations >> File Import >> Import SA Windows Placement -- new command added to import SA window placement information. * Utility Operations >> Get Active Units -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Cloud Filters >> Delete Cloud Points by Radial Distance from Points -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Cloud Filters >> Delete Cloud Points by X Y Z Range -- new command added. * Quick Align from MP now supports > 6 pts just like manual quick align * Instrument Operations >> Associate Objects with Instrument -- new command added. * Instrument Operations >> Disassociate Objects from Instrument -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Scale Bars >> Construct Scale Bar -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Scale Bars >> Get Scale Bar Stats -- new command added. - File >> Export >> Window Placements -- new menu functionality to provide a means of exporting all SA window placement information (main, dialogs). - Point-to-Point Relationships now support report options for configuring data displayed. - Instrument >> Drift Check now creates event and detailed log information. - File>>Export>>Points to ASCII - added option to set the decimal precision. - SA Machine - added additional robot models (.SAMachine files in Samples directory) -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - New streamlined mechanism for Direct CAD Access * Adobe APEX no longer needs to be installed, but same engine is retained. * New Formats Supported CATIA R20 Parasolids V23 ProE Wildfire 5 - Performance boost when creating a large number of points with Construct>>Points>>Layout>>On a Grid - Improved refresh rate for Remote Window Viewer - Measurement Plan: * Measure Existing Single Point - if set to Measure Immediately, and Interaction mode is Silent, if there is an error, step will fail without dialog box. * Analysis Operations >> Get Number of Instruments in Collection Instrument Ref List -- new command added. * File Operations >> File Export >> Export Ascii Points - step now contains a "Include SA version and frame comments" boolean argument. - Window Position and Size Memory * Previously when a stored window size caused it to display with any part of it outside the display area, the default size and position would be used. * Now, the default will only be used IF the window does not have a least a small area visible. The result is that window recall is less sensitive to having part of the window off the screen. - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger - for Vectors * Now uses the distance to the goal point to determine the closest point instead of the distance to the closest vector. This prevents the wrong vector being selected accidentally in cases where vectors are aligned. All of the triggering for measurement is still based on the distance to the vector axis. Only the determination of which vector is being looked at has changed. - Updated the Default Views to include more options. Click on the view icon in toolbar and then Reset to Defaults to see the new settings. - USMN * Improved parallel processing performance. * Fixed case where solution could iterate for too long while computing network uncertainty fields. * Now locks out other buttons in the dialog while operations are in progress. - Updated the CAD surface libraries - includes multiple fixes and optimizations. - Quick Align - once 6 or more measurements are available, a points-to-surface fit is used instead of a points-to-individual-faces - Point Cloud storage optimized for even greater efficiency. - Dynamic Reports * PDF exporting now supports unicode filenames. * Paper Selection Size now stored with report. * Enhanced auto white space removal. * Instruments report option for including measurement details now defaults to off for improved report performance. * CLIPBOARD: Tabular data may now be copied via [ SHIFT + Left Mouse ] to select data of interest. Data will AUTOMATICALLY be placed on clipboard in Tab-delimited format. For more andvanced clipboard options, use [ SHIFT + Alt ] to select data and provide an advanced copy dialog. This works in the Report Bar as well. - SA is now compiled with Visual Studio 2010. This means we are now using Microsoft's latest runtime libraries, etc. - File Open and CAD import speed improvement: * Previously, when files were opened or CAD imported, the surface topologies (tessellation for solid shading graphics) were generated at that time. Now, that is only done when you shade the model. This means opening is quicker, but shading will appear slower because the time delay was shifted to the shading step. Overall time should be the same or slightly better. - Fixed issue with report bar displaying callout view with "recall working frame" set not allowing user to change working frame while callout view report is displayed. - Object to Object Direction Relationship (and Query>>Object to Object Direction) * Added the Projected Angle Differences to the report. This gives you the portion of the angle between the objects that is in the XY plane, for example. - Analysis >> Best-Fit Transformation >> Points to Points - Event and Log now updated with group info. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Watch window for multiple points - fixed issue caused by deleting points and groups while watch window is active. - Fixed issue where a new Points to Objects relationship would not start with valid projection options and therefore not create vector groups when requested. * This was caused by setting the default option to not create vectors. When the relationship inherits the default, it would not create vectors when evaluated and therefore not be able to create a vector group. This fix will repair old files on import. To fix this (workaround) in a previous version, just open projection options for the relationship once and it will pick a vector option. - Constructing cylinders from CAD surface faces was resulting in the wrong length in some cases with cylinders which were represented in the CAD as surfaces of extrusion - Measurement Plan * Fixed bug introduced in 2010.11.18 release regarding storing of internal database indexes with runtime / by type / wildcard selection of objects. Change was introduced to guarantee unique object referencing since the name of an object may not be unique. These Ref Lists were not being updated properly as objects were moved or deleted. This has been resolved and Ref Lists are now updated properly. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Vicon Tracker -- New Instrument Interface added - You must have Vicon Tracker app installed and running to use this interface. Laser Trackers ALL - Measurements will now start without a beam lock. Measurement will start Paused, and wait for a lock. * If tracker is IFM-only, this does not apply, and behavior is unchanged -- measurement will simply close without a valid distance. - During startup, no audible report is made when beam breaks. Some trackers set and break beam many times during startup, and users reported this as annoying. - MP Op Check string command "HoldPositionNoBeamLock On" will now also toggle the setting in Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> Point Laser to 'Point Only' - Users who are exclusively simulating will now see the 'new settings file created' message during the first simulation run. * Before, if such a user never connected to the tracker being simulated, they would see this message every time. Leica AT401 - Inclination (level compensation) can now be set ON/OFF at start up time. * The tracker will be initialized if this represents a change in the level comp state, since the tracker would not start up in a ready-to-measure state otherwise. - StopMeasurement is now wrapped for modal behavior. This fixes the case where 'Abort' is hit during an AutoMeasure, tracker can experience many subsequent failures. * NOTE: When you want to stop an AutoMeasure sequence, it is generally better to hit the 'Stop' button in the AutoMeasure UI in order to stop sending requests for more measurements. - At startup, Initialize command waits to make sure server is not busy before attempting retries when they are needed. - ChangeFace now has its own unique wait flag in furhter attempts to help with some units experiencing trouble in Auto-Measure. - ChangeFace command timeout increased from 8 seconds to 30 seconds. Should never need 30, but 8 was too small for some units. - Utility >> System Info had a bug when populating the System Software Version. The number would be repeated. This is fixed. Faro - When Discrete (or Stable) points are Sampled on Controller, we now get and report statistics information from the controller. API Device Interface - New MP Op Check string commands added: "API DI Virtual Level", "API DI iProbe Offset", and "API DI iProbe Global". - API DI can now be added explicitly to SA job. This allows the MP 'Add New Instrument' command to work with the API DI. - sdk updated to V2.2.12.2216 2010.12.30, from V2.2.9.2213. * with this sdk, the new setDynamicDistance for the iProbe is supported * also, this sdk has a new feature for preventing iProbe discrete measurements if the probe is moving too much. Contact API for more information. - Added a new default meas profile, "I-Probe Spatial Scan Pts. To SA". This profile will use the new dynamic distance iProbe measurement. - Level measurement - the DI now moves to precise positions for each quadrant measurement. Before, it was possible for the positions to be inexact. CMM Arms ALL - Data stored in the arm interface now contains full normal and joint angle information. * When the 'Send intermediate points with features' option is checked, the points sent contain all the information of the original measurements. * If you have measured a Plane to be used for projection with flat geometries, the persisted plane points will not be sent until the plane is re-measured. Romer CimCore - Newer WinRDS registers a point during start up which is now caught and prevented from being sent to SA as a position update. * This point could cause the graphics model in SA to appear disjointed. Surphaser Scanner - Ability to Delete a single scan parameter set added. - Ability to Edit OR Add a scan parameters set added. Just use the existing name if you are editing - new name if adding. - Docking button added - Updated sdk to v.2.30.19. This fixes scan regions past ~110 deg. and returns azimuth 0 to initial convention. - MP command 'Scan within perimeter' - just send no perimeter points to use the perimeter defined in the named parameter set. Metris Surveyor - Interface reworked for Surveyor v.1.4.14. * Measurement UI moved to status bar from interface. GSI VSTARS Interface - Added support for sending Updates to SA. Meant for use with Probe data, but will work with all but Cloud data. - Check Probe data to make sure name is not blank - do not use point if name is blank. - End sending of Triangulation data before begin sending of probe data, and vice versa. Theodolite Manager - Leica TDRA/TPS/TS total stations interface: * Now contains a collection name field in addition to group and target naming. * Measurements now contain details regarding weather (if AT MeteoStation active), prism, constant, offsets, etc. * Weather Station On/Off indicator added. * Planar / Radial offsets shown within reflector settings dialog now properly displayed as zero whenever Reflectorless type is selected. * Automation button added to Leica toolbar for faster access to device automation settings (ATR / PowerSearch settings). Nikon Metrology - Metris Laser Radar - Added descriptive error messages triggered by specific quality value returns during measurement - Added stand-alone modeless output window accessible by clicking the button on top of the output window - updated to new Metris SDK, v6.0.3.1100 - NEW - added support for MV300 series hardware. There is a new instrument in Instrument>>Add to support this device. SA 2010.11.18 *********************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - Added User Options >> Display >> Show Scale Indicator in View * This is off by default; when enabled, it shows a scale indicator in the corner of the view along with the width in job units of that indicator * Meant to give approximate feel for scale and size/distance of things in the job at the current zoom level - Dynamic Reports * Charts now supported. * Combine all existing dynamic reports to a single dynamic report. Right mouse on SA Dynamic Reports tree bar category heading. Select 'Combine All to Dynamic Report'. * New PDF generation functionality providing a better format for PDF documents. * Selection process during copy/paste now supported while auto-scrolling. - Sphere Extraction from Point Clouds added! * Construct>>Points>>From Point Clouds>>Auto-Detect Sphere Centers -- new function added. This will search through a cloud and extract spheres, filter and fit to them, then add a point at the center. This is useful for tying in multiple scanners. - Scale Bars * Redesigned to be integrated into SA collections. The user options tab for accessing the scale bar database has been eliminated and scale bars are now managed via the SA Tree. * Scale Bars can now be drag/dropped into dynamic reports. * Construct >> Scale-Bar >> Enter menu command also added. * Construct >> Scale-Bar >> Edit Scale Bar Type List command added so you can access the list before creating a scale bar. - Simultaneous Auto Measure: * Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Measure (Streamlined and regular) -- you can now run an auto measure for each instrument in the job simultaneously. - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger * Added new "Graphical Guide" button - this displays a 2-D drive window that will make it easier to center on the goal point or vector. - Relationships: * Added right-click menu option to Copy a relationship. * When using "Make Vector Group (static)", you are not prompted for a name anymore. Instead, it makes the group them pops the properties so you can edit name if needed. - Vector Groups: * Added right-click menu option to "Copy to show X,Y,Z components" - makes 3 copies of VG, one showing only X, another only Y and another only Z. This lets you show multiple components of a vector simultaneously. - Measurement Plan * Added "File Operations >> File Import >> Import All CAD Formats - Adobe" which allows using APEX import from an MP * Added "Construction Operations >> Surfaces >> Construct Surfaces From Objects" which allows creation of surfaces from multiple objects in a single step * Process Flow Operations >> Wait for Steps to Complete -- new command added. - This allows for parallel measurement from multiple instrument, for example: MP STEP 5: Auto Measure on instrument 1 (don't wait for completion) MP STEP 6: Auto Measure on instrument 2 (don't wait for completion) MP STEP 7: Wait for Steps to Complete (5 and 6) * Instrument Operations >> Auto Measure Points - New "Wait for Completion" argument. - New "Auto Start" argument. If true, automeasure will start immediately when the dialog opens. * Instrument Operations >> Scan within Perimeter -- New "Wait for Completion" argument. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Extract Sphere Centers from Point Cloud -- new command added. * Report Operations >> Close All Reports -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Make Geometry Fit Only Relationship -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Make Geometry Fit and Compare to Nominal Relationship -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Make Geometry Compare Only Relationship -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Create Point Uncertainty Fields -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> GD&T >> Make Feature Checks -- new command added. - Callout - Point Comparison * Added option to show the coordinate values of the 2 points in the table. - Add Instrument Window * Added a search button, type a partial instrument name and the list will be filtered on that * Added buttons for Expand All (+) and Collapse All (-) - APEX CAD Import * Added an option to filter out dittos when importing * When enabled, this filters items in the file which are repeated * A threshold value can be set; items which occur more than the number of times specified in the threshold are filtered out * The import log entry and event will indicate the number skipped and the total number * Added an option to filter out empty folders (only used when importing with the folders option) * This eliminates folders which are empty after the import completes * The import log entry and event will indicate the number of empty folders which were removed - Added menu Construct >> Points >> From Cloud Points >> Filter Clouds to Vector Groups - Resolve points - Added "Select by Color" to the F2 Object Selection dialog * Shows the colors currently in use in the job * Also shows the # of objects which are using each color in the list - Added "Select Objects by Color" button to the F3 "Graphical Selection Mode" dialog * Only available when hitting F3 while multiple-object selection is active * When clicked, the F3 dialog closes and the next object selection in the graphical view or the tree also selects/deselects all other objects having the same color * Applies only once to the next selection in the graphical view or tree * Provides a way to quickly select all objects having a color matching the object selected in the graphical view or the tree - Added Commands to facilitate Object Construction from CAD faces * Construct>>Objects from Surface Faces - This command first prompts for the object type and then works similar to the below commands * Construct>>Cylinders>>From Surface Faces * Construct>>Spheres>>From Surface Faces * Construct>>Cones>>From Surface Faces * Construct>>Lines>>From Surface Faces * Construct>>Points>>From Surface Faces * Construct>>Circles>>From Surface Faces * These are in addition to the existing command for Planes - Added Folder right-click command, "Move to Folder", which allows moving a Folder (and everything beneath it) into another Folder -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Measurement Plan: * Construction Operations >> Frames >> Construct Frame, at Point, clocking X about Z, tipping about Y -- command renamed to Construct Frame, Pick origin and point on X axis - clock Z along working Z. * Reporting Operations >> Quick Report -- old command has been obsoleted. New Quick Report MP command takes a single collection object name argument allowing user additionally specify the object type. * Improved performance when running MPs with loops having a large number of iterations by limiting the update rate in the step list window - In some tests this has provided a 10x speed improvement for MPs with tight loops executing many relatively quick instructions - GD&T * Manual Datum Alignment (right-click Datums>>Align) updates - If all points associated with the datums being used were measured from a single instrument then that instrument is automatically selected for movement - Previously, clouds were not considered in this automatic selection; now the instrument associated with a cloud will also be considered in the above - So using cloud data measured from a single instrument for manual alignment will automatically pick the instrument for movement * Feature selection: clicking a face now toggles the face between selected/unselected * Above Text and Below Text is now included in reports * When editing annotation properties, a new checkbox is available, "Update Existing Datums" and "Update Existing Checks" - If checked, changes to the annotation will be propogated to any datums/checks created from the annotation * When the GD&T toolbar is undocked and sized such that a scrollbar appears, scrolling the window no longer results in "flickering" display - Edit >> Delete Objects by CAD Source * List of CAD sources now has a horizontal scrollbar to accomodate viewing longer names * The window is resizeable - Construct>>Points>>From Existing Points>>Copy (and Move) - now ensures unique names in the destination group. - Construct>>Vector Group>>From Existing Vector Groups - new group is no longer created with an empty (blank) name - Instrument>>Drag Instruments Graphically -- replaces Drag Instrument -- you can now drag multiple instruments. - Relationship Autonaming Implemented * Reduced the dialogs you see when creating relationships. * After selecting the entities for the relationship, the name of the relationship is automatically set based on your selections. - APEX CAD Import * An event is now created for each APEX import * The event records the import settings used and some file metrics - Relationships: * Relationship report now updates when instruments are dragged, etc. * Also improved performance for dragging objects & instruments. Now, it will drag instantly, then update the tree and reports when the processor frees up. * When Relationship fitting, relationship report and tree will update when solving or moving manually. Updates are blocked during a solution if Show Steps is unchecked. * Moving Manually from relationship fit interface now also updates auto vector groups. * Geometry Relationships: - For Fit and Compare to Nominal relationships, you can now turn the fit Guess on. Use the Fit Settings button in the relationship properties dialog. It will default to off. Turn this on if your data is far away from your nominal geometry. - When creating geometry relationships, you are no longer prompted to confirm the name, and the name is unique. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Dynamic Reports * Fixed issue regarding Callout Views with the "Recall Working Frame" option active causing poor application performance. * Fixed issue where user-entered text was getting added to top left corner, not where user clicks. This only happened when "Auto Vertical Overlap Adjust" was on. Workaround for users on 9.30 version is to turn off the option, add the text, then re-enable it. - Fixed Construct Surface>>From Plane - was failing to generate a surface in certain cases. - Fixed point name display in the uncertainty analysis graph window when selecting points on the graph - it was showing the wrong point name - MP * Construct Point Group from Point Cloud - now ensures unique point names in the destination group * Construct Point Groups from Vector Groups - now ensures unique point names in the destination group * Measure Existing Point and Compare - Step results were not being stored when "Measure Immediately" was set to TRUE * Assorted Watch Window commands now properly acknowledging setting of tolerance arguments. - GD&T * Make NRK Feature Check from Hole - Fixed an "invalid arg" error when trying to edit Filter Props * Annotation>>Properties, Property Grid floating point values now correctly use the decimal precision from user options - Instrument>>Drag Instruments Graphically * Restored smooth update that was broken in the 2010.09.30 release. * When using the backspace key to go back to instrument selection mode, the list of selected instruments is cleared (which is consistent with how it used to work with single instrument drag) - Query>>Object to Object direction - fixed issue where it could crash in 2010.09.30 release. Workaround for that version is to use Relationship instead. - Vector Group Properties - name changes now show up in the tree right away when you click Update or Close - APEX CAD Import * Fixed issue where hidden entities were still coming in despite the "Import Hidden" checkbox being unchecked - View>>Hover window - fields are wider now to avoid values being truncated - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger * Fixed case where the point error display could be incorrect in dialog. Did not affect actual measurements. * Fixed case where warbler tone would not always start when the mode was initiated. (sometimes a Stop/Start button press was required) -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- GSI VSTARS Photogrammetry - Interface Rewritten - This goes with VSTARS v.4.7.0.A18 or later. - Support for M-Mode and S-Mode - When VSTARS is in S-Mode, just press 'Data >> SA' to import the project data. - When VSTARS is in M-Mode, use the 'Trigger' button in the interface, OR trigger from VSTARS. 'Continuous Trigger' is supported. - Select the following data types to send: * Camera - sends camera transforms. (primarily for M-Mode) * Probe - sends the most recent probe point. (primarily for M-Mode) * Targets - sends points to SA - Select target labels to send by pressing the 'Set Labels' button. (Defaults to CODE) * Cloud (Pro Spot) - send a cloud of points to SA - Select target labels to send by pressing the 'Set Labels' button. (Defaults to _S for M-Mode ProSpot) Surphaser Scanner -- New Instrument Interface added - You have control over scan regions and densities - Set Scan densities per Surphaser parameters -- Horizontal: Lines Per Degress, Vertical: Points Per Degree - Or Set Scan densities based on desired cloud point spacing at a given distance - Perform a discovery scan, and then set sub-scan region graphically from preview picture - Allows you to manage a set of named scan paramters (densities, and region boundaries -- Horizontal start and stop, Vertical start and stop) - Supports MP command 'Scan within perimeter' (can use scan densities from any named parameter set) Metris Surveyor - Updated sdk from v. to v. 1.4.9 to v.1.4.14 - This adds support for the 4 buttons and the buzzer on the iProbe. Laser Trackers ALL - Bug Fix - when Polling from SA (e.g. Instrument >> Synchronized Measuement >> Polling), the active target's offsets were incorrect due to a units issue. This is fixed. - Drive/ADM dialog activates Discrete Pt. meas profile. Now, interface returns to previously set profile when Drive/ADM closes. Leica AT401 - Status dialog is now modeless. That way, if battery level(s) go below warning level(s), status will pop without disturbing measurement or other active process. - Change in measurement sequence from video window. A safety call to VelocityDrive(0,0) is no longer made, because this will cause a 'not ready to measure' system state. - Changes to measurement sequence to fix the measure drop out issue. - Also, changes to minimize communications at measurement time. Only set measurement parameters at startup, and when they are changed. - Interface no longer actively calls GetTrackerStatus, now passively waits for status change events, in order to further reduce communications at measurement time. - Fixed the issue where tracker wouldn't measure after measuring in TrackerPilot. Interface now resets measurement answer statistics mode at startup. Faro - Added an MP Op Check string command pair: "HoldPositionNoBeamLock On" and "HoldPositionNoBeamLock Off" API Device Interface - sdk updated to V2.2.9.2213 from V2.2.7.2210. - Following work done with V2.2.7.2210: - iProbe output frame (and probing direction) corrected for bottom vertical mounted probes. * Center horizontal mounted probes also have z-axis (probing direction) pointed downward along bottom mounted probe tip shaft. - Added persistence for the Virtual Level inclinations. When a Virtual Level is performed, the results are automatically persisted, and applied upon the next startup. * This way, it is not necessary (but is optional) to perform a Virtual Level with every re-start. - Added support for iScan density filter. This is a thinning factor, with a valid range of 1 to 30. This setting will persist. * A setting of 1 will get every point, 2 every other point, 3 every third point, etc. * Hit the Settings tool (gear icon on far left), and select API_DI, then use the Scan Line Thinning Factor slider to set the value. - When weather data source was changed from internal to manual, and back to internal, tracker would not accept internal source. * This was due to the fact that DI returns nominal weather values for several seconds after internal is set, and that is treated as an error. * The nominal values are also returned if the weather station is unplugged, so this has to be treated as an error condition. * Now, when the weather station is switched back to internal, the interface will show a table of values, and will wait for 'real' numbers from the weather station. Metris Laser Radar - MP "Start Instrument Interface" command now supports IP:port for auto-connect to the instrument PCMM Arms ALL - ArmPad - Lowered the height at which interface makes a sound upon entering the pad region to 4" from 12". This is based on a user request. Romer CimCore - upgraded to WinRDS v.7.1.4 from v.5.4.3 - This version includes a new USB driver, which allows it to run on 64 bit operating systems. - This version also allows for querying the arm serial number, so SA can now persist the graphics calibration. - All zero's are sent as xyz position when arm is beyond joint limits or at 'home' postion. This is not recorded, since it introduces error to the SA graphic model. Theodolite Manager - Added AT MeteoStation support for automatic weather updating to Leica TDRA/TPS/TS total stations. AT MeteoStation needs to be connected to a USB port on the computer from which the instrument interface will be run. Older AT MeteoStations may require a firmware update. Contact Leica for details. SA 2010.09.30 ****************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - "SA Arm" Product Release * SA Arm is a special SA bundle designed and priced just for portable CMM arms. * It includes SA Basic functionality as well as GD&T, and has many menu items removed that do not apply to arm measurement. * SA can open files created by SA Arm, but SA Arm cannot open files created by SA. * Includes the new "SA Arm Pad" input device (patent pending). - Using a mousepad with our layout, you can touch the arm to the pad to provide input to your process: * Start and stop measurement modes, move to next/prev inspection features, change the view point in SA, etc. * The SA Arm Pad mousepads are available from New River Kinematics. Contact support@kinematics.com to get your free pad, or print a sample from the interface. * Contact sales@kinematics.com for more information on the SA Arm bundle! - "SA Power3 Suite" Product Release and Integration * Bundled Product offering where you can purchase SA and Geomagic together from NRK. * Analysis>>Power3 Suite - Reverse Engineering: menu options added to send data directly (and instantly) to Geomagic Studio and Qualify. * Contact sales@kinematics.com for more information on this new bundle! - "SA Machine" Product Release * Check out the instructional video on our website! http://www.kinematics.com/products/spatialanalyzer/video.html - Click on "SA - Integrating Metrology with Robotics" * You can now add robots to your SA job! Analysis>>Robots and Machines>>Add Machine>>Load .SAMachine file. See the Samples directory in your install for .SAMachine files. * See the "Robots and Machines" category in the tree-view. You can right-click the machine in the tree and select "Teach Pendant" for example to move the robot. * Robot calibration data acquisition is now fully integrated in SA. - See "Robot Cal - NRK Lab Kuka KR5 with TMAC.xit" in the Samples directory. - It shows an example from our lab where we used a TMAC and a KR5 robot to demonstrate calibration. By trapping measurements into the calibration for the robot, SA will automatically synchronize the data so you can gather joint sets and end-effector measurements quickly. - Right-Click the calibration in the tree and select "Calibration Interface". * In this dialog, select 6DOF for the base, 6DOF for the tool, and fixed for the robot (this will locate the robot without changing its internal parameters). * Select "Run Calibration". Notice that the RMS gets down to about 0.3 inches. * Now, select "Full" for the robot parameters, and "Run Calibration" again. Now it should be down to 0.027 inches. * You can click through the poses in the right side list, and the graphics will show the poses. You can also sort the errors. If you eliminate the 2 worst poses and re-run the calibration, the RMS will get down to 0.016 inches. * Hit Apply and the robot will move into position. You can then click through the poses in the calibration list in the tree and see the end effector lined up with the measurements. * If you have the "SA Machine Interface" module in SA, you can run our Robot Interface (much like an instrument interface) and connect directly to the robot controller. This lets you drive the robot from SA graphically, and also from MP. Currently, we support the KUKA interface and will be adding others in the future. Contact sales@kinematics.com for more information on the SA Machine module. * If you have SA Ultimate, you can perform all of these operations in simulation in SA. * MP commands to support SA Robot/Machine interface: - Move Robot/Machine to Frame - Move Robot/Machine to Named Destination - Set Robot/Machine Parameter - Compute Robot/Machine Adjusted Goal Frame - this command is for the move, measure, correct mode of operation. * Note - SA's Robot capability includes inverse kinematics. This means you can drive the robot in SA using Tool, Base, or World coordinates, and also tell it to move to a frame in SA. The teach pendant also lets you use Ctrl+Shift and a mouse drag to drag the end-effector in the plane of the view while running the kinematics in the background. If you connect directly to a robot, you can hit a button and have those command executed directly on the controller. - Measurement Plan: * Construction Operations >> Frames >> Construct Frame, at Point, clocking X about Z, tipping about Y -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Point at intersection of B-Spline and Surfaces -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Points Subset with greatest spacing -- new command added. * Watch Point to Point, Watch Closest Point, Watch Point to Objects - tolerance command argument now operational. - Dynamic Reports * Combine all existing dynamic reports to a single PDF. Right mouse on SA Dynamic Reports tree item. Select 'Combine All to PDF'. * Move up, down, top, bottom menu support added to dynamic report tree items. * Improved pagination for images and text blocks. - Report Options change to provide partial magnitudes. * Group to Group, Points to Objects, Vector Group report will now show MagXY, for example, if you uncheck the Z component. * NOTE - for points to objects, the magnitudes are signed. The sign is preserved with this change such that if the XYZ magnitude had a negative sign (meaning it was on the negative side of the surface), the partial magnitude will keep its sign. - Vector Groups * Added option to control the way the vector is computed. You can uncheck X, Y, and/or Z to have the Vector Group show MagXY, Mag XZ, etc. Note - these options are synchronized with the Report options for the vector group such that unchecking Z, for example, will take it out of the graphics AND the report. * Added option to Change Vector Group>>Zero Individual Components. This lets you zero the Z values of an entire vector group, for example. * Reworked Properties dialog interface to put display options on the main dialog. Also made options take effect immediately when changed. * Some of the options that were previously in the dialog are now in the right-click menu for vector groups (reversing, making default, charting) - File>>Export>>Frames (and Objects' frames) - new function added. * This lets you select any object that has a transformation (and, of course, frames), and export them to an ASCII file. - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points * Added button to delete the selected measurement. * Also added handlers so that if you delete a nominal or measured point outside of the dialog (like delete last from the instrument), everything will refresh automatically. Also, when deleting a measured point, it will highlight that point so the next measurement is set for that point. - Instrument right-click - Add Watch Window - added a line to watch window showing the name of the last point measured by the instrument. - View>>Hover - now updates report bar when you hover over objects. - Point Groups - Right-click option added to Fit Geometry. Lets you pick type then fits to the entire group. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Re-ordered the Reports menu - Object to Object Direction relationship - text now says "Angle from Nominal" if you have a nominal angle, and "Angle Between" if not. - View>>Object Visibility>>Transparency Toggle -- now allow you to select multiple objects. - Removed "Quick Socket Is Not Active" error messages when running SA instrument functions without an instrument connected. - Instrument>>Add window is now resizeable and remembers its position and size - Arm Graphics * The joint offsets are now stored in the Persistence directory by arm serial number so that if you connect to the same arm, SA will recall the last calibration so the graphics look correct immediately. (previously, you had to wait till the arm moved around a bit before SA calibrated the graphical model) - Highlight color - if you change this, the auto color palette will automatically remove any matching colors -- so you don't make objects with the current highlight color. - Fixed issue with disappearing folders. Older files containing fit/query report data and folders would lose display of folders when automatically upgraded to the new dynamic report mechanism. - Moved Pipe Fitting to the Relationships menu (was previously under Analysis). -----------------Fixes------------------ - GD&T * Fixed a problem with multiple-feature checks - In these cases, measurements are assigned to individual features by proximity - The assignment was considering simple distance from the measurement to the nominal feature origin - It now projects the measurement to the closest point on the feature, which helps with multiple features close together and/or cases where the nominal origin is actually far from the feature * Distance Between check was using 3D distance between the feature origins; it now uses a 1D check along the feature direction * Angle Between - The "Set Nom to CAD" feature on the GD&T toolbar was correctly choosing the nominal angle between the faces, but the eval was returning the angle between the face normals - The eval now returns an angle which is compatible with the chosen nominal value * Annotation orientation - When creating annotations, a preset view is chosen which is used to orient the annotation - If the "View Relative to Working Frame" setting was checked in user options, the annotations were not being correctly oriented - Measurement Plan: * Quick Align from MP - fixed an issue which ocurred if no views were specified which could cause the guide "dot" to appear inside the surface - Moving Instruments between collections - fixed issue where indices of instruments could get mis-assigned. - Group to Group Relationships - fixed tree update issue with using the "Auto Update Vector Group" option. - Click-selection of individual vectors - now allows selection above and below the vector (previously you had to be beside the vector) - Vector Group rendering, tubes and blotches are no longer rendered for vectors having zero magnitude; previously they would still render at an arbitrary direction -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- PCMM Arms ALL - SA Auto-Correspond with proximity trigger measurement can now be used with scanners. * In arm interface, Edit Arm Settings (blue check box button) >> Fit/Meas Options >> Line Scan section >> check Use Scanner for Auto-Proximity Measurements. * When un-checked, point probe will be used as before. - Added MP op check command strings to toggle between using scanner and probe for SA Auto-Correspond with proximity trigger measurements. * Click blue '?' in arm interface for command listing. - New icons added. All buttons are still in the same place, just higher res to match the arm pad. Metris Laser Radar - removed "Decimation" setting from the Target Manager window for Vision Scan targets * This setting is not needed for most cases and setting it incorrectly can cause significant problems * If necessary, the developer config can still be used to change it * Existing targets with non-default values for this setting should be deleted and re-created and the changes should be done in developer config Laser Trackers ALL - Added option to menu - Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> Run "Watch Update" When Watch Window Opened in SA. * This toggles automatically running the Measure Profile "Wach Update" (by name) when you start a watch window in SA. * This feature is on by default, since that was the previous behavior. - Send Frames Operation - Added a feature to the relative offset frame. You can now send a point at the origin of the offset frame. * The point's probing direction will follow the Z-Axis of your offset frame. * In the Offset Frame Operation's setup ui, there is a new option to set a probe radius for this point. - Double-click on the big traffic light to pop the tracker status dialog. - Two Face Operations Check - Maximum deviations for angles was not being reported correctly, even though all values were correct in the grid. This is fixed. - Added option to menu - Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> Point Laser with option to 'Point Only' (default) or 'Point and Attempt ADM Reset'. This setting will persist. Leica AT901 - Added support for T-MAC Inspect TC30-I with touch probe * Go to Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings >> Leica emScon. Be sure to set 'Trigger' to External, and 'External Mode' to Event Trigger * Then, just start any Meas Profile that has a Temporal Scan Acquisition (frequency does not matter), and a Send Points Operation (or whatever is desired for the operation). Leica AT401 - New initialization failure states: 1) if there is no sensor battery mounted OR 2) if tracker is not levelled (when level comp is on). Updated errror messaging accordingly, and allow user to correct problem in both cases. - If the big traffic light is red, hover over it to get information regarding why the system is not ready to measure. - Double-click on the big traffic light to pop the tracker status dialog, which now shows: initialized state, sensor battery mounted state, and level status, and allows for re-initialization. - During operation, if the system reaches its warmed-up state, a warning message pops which recommends a re-initialization. This now also offers an option to re-initialize immediately. - Added command to re-initialize the tracker at any time, Utility >> Tkr Utilities >> ReInitialize Tracker - Video drive - Video control can send mouse events that are actually outside the control. This is fixed by processing only clicks that occured inside the video. - Video drive - Inform user if an attempt is made to run the video window (ADM Drive) when the LTVideo2.ocx is either not installed or not registered. - Utility >> System Info - the information has been updated to better match the 401 emScon information, including the addition of System Software Version. API Device Interface - sdk updated to V2.2.6.2209_VS2008SP1 LPT Laser Projector - In SA v.2010.08.11, the "L[index]" naming convention for plies in part xml's was removed by request from LPT. It is now put back, also by request. Metronor Portable Measurement System - Completely Redesigned Instrument Interface. - Graphics now properly represented within SA. - Instrument >> Automatic Measurement >> Auto-Correspond with proximity trigger >> Points now supported. Be sure to have the latest sound drivers installed. If audio feedback issues occur, a hotfix is available from Microsoft for Windows 7 which fixes this issue. Download the hotfix from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/981679/ - Instrument >> Automatic Measurement >> Measure Batch of Points now supported. Use the Pen Menu/Mode button to capture point. - Interface now supports changing of active probe tip via drop down of supported probe/tips. - Pen Menu/Mode button toggles measurement mode (single / continuous) when not in Auto Proximity or Guided Measurement mode. SA 2010.08.11 ****************************************************************************************************************************************** -----------New Functionality------------ - SA Roadmap - updated documentation. * Includes 17 Training Tutorials. * PDF version of the Roadmap also available by request (all 900 pages of it). Contact support@kinematics.com - Instrument>>Object Associations>>Highlight Points Measured by an Instrument: New function added. - Dynamic Reports * Now supports exporting to PDF. (currently does not support Unicode character sets). * CLIPBOARD: Tabular data may now be copied via [ SHIFT + Left Mouse ] to select data of interest. This works in the Report Bar as well. - Measurement Plan: * BSplines >> Construct B-Spline From Points -- command now support B-Spline Fit options. * Analysis Operations >> Get B-Spline Properties -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Get Point Properties -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Set Point Properties -- new command added. * Instrument Operatioons >> Stop Active Measurement Mode -- new command added. * Copy / Paste between (and within) MPs now supported. You must open both MPs from the same instance of SA for this to work. - View>>Cloud Display Control (or Ctrl+T) - Lets you control point cloud display thinning and point size using slider bars. - File >> Import >> Image menu command added. - USMN - added Instrument Transform Uncertainty Field statistics * If you run the uncertainty analysis on a USMN network, it will also report the uncertainty of the instruments' transforms. * Also, after applying the USMN solution, you can use the Analysis>>Coordinate Uncertainty>>Show Instrument Transform Uncertainty Fields option to draw the instrument transform uncertainty fields. The Z axis of the instrument is also drawn to depict orientation uncertainty. - Instrument>>Locate>>Jump Instrument to New Location: Added menu option. This is also available by right-clicking an instrument in the tree. - Watch Windows: For Point to Point and Closest Point, you can now use the Projection Options right-click menu option to select whether the deltas are computed with Nominal-Actual or Actual-Nominal. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Vector Group Reports and Relationship reports now clarify Standard Deviation methods. We now list both StdDev from Avg and StdDev from Zero. - GD&T * added initial support for sphere feature types * added support for virtual condition of datums - occurs when both of the following are true * secondary or tertiary datum is at MMC or LMC * there is a perpendicularity, parallelism, angularity, or position tolerance applied to the secondary or tertiary datum that has identical preceeding datums - Arm uncertainty analysis -- changed the default angular uncertainty for each joint to 0.005 degrees (previously default was 0.01 degrees). Any arm you add to a job will have this new value. Existing arms in jobs or template files will have the old value. Note that you can edit these values in the instrument properties. -----------------Fixes------------------ - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * GetBoolArg no longer crashes SDK Engine and now properly obtains argument value. - GD&T * fixed a problem which prevented projected tolerance zones from being used correctly in certain cases - Front side/back side rendering for planes sometimes did not match the plane's normal direction. This is fixed. - View>>Watch Window>>Points to Objects -- fixed lockup issue with F2 selection introduced in last release. - MP Command for Vector Group Color Auto-Ranging fixed. - Corrected B-Spline ordering problem when combining separated B-Splines. - USMN - fixed issue with creating uncertainty fields for Arms with multiple CPUs activated. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Laser Trackers ALL - Two new default measurement profiles added, "Temporally Spaced Discrete Pts.", and "Watch Update Discrete Pts". * Both utilize a new Acquisition which allows for repeated averaged discrete points to be taken at a set interval of time, 'Time Between Points'. * "Temporally Spaced Discrete Pts." uses the new acquisition set up by default with a start trigger of 'button/stable', and to take 100 points. * "Watch Update Discrete Pts" uses the new acquisition set up by default to start immediately, and measure until you hit 'Done' or 'Abort'. * As always, these new profiles are simply defaults, to be used as starting points. You are free to modify them or define your own in any way you like. - In SA 2010.07.01, the home button was disabled for any tracker that has no IFM. However, for some trackers, especially older models, the home button is needed in order to set the ADM offset. The home button is now disabled only for trackers which have no tracker mounted nest. API Device Interface - External TTL trigger is now supported. Just go to Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings >> and hit API_DI, and toggle with the check box. * The TTL trigger will take the place of your Sampling Frequency setting in any Temporal Scan acquisition until this option is un-checked. * A point is acquired at each 5-0V transition of the input TTL signal. * Requires tracker firmware version 5.170 (or later). - Implementation of tracker green LED no longer flashing during measurement when using the iScan or the iProbe slowed down discrete point acquisitions. This is now fixed, and the LED still behaves as requested. - User noticed that if measuring with a Temporal Scan acquisition, and setting number of points to 20,000, the interface would lock up. This has been addressed. Leica emScon - Updated from emScon 3.5.657 to 3.6.346 * Added handler for new AT401 error state so user is notified when tracker is Not Leveled For Initialization. * Updated video driver to the new ActiveX video driver in this release. - NOTE: To run Leica field checks with AT401, you must install the AT401 SA drivers via the instrument drivers installer, or just download the DLLs. Metris Laser Radar - Implemented the MP cloud view control commands (clear, save, load, send to SA, set filter) - Prevent initiating another manual measurement if one is already in progress - Corrected an issue on forced shutdown (when exiting SA with instrument interface running) which could sometimes cause an error message for the interface app process Theodolite Manager - Added PowerSearch support to Leica Totalstation. Through the Automation Options dialog, a user can define the search window. If no search window has been defined, the PowerSearch performs the default 360 degree search. LPT Laser Projector - Projected points are now 2D instead of 3D, for easier recognition of the center. * Vertical part is parallel to projector's vertical axis, horizontal part is parallel to projector's horizontal axis. - Upon selecting Instrument >> Laser Projector >> Project Objects in SA, the user then had to click in a box to name the ply. * The ply name now matches the name of the first projectable object among those selected... no more box to name the ply. * Tools now get the name of the point group selected for the alignment. - The 'Number of Points' ply filter was not taking into account whether it was dealing with a closed shape or not. * This caused an uneven look at the n-1 point when projecting a closed shape. This is now fixed. - The 'Minimum Angle' ply filter had a similar issue at the next to last point when filtering a closed shape. - When creating a new database offline, data would sometimes be appended to data from the current part. * Any time the part name is changed in the interface, the current part data is now cleared. * This is true whether adding a ply to an offline part, or to the projector's current part. SA 2010.07.01 ************************************************************************************************************ Changes marked with are the result of our user's suggestions from the SA User's Group held in Williamsburg on 4/13. Thank you! -----------New Functionality------------ - Added ALT-key for drag selection modes. This will cause the selected items to be unselected. * Select some points for example, then drag a window around some of them. Hold down ALT (as well as shift), then let go of mouse button. * F2 selection for Multiple entities now shows any items selected graphically when the dialog displays. - Measurement Plan: * Scalar Math Operations >> Round Double -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a Double from String -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Get i-th Instrument From Collection Instrument Ref List -- new command added. * Utility Operations >> Make Directory -- new command added. * Utility Operations >> Delete Directory -- new command added. - Construct>>Vector Group>>From Lines -- new function added. - Construct>>Plane>>Bisect 2 planes -- new function added. - SA SDK sample files included in the SA SDK directory under SA's Program Files directory. Note - documentation for the SDK is in the SA Roadmap. - Option to Highlight Surface Backsides (user options dialog) replaces the dimming of surface backsides. You can set a color for the backsides as well. - Dynamic Reports * Auto vertical report scrolling while moving a report item. * Composite reports now generated as Dynamic Reports. * Quick reporting now generated as Dynamic Reports. * Auto vertical overlap adjusting part of report settings. When active, automatically removes report item overlapping by pushing report items vertically. * User summary fields now properly pushed to Excel reports. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - CAD Import - Surface Normals (both APEX and classic import) * Fixed cases where some normals were imported with the opposite direction from what was expected, they should now be uniform * Added an import setting (mode1/mode2) which can be toggled if all normals are opposite from what they should be - GD&T / Feature Checks * Datum annotations have a new property, "ForceSurfaceFeature" - When enabled, the datum feature will be treated as a general surface (not a plane or cylinder) - For example, it might not be desireable for a cylindrical CAD feature to be interpreted as a cylinder but as a general surface * Evaluation is now triggered when closing the guide window during a guided rehearsal or inspection which ensures the last feature check in the set gets evaluated * When rendering feature check results, the second column (distance out-of-tol) is now only rendered if its value is non-zero * NRK Hole Feature Check - If # measurements matches # holes in a check, center measurements are now assumed - This bypasses the filter volume and just assigns measurements to holes by proximity - USMN - improved multi-processor performance by reducing thread re-allocation. - Working Color control - now uses a subset of colors when working with white or gradient background so there is higher contrast. - Construct>>Points>>Shift Points>>In a Direction (and also the cylindric version) * Added option to prefix the point name with the group name from which the point originated. - Geometry Fit UI will now display in the selected decimal precision. - Point Group - Right click for Sort In Database: * Added option for "Sort by Measurement Database Order". - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points - Added Point At button. - Added drag selection for picking multiple instruments (USMN for example). Note, these also work with polygon mode and the ALT-key for unselection. - Improved efficiency in computing auto vector groups from relationships. - Edge projection slowness corrected. - When renaming points, you can now change case and spacing. This does not affect the database, but will effect how the point is displayed. Previously, "P56" was identical to "p 5 6 " so it did not allow the rename. This limitation is removed. - Inspection Auto Filtering should now preserve cloud offsets if possible - Relationships right-click menu for points to objects - added "Sub Sampling Option" to list. Previously was only in properties dialog. - Instrument>>Locate dialog now has buttons instead of radio selections. - Relationships report enhanced for Point Clouds to objects relationships and Points to Objects Relationships. - Construct>>Points>>Layout>>On Object's Vertices -- now ensures there are no duplicate points in the resulting point group. - Measurement Plan - Intersect 2 planes and Intersect 3 planes - both functions no longer halt with a message box when there is an error in silent mode. -----------------Fixes------------------ - APEX imported annotations were not properly highlighting associated faces when selected in the tree view - Ellipse fit results were not always reporting proper sign of radial error component, and reported error magnitudes were too big for small ellipses in some caes. This is fixed. - Construct >> Points >> From Existing Points >> Subset with Greatest Spacing - now sets the target offsets in the new points to match the source points. - Instrument>>Synchronized Measurement>>Polling -- now includes all measurement details with the measurements created. - Cloud Thinner, If the "every Nth" point value would result in fewer than the specified min # pts, it is now adjusted to ensure at least the requested min # pts is used - Point group properties dialog: Fixed issue where renaming the group in this dialog would not update all of the measurements. - Frames sent to SA from the instrument interfaces (level measurements, etc) are now automatically associated with the instrument. - USMN - if you click select the instruments and pick one more than once, it is now only included in USMN once. - Transforming of shaded surfaces was slow due to unneccessary regenerating, now corrected. - Points to Objects Relationships - Outlier Rejection and Ignore Edge Projections now have their "skipped" points not included in the statistics. * This also means the "Auto Relationship Weighting" option will not include ignored points in the weighting computation. * Reports will also indicate if points are ignored due to edges or outlier rejection. - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points -- the Apply button after an output group name change will clear the checks on points in the list that are not in the new dest. group. - Feature Checks * GD&T error handling fixes to ensure proper error detection and reporting * GD&T checks which fail will now all report a distance out-of-tol value - Previously, only those check types which might involve bonus tolerance (MMC/LMC) reported the distance out-of-tol value - Now, even check types without the possibility of bonus tolerance (no MMC/LMC) will compute a distance out-of-tol value * This affects the following check types: circularity, circular runout, total runout, flatness, cylindricity * Fixed tolerance bug with Circular Runout and Total Runout Checks which would cause tolerance to reset to zero when making the feature check from the annotation * NRK Hole Check, datum alignment was being applied twice resulting in erroneous error values * NRK Checks, datum alignment residuals were not correctly reporting, showing very large values instead - Deleting a folder (right-click on a folder in the tree) -- now updates the graphics immediately after the deletion. - Edit>>Move Objects>>Drag Graphically - was not working for point clouds. This is fixed. - Replaced the term "Polar coordinates" with "Spherical coordinates" - Points to Objects watch window now obeys the surface projection options in the sign of the delta values. - Fixed a units sensitivity issue with Cylinder fits. This caused some cases to fail fitting when they should have been able to succeed. - Reversing a surface that is part of a points to objects relationship now forces the treeview data for the relationship to update. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Laser Trackers ALL - New look and smaller interface window. The following buttons have been removed, they are shown here with their toolbar counterparts for reference: * [View Parameters] - 'View Selected Meas Profile' tool button (magnifying glass) * [Manage Profiles] - 'Manage Meas Profiles' tool button (folder) * [Refresh Parameters] - 'Refresh Popped Profile Parameters to Saved State' (recycle symbol) * [Targets/Retros] - 'Targets/Retros' tool button (SMR) - SA instrument id displayed in interface - content and location changed: * Now shows 'Collection::Inst Index - Inst Name' instead of just 'Inst Index'. * Is now located across bottom of interface. - General Settings tool button >> Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring - updates/second is now limited to 10. For faster rates, just use a Watch Update. - Measurement notes are now added to Updates sent to SA. This means that notes will now appear in points taken by e.g. Synchronized Measurement >> Polling. - Two Face ops check - Angular threshold values are now reported in current units when you log the results to Instrument History in SA. Leica AT401 - Interface auto-detects whether tracker has been initialized at startup, and performs init if needed, regardless of startup settings. - Check/Cal >> Tkr Specific (Mfcr) - will now run checks/comps via Leica's TPWizard interface instead of shell-executing Tracker Pilot. - The interface will now start measurements without a lock on the beam. * If you start a measurement, you'll get an error state message, but the measurement will simply wait for you to lock on the retro, and will then commence. - Behavioral change when waiting for lock on beam. This should now be more dependable. - ADM Reset now utilizes FindReflector - also more dependable. - Stable Point acquisition now polls for data to check for stable/moving, more like other trackers. - Watch windows can now be updated continuously, even when the smr is moving. * Use "Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring" option (Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction) to accomplish this. * And use the remote to acquire points if needed while updating the watch window. - The interface now ensures that the level is in working range at startup when level compensation is on (on by default). - The interface now reacts to level status changes. You will be instructed to re-level the sensor when it is needed. * Before this change, it was possible to see a green LED at the tracker, but a red 'traffic' light at the interface - this was generally due to a bad level state. - It was not proper to expose the level monitor UI for the 401 interface. The level is mounted above the azimuth axis, and therefore, the 'traditional' monitor is disabled. - For stable and discrete acquisitions, this tracker always 'samples on controller'. That option in the measurement profile settings is now enforced. * This corrects a bug which allowed the parameters to be shown in point detail reports as if 'sample on controller' had not been used. - In measurement details, the standard deviation components from the controller are now reported as opposed to the pointing error components. - Front/Back sight option was not working with single point measurements. This is now fixed. - Battery warning levels added. Go to Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings >> Leica 4xx to edit them. * When controller or sensor battery % goes below the specified value, the battery status will pop as a warning. - Video Drive - Added buttons for PowerLock and Measure. * Also, video dlg comes up immediately when you hit 'ADM Drive', and tracker will activate 'Single Pt. To SA' measurement profile. * Left click will now drive/stop, or reset video after a lock or measure (video will simply stop updating when you lock or measure). * Notes in dlg will reflect these changes. (no more 'Stop' button). * Just use 'Jog Drive' to click on a flashing SMR to center image on the SMR. - Home buttons in main interface and in ops checks windows are now disabled. (This will apply to any non-ifm tracker.) Leica emScon (>400 series trackers) - Updated trigger settings UI (General Settings >> Leica emScon >> Trigger) to match new set of 3 possible triggers (used to be 4). - T-Probe button 'C' default setting is now 'Pause/Resume Meas' instead of 'Increment Group'. (General Settings >> Leica emScon >> T-Probe >> Program Buttons) - Single and Stable Points when sampled on controller now report different statistics. * In measurement details, the standard deviation components from the controller are now reported as opposed to the pointing error components. - Video Drive - Now a second click will stop velocity drive motion. This is in addition to the existing 'Stop' button. API (ALL) - When using i-Probe, or other peripheral 6D devices, custom defined tooling offsets were not properly persisting. This is now fixed. API Device Interface - API camera support added to DI interface. - By request from API, tracker green LED will no longer flash during measurement when using the iScan or the iProbe, only when using 3D or STS targets. - SDK version updated to v1.9.6.2260 from v1.9.3.2256. * Fixes STS index search error with Firmware V5.169 - Incorporated full 6d info in all iProbe measurements in order to populate probing direction. PCMM Arms ALL - SA instrument id displayed in interface - content and location changed: * Now shows 'Collection::Inst Index - Inst Name' instead of just 'Inst Index'. * Is now located across bottom of interface. Theodolite Manager - Units now based on SA Job units once instrument added to interface. - Introduction of Reflector Database for reflector name, type, constant, planar offset, radial offset. Metris Surveyor - Updated from Surveyor v.1.4.1 to v.1.4.9 * Fixes a crash. If a frame was being watched, and then placed out of sight of transmitters for a period of time, the next call to get updated error status caused a crash. Metris Laser Radar - updated to new Metris SDK, v1.1.12.721 - Fixed an issue with "Selected SA Geometry" mode -- using Instrument>>Jump Instrument in SA disrupted selection updates on the instrument interface side SA 2010.05.04 ************************************************************************************************************ Changes marked with are the result of our user's suggestions from the SA User's Group held in Williamsburg on 4/13. Thank you! -----------New Functionality------------ - Feature Check results now render in the 3D view beside the annotation * This can be disabled in User Options>>Display * Currently renders when there is 1 feature check created for the annotation and it is not incomplete (PASS or FAIL to render) - Dynamic Reports * Now supports report locking. Locked reports are "frozen" and no longer dynamically update. * Now supports table title / header information being part of table pagination. * Report objects now support "Bring to Front" and "Send to Back" via right mouse clicking. - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger * If watch window is up, the view will autocenter on the closest point. * If Measure Each Point Once option is checked, when all points are done, measurement is stopped, watch window is closed and view centers on nominal group. * Watch window for Vectors now shows the goal as being the nearest point on the nominal vector. * Rearranged the measure dialog so its longer intead of wider. - Watch Windows now support UDP Network Packet streaming * Right Click a watch window and select UDP Broadcast from the menu. * Note - you can use the SpatialAnalyzer UDP Monitor application that ships with SA to see what is being broadcast. - SA Roadmap documentation update * Includes quick-start guide for new Leica AT401 * Includes GD&T tutorials -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Inspection Auto Filter, point cloud instrument association is preserved when filtering - STL Export * Added support for exporting in ASCII Text STL format (Export menu item now provides both binary and ASCII text export commands) * NOTE ON UNITS: - When exporting to STL, working units are used. When importing STL with APEX, mm are assumed. - When exporting an STL file you wish to later import with APEX, make sure to set working units to mm first. - GD&T * Added Circular Runout and Total Runout feature checks * Added report options for Feature Checks to control what is included in the report - GD&T Toolbar * Re-arranged the buttons so they're more logically grouped by check type * Added the ability to create datum targets - First create a datum, then use the "A1" button to add datum targets for that datum * Added easier specification of Datums when creating Feature Checks - Before creating feature check annotations, specify the desired datums in the Datums text field - Examples (exclude the double-quotes) * "ABC" - A primary, B secondary, C tertiary * "A@MBC" - A at MMC primary, B secondary, C tertiary * "A-BCD" - A-B primary, C secondary, D tertiary * When creating feature check annotations, if the selected features are cylindrical, the cylindrical tolerance zone type is set automatically * Parameters (tolerance values, etc) now persist in the registry, avoiding the need to set them each time SA is run - Made it easier to revert to the most recently saved version of an open job file * Open a job file * Make some changes to the file without saving * Select File>>Open and pick the same file which is already open - Measurement Plan: * "Set Vector Group Display Attributes", added "Draw Tubes?" argument to allow switching to tube display - If "Draw Tubes?" is TRUE, then "Draw Arrowheads?" and "Draw Color Blotches?" will be treated as being FALSE to be consistent with the choices in the Vector Group Display settings dialog * "Do Relationship Fit" Argument 0 changed from "Object Name" type to "Collection Name". - Relationship fitting * Normalize weight option - added option to reset all weights to 1.0. * Note - normalize weights only applies to relationships that are checked (active in fit) - Vector Groups * For Show Out of Tolerance Vectors only option, the in tolerance points (hidden) are not included in graphical selection. - Insturment graphical models updated * Faro Tracker * Faro Ion Tracker * Leica TCRP1203+ - Watch Windows - Frame of Reference settings now persist properly with watch windows. - Improved point to object projection speed. - Scripts >> Generate HTML Function List -- now generates MP function list in HTML format versus WORD. - Construct>>Points>>Shift Points>>In a Direction (and also the cylindric version) * Added option to prefix the point name with the group name from which the point originated. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Instrument>>Auto Measure>>Auto-Correspond with Proximity Trigger * Audible feedback would sometimes become unresponsive and get stuck playing * A hotfix is available from Microsoft for Windows 7 which fixes this issue * Download the hotfix from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/981679/ - GD&T * Fixed "Regardless of Feature Size" symbol; it was previously using the "Free State" symbol - Measurement Plan: * "Set Vector Group Display Attributes" now correctly sets the Arrows/Color Blotches/Arrows + Color Blotches display modes - Line Properties dialog (and others) - when accessing the projected angles display, the normal vector was displayed with X,Y,Z. Changed to dX,dY,dZ. - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger - fixed issue with new bullseyes not drawing properly when in millimeters. - Fixed a performance issue with the 'screaming weasel' in the Batch (Guided Points) Measurement. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Metris Laser Radar - updated to new Metris SDK, v1.1.12.658 - Tooling Ball measurements now have correct target offset values Leica AT401 -- *** New Instrument Interface added *** - Runs with the standard SA Laser Tracker interface. - Just add the AT401 model to SA and go. - Instrument measures only discrete points, but you can still perform watch updates, geometry 'scans', and stable point measurements. - Check/Cal >> Tkr Specific (Mfcr) - will run Tracker Pilot (Interface disconnects from tracker, and reconnects after Tracker Pilot is closed.) - Utility >> Tkr Status - pops a window showing battery levels (or power sources), etc. - Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings >> Leica 4xx - edits settings for level compensation, power lock, remote button programming, etc. - Overview camera is supported as usual in the ADM Drive UI (as with any emScon system, remember to download and register LTVideo2.ocx) - Interface ignores beam state when starting a measurement. So it is possible for 'red light' to be on when a measurement is started. Laser Trackers All - Geometry Triggers - When selected from SA, now prompts for multiple planes, cylinders, or spheres instead of one at a time. - 'Watch Update' measure profile is automatically started when a watch window is created in SA. - Separate angular units are now supported for level data (in measured level frame notes and in level monitor ui). - Tooltips added for docking button and weather station traffic light. * NOTE: You've always been able to double click the weather station status light to access settings. Faro - Automeasure Workaround - With no smr in position, search was returning false 3 to 7 seconds before the tracker stopped searching. The subsequent point would fail, since the tracker was still busy. This is fixed by waiting for tracker busy status after search returns. API Device Interface - Updates to level measurement (gravity frame), recommended by API to account for differences between DI and original interface. - SDK version updated to v.1.91 from v.1.86. - SDK version subsequently updated to v. from v.1.9.1. API release Notes... 1. FIX: does not allow level out of range in the virtual level routine 2. FIX: apply ambient environment compensation on the reset IFM distance. (refraction of index) 3. CHG: change function TrackerBacksightOperation to allow dwelling. 4. NEW: add the optional humidity sensor channel. 5. FIX: homing failure. 6. FIX: FTP connection problem in the tracker calibration software. PCMM Arms All - Geometry Triggers - When selected from SA, now prompts for multiple planes, cylinders, or spheres instead of one at a time. - Batch (Guided Points) Meas - Delete Last arm button supported. Removes last point and resets Guide to previous point. - Updated sphere fit percent coverage calculation to subdivide into 720 facets instead of 180 for a more accurate coverage estimate. - Toggling arm buttons off now leaves keyboard enabled. (1=armbutton1, 2=armbutton2, 3=armbutton3, +Ctrl=longbutton) - Patch (Projected Point) measurement - Radial offset is no longer set to zero for projected points sent to SA, only planar offset. * NOTE: This was found by a user running a Circle Geometry Relationship set to trap measurements from the Patch mode. - Updated sphere fit routine to match results from SA sphere fit. Different fit class was yielding different reported rms error. * NOTE: Fit data (e.g. center, radius) were not different, only reported rms error from fit. CimCore and Romer - Geom Trigger - If Options >> Sound Options >> Arm Sounds >> Use for Plane Sections is checked, issue arm beep upon triggered point. * NOTE: If option is not checked, a sound from the speakers is generated, as with all other arms. TheoManager - Leica TCRP TotalStation: * Instrument updates now include target offsets. SA 2010.04.07 ************************************************************************************************************ -----------New Functionality------------ - GD&T * Added ability to initiate inspection from Measurement Plan - Instrument Operations >> Start GD&T Inspection - new command added. * Added an algorithm to determine a default view for each feature based on the annotation, feature extents, and leader line direction. This means you can perform a GD&T inspection immediately after importing the CAD without the Design phase where you lay out the views. You could always do this before, you just would not always have a good view of the features. - Adobe APEX CAD Import * Added initial support for the creation of GD&T Datums and Feature Checks from annotations imported through APEX. - Single-Click Selection * Changed SA graphical selection from double-click selection to single-click selection - this is an attempt to reduce the spread of carpel tunnel syndrome. * If no selection is in progress, however, a double-click can still be used to show point or vector properties. - Analysis >> Coordinate Uncertainty >> Evaluate Uncertainty Field Along Vector Direction * Select Point Group with Uncertainty and Select Similarly Named Vector Group That Defines Direction. Creates csv file with resulting uncertainty values. - New Combined Installer implemented (for production releases) - this will install the hardware lock driver, SA, and the documentation from a single install exe. - New release of the SA Roadmap documentation including several training tutorials. Your roadmap will update automatically. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Updated the hardware lock driver. This will help with system compatibility and speed. NOTE - this requires that you update your hardware lock driver to v7.6.1. This is available on the website. Also, the new combined installer will automatically install this driver. - Improved placement of Annotations -- proper orientation with respect to user-defined views - Improved text rendering (labels, callouts, etc.) - Query>>Points to>>Single Point - now displays the vector group properties dialog after performing the query. - Automeasure a Vector Group -- Changed background highlight color for failed points so it is brighter. - Report Designer now supports WYSIWYG printing. - Report Designer now supports Callouts. Dropping a callout into the designer will produce a snapshot image at the time the item is placed in the report. - Active instrument probe graphics * For probing instruments, the probe shank is now drawn as a cylinder protruding from the probe. * For Trackers, added a ring around the translucent ball to represent the SMR opening. This will point back to the tracker. * Increased brightness of the graphics, and made it use the color of the active shot (which is configurable in user options). * Probe-tip will now draw even when the instrument is not drawn. You can disable the drawing of the probe tip in user options. - Instrument>>Automatic Measurement>>Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger * Now draws bullseyes showing all of the points that have NOT been measured yet. As they are measured, the bullseyes disappear. - Line labels now draw at the center of the line as opposed to the begin point. Callout anchors for lines attach to the midpoint now also. - Relationships: * Computational results are now stored with the SA job file. * This means the relationships will not have to recompute the first time they are used after opening a file. * The result is a large performance increase on complex relationships. - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Optimizations to improve client performance. For example, the MP command "Get i-th Point From Group" iterating over 100 points: Old time (51.42sec); New time (1.76sec) - Measurement Plan: * Create Counter fixed to properly reset back to original value for case where initial counter is not using ref'd or variable value. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Adobe APEX CAD Import * Annotations now import correctly transformed to the current working frame - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points * X for failed measurements now persists when the next measured point comes in. * When you click select a row in the point list, the collection, group, and target name in the interface are set automatically. - Points to Objects Relationship reporting * Corrected point order issue for Point/Object/Delta component reporting. Several of the projection options had the signs reversed on the deltas. Now the report deltas will match a vector group created from the relationship. - Geometry Relationships - fixed issue where they would not properly generate quick reports. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- PCMM Arms All - Now send probing direction with 3d updates. (Already sent with all measurements) - Added probing data to simulation updates and measurements. Romer CimCore - upgraded to WinRDS v.5.4.3 from v.5.1 API Axxis - Kreon Scanner - When 7dof arm is selected, you're now prompted to select the calibration file at start up. * The selection takes place after the axes are initialized for the 7 axis scanner arm. Laser Trackers ALL - During Stable Point Acquisitions, SA graphics will now update when target is moving. - Added Remote Home commands to MP op check command strings. * “Add Remote Home []” -- Add a new Remote Home position with name designated by [] ([] not part of string) * “Go To Remote Home []” -- Go to and Lock onto the Remote Home designated by [] ([] not part of string) * "Delete Remote Home []" -- Delete the Remote Home designated by [] ([] not part of string) * In the interface, see Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> MP Command String Listing for more information. - UDP packets are sent at full acquisition rate when sending 3D or 6D updates to SA. Faro - 'Home at Startup' can now be turned off. Formerly, Faro homed at startup no matter what to adjust the ADM offset. API Device Interface - Version update from to 1.8.6. * This version adds support for blinking the green tracker mounted LED during discrete, temporal, and spatial measurements. - Added level measurement (gravity frame) support. - Added level monitor support. - Fixed Auto-Measure with the DI. ADM search needed to be adjusted for the right DI parameters to wait on. Simulation - Now updates tracker model after home, admSearchLock (e.g. automeasure), and ifmGoToWaitLock (e.g. remote home) Metris Surveyor - Added handler for SA's 'Instrument >> Automatic Measurement >> Auto-correspond with proximity trigger'. - Properly expose and persist all 'allow low accuracy' settings - see 'Settings' dialog. - Corrected logic so that a frame's 'streaming 3d pts.' status is independent of its 'streaming 6d frames' status. - Updated from Surveyor v.1.3.4 to v.1.4.1. You MUST have this version of Surveyor running. Metris Laser Radar - Tooling Ball radius is now provided in the measurement details - Fixed an issue where the last 2 scan lines were combined in the same group when the "NewGroupForEachScanLine" option was enabled - updated to new Metris SDK, v1.1.11.642 New Robot Interface Added - Added support for the KUKA robots! - You can control and calibrate robots using SA. For control, there are several MP commands: * Move Robot to Frame * Move Robot to Named Destination - SA also has an interface to the ABB robot family. SA 2010.03.08 ************************************************************************************************************ -----------New Functionality------------ - Points to Objects relationships Reporting Functionality * Added the ability to report the nominal (projected to surface) and measured values along with the component errors. * Uses the same report format as Vector Groups and Group to Group relationships. You can control, through report options, whether its a multi-line, horizontal or vertical report, and what components are shown. - Added "Construct>>Vector Group>>From Polygonized Surface Normals" command - Transformation Matrix 4x4 view - added Import and Export options that read and write .csv files with the transformation matrix. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - AutoMeasure, Multi-Pass, delay between measurements and delay before next pass now use far fewer cpu cycles. - MP 'Delay for specified time' now uses far fewer cpu cycles. - Added hotkeys: * Edit>>Delete Points Alt + D * View>>Show Point Labels Alt + L - Measurement Plan: * File Operations >> File Export >> Export ASCII Points - new argument added (Maximum Precision). * File Operations >> File Export >> Export ASCII Points - new argument added (Measurement Details). * Suppressed properties dialog for the resulting geometry from a "Fit Geometry to Point Group" MP command. - Adjusted coordinate frame labels so they are extended along the axis as opposed to on top of the end point. - CAD import * Memory usage improvements. * Fixed issues with several problem files on import * Fixed several shading issues. - Made measurement details fields read-only in the measurement properties dialogs. - Relationship fitting * If you select an instrument, it will use all of the instruments measurements to compute the centroid for fitting motion instead of the instrument origin. - Quick-Align and GD&T Inspection measurement location prompt disc * Fixed issue where they would disappear if behind a translucent instrument. * Made the dots brighter. * Changed their appearance to use several rings of color to make them more visible. - Automeasure a Vector Group: * Brightened the color for failed points. * Progress bar includes all points that have been skipped, failed, or measured (not just measured) * Rearranged dialog so its clear you have to hit Apply to make the angle skip tolerance take effect. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Fixed an issue that could cause SA to crash when creating a surface from b-splines. - Relationships - Points to Objects - Auto Vector Group - speed improvement in case where empty relationships were triggering vector re-updating too often - Report Bar - even if not visible, it could cause a recompute on the selected entity. This is fixed. Issue was slow performance if a complex relationship was selected. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Laser Trackers All - Geometry Trigger measurement - when triggers were set to 'closest point', not 'interpolate', duplicate points were possible: Consider 2 subsequent test pairs (i, i+1) and (i+1, i+2), if both pairs cross the boundary, i+1 could easily be the closest pt. from both. This possibility is now eliminated since it could cause problems for some e.g. surface creation algorithms. - Two point naming conventions changed when meas profile is one with a geom fit operation: 1) When not auto-incrementing group, and there were already some points in the current group -- geom fit operation would set first pt. name to 'p1', so there would appear multiple observations for those pre-existing points if their names were also 'p1, p2, ...'. 2) When auto-incrementing group, geom fit operation would not reset subsequent point names to 'p1' for each new group. PCMM Arms All - New Measurement Mode added - Cone. Right click the cone button to set fit parameters. - Geometry Trigger measurement - when triggers were set to 'closest point', not 'interpolate', duplicate points were possible: Consider 2 subsequent test pairs (i, i+1) and (i+1, i+2), if both pairs cross the boundary, i+1 could easily be the closest pt. from both. This possibility is now eliminated since it could cause problems for some e.g. surface creation algorithms. Creaform HandyScan 3D - Updated interface from VxScan driver v.3.1 to v.4.0. This should be backward compatible with 3.1 however. - You must have Creaform's VxScan driver installed to run this interface. Creaform HandyProbe - Added ability to stream updates. If checked, updates will be streamed as long as probe is visible and in range. * This will not interfere with discrete or streamed measurements. The measurements will temporarily interrupt the update stream. - Added docking button. - Added '+/-' (increment/decrement) buttons for group and target names... but recall that 'check mark' button on probe increments group, and resets target name. - Added probe and camera models. NOTE: Probe model trasnform is not exact (built from probing direction and xyz data ray), so model is for graphics display only. Metris Surveyor - Added handler for point requests from SA. * E.g. for Instrument >> Locate >> Measure Nominal, sets collection group, and target, and: * 'Measure Manually' button will then wait for user to hit probe trigger or hit 3d meas button in interface. * 'Automatic Meas Single Point' will take a point immediately, so probe must be in position (for non-buttoned probes) SA 2010.02.15 ******************************************************************************************************************* Thinking of upgrading to Windows 7 ? SpatialAnalyzer is tested and ready to go on Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit editions. -----------New Functionality------------ - New User Interface themes available * View>>User Interface Features>>UI Theme * New themes include: - Visual Studio 2008 - MS Office 2007 (Black, Blue, Silver) - MS Office 2010 * Default UI theme is now "Office 2010" - Adobe Acrobat APEX Import * Support has been added for multi-configuration files (previously these would not import) * When importing multi-configuration CAD files, the default configuration will be selected and imported * A job file log entry is now added on successful import indicating the file imported, total import time (secs), and some stats on the file * New option, "Import all surfaces as Graphical Mesh Entities" When enabled, all CAD surfaces will come in as Meshes under Graphical Entities in the tree. This provides a high-performance visualization of the CAD surfaces These Mesh objects are not for analysis, they're designed for high-performance visualization - User Options>>Display>>Surface Rendering Options * Added a checkbox which will force a re-render of all surface * Previously if surfaces had already been shaded, changing these options wouldn't result in an update without saving/loading and re-shading - Measurement Plan: * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a Collection Instrument Reference List - new command added. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Add a Collection Instrument to a Ref List - new command added. * Instrument Operations >> Move Objects in 6D using Instrument Updates - new command added. - SA Network Browser * Added a Ping utility to check tcp/ip connection with e.g. a measurement device. - Construct>>Points>>Layout>>In View by Clicking -- new function added. This will place points where you click at the central region of the data in your job. - Instrument>>Bundle Adjust - Added solution weighting control for Collimation shots and Mirror Cube shots. Use Advanced button in bundle dialog. - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points - added option for Scale-Free fit. - Construct>>Point(s)>>Intersection>>Line and Cylinder -- new function added. - Construct>>Point(s)>>Intersection>>Line and Sphere -- new function added. - Help>>Sample Files -- added great training sample files. - View>>Transparent Instruments -- allows you to see-through the instruments for build operations. - ASCII Export for points - now has option to export measurement details (sampling, etc) as well. -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Graphics Capture no longer requires re-generating the surface topology for CAD surfaces * Capture Graphics>>To Printer * Capture Graphics>>To File * Camera Toolbar button - Updates for Windows 7 Hardware Accelerated Rendering - Added support for Ellipse fit profiles. - Changed default setting for "Remote Viewable" to OFF. To monitor the SA job remotely, turn this ON. - Changed default setting for "Front of Sphere Rotation" to ON. Also made this a machine setting as opposed to a per-job setting. - Deleting the working frame now makes the highest frame in the list active in its place. * Removing the last frame with an identity transform (a true WORLD frame), will cause another to be created in its place. - USMN - Instrument index listing for each point is updated based on weight settings (and trimming) after each solution. * 0_2__5 will become 0_2____ if either instrument 5 is weighted to zero, or the specific measurement at the point from instrument 5 is weighted to zero. - Language Translation Editor * When you delete a translated phrase, the English phrase will be added back into the Missing list so it can be retranslated if needed. - Dragging Objects -- when moving surfaces, the centroid for rotation (right button) is computed more accurately. - Circle and Plane Geometry Fit Profiles - 'probing direction override - if available' now defaults to true * This means that when a new profile is created, this will be checked. Also, it will be checked in the default profiles in a new SA installation. - Edit>>Mirror Objects - now includes frames, point clouds, perimeters, and other objects that were previously unsupported. * Also controls naming of mirrored objects when copied by adding a "-mirror" to the name and ensuring uniqueness across object type. - Color Bar buffer zone changed from +/-0.001 to +/-0.00001. - Instrument>>Jump to new location - will pop the locate options dialog at the beginning of the process so if you cancel the new instrument is not added. - USMN - In Instrument Settings, restricting X, Y, and Z motion did not restrict it about the WORLD frame. This is fixed. - Geometry fit naming convention -- Replaced "::" with "_" for objects created from a fit. This makes it easier to parse names with MP. - ASCII Export dialog - settings now persist while SA is running. Added option for Maximum Precision (Scientific Notation). - File>>Save As Read Only Template File -- now stores the current view in the template file. - Direct Search Optimization * Increased the size of the initial perturbations to cause quicker convergence with "far from optimum" data. * Added more detail to the progress display. Now updates the exploratory cycle count as well as the main iterations. - Relationship Fitting interface * Buttons stay locked after editing properties (right-click) until the refresh has completed. This prevents the user from hitting Run before the properties are fully applied. This helps when dealing with complex relationships with long computation times. * Clicking the RMS column now sorts similiar to the other columns. - Object to Object Direction Relationship -- changed the default setting for the mutual perpendicular constraint to OFF. - Construct>>Surface>>From Objects - now does not use a ":" in the new surface name. This makes it easier to parse names with MP. - Label locations for points and vectors shifted down on the screen by the target drawing radius. This makes it easier to read the labels so they are not on top of the points' graphics. - Combined two menu functions that did the same operations. Construct Frame >> 3 Points >> Origin, X Axis >> Z rotated vertical (About X) - Removed Construct Frame >> Using working frame orientation >> Pick origin and point to clock X axis - then tip X axis about Y - Renamed new function Construct Frame >> Using working frame orientation >> Pick origin and point on X axis - clock Z along working Z - Added component deviations to relation report for points to objects relationships - Construct>>Vector Group>>Area Profile Check now excludes reference vectors selected from comparison to vector groups. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Fixed installation issue for Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended (APEX) when the Analyzer Data folder is not in the default location - Fixed Ellipse fit issue introduced in SA 2009.08.06. The issue caused ellipse fit to return incorrect results. - Relationships: * Fixed an issue with Point Clouds to Objects relationships where the highlight function and auto vector group creation could fail. * Made the tolerance information pass properly from Point Clouds to Objects relationships to the created vector groups. * Addressed cases where auto vector groups would not update unless the relationship was "visible" (expended in tree, in report, etc). * Suppressed the updating of auto vector groups when relationship fitting is in progress. - Fixed case where CTRL + Left button drag to zoom could zoom too small, and cause the view to exhibit strange behavior. - Ignore edge projection flag was not properly functioning for some object types. Fixed. - Instrument>>Locate>>Measure Nominal Points - was not always updating the display correctly when a tolerance was applied. Fixed. - Changes made to Construct Point>>Layout>>find surface circle centers to make it more robust. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- Creaform HandyProbe -- New Instrument Interface added - Runs with Creaform Handy Probe System (HPS). Must have HPS installed and running. * Probe's center button measures - press and hold to scan, short press for discrete single point * 'check' button increments group name and resets target name * 'X' button deletes last measured point from SA Laser Trackers All - Geometry Trigger measurement - Added Cylindrical and Spherical triggers. Both can be selected from SA. - Added a ping command for diagnostics in 'Connect to SA' and hardware connection dialogs. Allows you to try to ping a tracker's ip address to check validity. - When the Part Temperature monitor is in use, all part temperature data (including thresholds/tolerances if alarm is on) is posted to the SA Instrument History. - Programmable function keys - * measure key (default is F3) will now resume a paused acquisition, now called "Measure/Resume". * Added new programmable functions for keys: - "End Acquisition OK" (added for discrete meas mode with multiple points). This allows a remote to be used more effectively. - "Iterate Quick Select Meas-Mode" (already existed for the programmable 4 button remote, e.g. Leica T-Probe) Use a remote or F-key to iterate through the quick selects. * 2 default key functions changed: F4 now "End Acquisition OK" was "Watch Data", F6 now "Iterate Quick Select Meas-Mode" was "Change Face" - Added an RMS Monitor for all discrete point acquisitions. From the 'Settings' menu, select 'UI' to toggle it. * You can set warning (yellow), and out of tolerance (red) thresholds. * You can tell the Monitor to disallow use of any out of tolerance point. This will apply to any discrete acquisition, whether a measurement or part of an ops check. * NOTE: This monitor is NOT tied to the ppm tolerance setting, it is purely based on averaged point's rms. When in use, the monitor supercedes the ppm tolerance. - When changing the update frequency for the "Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring" option, the change did not register until the checkbox for 'Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring' was toggled off and then back on. Now, the change will update immediately upon hitting 'OK' in the General Settings dialog. - Drift check - An error message was posted if a measurement was attempted when no drift points had been added. This is fixed. - Spatial or Temporal scans - If '# points' was set as the Stop Trigger, and acquisition was set to take n points, n+1 points would usually be taken. Fixed. - When the Group Increment option is checked, the point name will be reset to [root name]1 instead of [root name]0 once the measurement completes. - ADM OpCheck - Added ADM Offset in the User Defined Retro grid was not updating immediately upon completion of the ADM OpCheck. This is fixed. - New look for interface with new images in main dialog for controls... toolbar, buttons, etc. - Circle and Plane Geometry Fit Profiles - 'probing direction override - if available' * Now defaults to true. This means that when a new profile is created, this will be checked. Also, it will be checked in the default profiles in a new SA installation. * Now works even when using an SMR. The laser vector (line of sight) is used as the probing direction. Leica emScon - Upgraded emScon to 3.5.657 from 3.0.309. This allows for full support of the new PowerLock emScon feature. * PowerLock can be toggled for special cases. Just go to Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings >> Leica emScon, and look under 'PowerLock/ATR' - System will now default to use the Thommen or AT Meteo Station as its weather source if one is connected to the controller. Faro - Added “Run Faro CompIT” command to MP op check command strings. * MP step returns when CompIT window is closed. Fails the MP step if run on a non-Faro tracker. * In the interface, see Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> MP Command String Listing for more information. API Device Interface - Added support for STS (Smart Track System) spatial and temporal scanning, 3D or 6D, data or updates. - Added "API Device Interface" to the SA Instrument>>Run Interface menu item, and Run Interface Toolbar tool. - DI version updated to v. from v. * FIX: Tracker homing fails if tracker already has been homed. * CHG: Improve the IP360 scanning performance. * FIX: Ethernet communication error such as loose cable will totally terminate the main thread. * CHG: Initial laser distance again at birdbath position to compensate the offset between ADM and IFM. * FIX: IP Offset Calibration does not work. - DI version updated to v. from v. * ADM compensation updates - DI version updated to v. from v. * Fixes crash when scanning pts. with iProbe. * In this upgrade, code is fixed which had been broken by v., released with SA 2009.09.02. - The DI is now included in the SA installation build. So from now on, all SA installations will have a concurrent DI. TheoManager - Leica TCRP TotalStation: * Acquire button now utilizes ATR search window settings from device. * Query / Record button for Prism / Tape with ATR active now performs target search prior to measurement. * Tracking now supports Track Only, Send Updates, or Measure. * Tracking with Record speed enhancements. * Tracking Cancel button provides more reliable termination of device tracking. * Tracking mode will auto-cancel whenever the prism is lost. * New Laser Pointer option to activate laser whenever the prism is lost when tracking. * Front / Back Measuring moved from automation options to general parameter. * Front / Back option added to support sending observations as separate measurements. * Ability to acquire measurement initiated from instrument now available. Must have device GSI Output Interface configured to use same port as GeoCom Mode. GSI Output Protocol = None; GSI Format = GSI16 Polar2. * F-Key support for Query [F2], Record [F3], Acquire [F5], Track [F6], and [F9] to Abort. * General options dialog target thickness field has been changed to target planar / radial offsets. Metris Surveyor - Updated to Surveyor v.1.3.4 from v.1.1.9 * This version adds a handler for the new 'Digital I/O' event. * For now, ANY Digital I/O event (added to handle the new iJavelin trigger button) is considered to be a trigger button. * A trigger button event always spawns a 3d point measurement from the frame which fired the event. * NOTE: This REQUIRES that you run Surveyor v.1.3.4 or later. - Support added for editing a frame's detectors (e.g. setting normals) by reading/writing ASCII files. * The comma delimited file for a frame contains a list of detectors, each line consisting of detector name, nominal location, and normal. * Just right click a frame in the frames list to access/edit its detector array. * The detector array can then be edited by right clicking a detector. Lines from SA (measured from e.g. a vector bar's top smr through the center of a circle at its base) can be used to edit the nominal location and normal vector of each detector. - Residuals, quality, and other information added to point and frame notes. - 3d data streaming now supported in addition to 6d. - Added setting to 'allow low accuracy' data. PCMM Arms ALL - Geometry Trigger measurement - Added Cylindrical and Spherical triggers. Both can be selected from SA. - Current selected measure mode is always indicated by the appearance of its measure button being depressed. Faro USB - Clicking the "Scanner" button with no scanner connected caused arm to go into "point cloud" mode - this is fixed. API Axxis - updated arms to Baces v. from, - updated Kreon scanner to v2.1.0.7 from - updated Kreon interface to react to changes in Kreon v2.1.0.5 and - hard probing works again - NOTE: This requires a new Plugin SpatialAnalyzer from Kreon. Just go to ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver Downloads/API Axxis Arm Installs and get 'PluginSpatialAnalyzer2107.zip'. Unzip to your harddrive, and run Setup.exe. It will guide you through the installation. Metris K-Series - Deployment - factory default hardware profiles are now copied to C:\Analyzer Data\Persistence\Metris HHAPI Profiles\. * This is where the interface will now look for all profiles. Metris Laser Radar - updated to new Metris SDK, v1.1.11.615 Creaform HandyScan 3D - Updated interface from VxScan driver v.2.2 to v.3.1. This should be backward compatible with 2.2 however. - You must have Creaform's VxScan driver installed to run this interface. Laser Projectors LPT - Corrected link to LPT driver download in Startup Help. GSI VStars M-Camera Interface - Updated to populate both radial and planar offset values - Updated to close the 'Waiting for Instrument Response' when auto-running the interface from SA. - Adjusted to a units change by resetting the log on message - units in SA and V-Stars must match. SA 2009.10.19 ******************************************************************************************************************* -----------New Functionality------------ - NEW DOCUMENTATION *** The SA Roadmap documentation is now released. Download the SA Master Installer and it will guide you through installing the roadmap. Note that the new Roadmap will automatically update as we update our documentation with each software release. www.kinematics.com/support/docs.html - NEW FEATURE *** SA Events tree-item now created to report fit and other events. * Events provide information similar to that presented in the Fit/Query report, except that it is tabular. * You can drag/drop events into SA Dynamic reports, etc. * Available for USMN, Best Fit, Relationship Fit, Geometry Fit, Quick Align, etc. - NEW FUNCTION *** Construct>>Surface>>From Point Groups (Approximate) - New GD&T menu heading -----------Updates/Improvements--------- - Adobe Acrobat APEX Import * CAD points now import into a single point group * The point group name is configurable in the import settings dialog - Plane exports for IGES and STEP now include plane bounds - exported as a planar surface. - QuickAlign now supports more than 6 points (N-pt QuickAlign) * Instrument>>Locate (Transform to Part)>>QuickAlign to CAD * After picking the initial 6 inspection points, any number of additional points may now also be selected - Locate Instrument by Measuring Nominal points - list now maintains selection and list location when a new measurement triggers a refresh. - Security.bin and .log files for User Options - Security feature are now stored in the Persistence directory instead of Backup directory. - Edit>>Move Objects>>Drag Graphically - improvements to motion logic for easier use. - Instrument>>Drag Graphically - improvements to motion logic for easier use. - Speed Increase: Construct>>Points>>Shift Points>>In a Direction -- only updates display after all points are created. - Speed Increase: Construct>>Points>>Layout>>On Object's Vertices -- speed enhancement. - Best-Fit Transform - added display of Unknowns and Equations as well as a warning when underconstrained (more unknown variables than equations) - Graphics acceleration now defaults to ON. You can disable this from the Performance Options area in User options if you have display defects. Before disabling it, make sure you are running the latest video drivers for your hardware. - SA Application startup is now quicker. - Cylinder fit - Options for Maximum Inscribed and Minimum Circumscribed fits were added in SA 2009.02.16. * This also made the 'standard' fit find the 'Best Axis' when the 'Lock Radius' option was set. * Now, you can choose between 'Minimum RMS' and 'Best Axis' when locking the radius for a 'standard' fit. -----------------Fixes------------------ - Fix: Instrument >> Automatic Measurement >> Auto Correspond with Proximity Trigger >> Points / Vectors -- when used with associated Watch Window, saving job file afterwards would result in file corruption. This has been fixed. - Fix: Analysis>>Scale Bar Measurements: "Scale Bar Database" button used to go to the wrong user options page. - Fix: User Options - Security tab: Changed restriction to allow deletion of all users. - Fix: Construct>>Sphere -- fixed drawing defect when facet count was set very high. - Fix: Callouts now display "&" character properly. - Fix: Add Instrument about working frame now properly adding instrument. - Fix: MP Frame to Frame transform - fixed issue where certain cases did not complete the animation. - Fix: Advanced curve fit options added - now possible to specify the curve degree - Fix: Instrument>>Bundle Adjust: Fixed issue where after checking "Force Vertical" and solving, then unchecking the option and resolving would cause solutions to not converge properly. -----------Instrument Interfaces-------- PCMM Arms All - Support added for streaming UDP data. There's a new button in the Arm Settings Options dialog, "UDP Data Stream" for setting it up. - Geometry Trigger measurement - You can now set 'Interpolated' or 'Closest Point' crossing criteria for planes Selected from SA. - Streaming points to SA as cloud points was ignoring preferred collection name for cloud points. This is fixed. - Fixed an issue which could cause reported Max Error to be incorrect. FaroUSB - Upgraded sdk from v. to v. driver install is now on the web site for download. This version fixes an issue where an incorrect arm serial number was recorded in the probe calibration log if muliple arms were being used. NOTE: This USB driver requires that you upgrade to run this and later versions of SA. - Added support for Faro TrackArm. Download the TrackArm deployment package from ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver Downloads/FaroUsbArms/Faro TrackArm Deployment, and follow the instructions in the readme to get TrackArm ready to run. To use it, simply hit the 'TrackArm' button on the main dialog. See the QuickStart guide for further usage information Metris MCA - This interface is now part of the Metris HHAPI (K-Series) interface. It will no longer appear in the general arm interface. Laser Trackers All - Added measurement interval option to Reflector Center Op Check. This will provide time to rotate the retro between measurements. - Geometry Trigger acquisition - You can now set 'Interpolated' or 'Closest Point' crossing criteria for planes Selected from SA. - Main Dialog, 'Targets/Retros' >> Targeting 'Add: From Selected Reflector' -- Allows adding a 'standard' target tooling set to a reflector. The '6mm probe' and '3mm probe' definitions were adding 6mm and 3mm Radius retro probes, whereas the 'standard' sizes are 6mm and 3mm Diameter. This has been corrected and clarified in the UI. - AutoSphere acquisition mode popped a message stating it needed a geometry trigger. This was a bug, and is now fixed. - Measure Profiles with Geometry Fit Operations - If only output parameters (append to report, etc.) were edited, and 'show fit dialog' was checked, the output parameters would not match those in the fit dialog. Changing output parameters now notifies the fit, like input parameters (offsets, etc.) already do. Faro - Added support for new Ion tracker. Leica TP-Link - Added a safety check for user defined retroreflectors' home vectors. User reported that they sometimes had an inavalid azimuth parameter. Metris Surveyor - 'UDP Data Stream' button becomes general 'Settings' button. Added ability to toggle the probe's back button, per user request. API Laser Rail - Aux. data sent to SA will reflect selected units. SA 2009.09.02 ******************************************************************************************************************* - Adobe Acrobat APEX Import * A new option has been added to allow using SA Folders to represent the hierarchy in the CAD file, this is on by default - Folders * Added "Center in view" which centers and autoscales the view around all objects within a folder recursively * Added "Move" which allows transforming of all objects within a folder recursively * Added "Expand All" and "Collapse All" which expands/collapses all folders within the selected folder with a single command - Measurement Plan: * Construction Operations >> Cylinders >> Construct Cylinder From End Points - new command added. - View >> Watch Window >> Add Point to >> Objects -- title bar of watch window will now show the name of the current closest object. - Points (and Groups) to Objects Relationship * Added report option to show component (dx, dy, dz) errors. * Added tolerance option for individual component errors. * All existing relationship tolerance function (watch windows, etc) use the magnitude tolerance as before. The component tolerances only affect the component reporting appearance. Laser Trackers All - Part Temperature monitor with optional alarm added -- Devices >> Part Temperature >> Monitor - Measurement Plan (MP) OpCheck commands added to control beam break behavior and Faro beam modes. For more info, see tracker interface menu Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction >> MP Command String Listing. From there, you can copy and paste the commands directly into your MP, or print the listing for reference. - Added ADM distance set support in Drift Check. Also, each drift point displays and logs how its ref and meas were set. - Main Dialog, 'Targets/Retros' >> Targeting 'Add: From Selected Reflector' -- Allows adding a 'standard' target tooling set to a reflector. This UI now includes the word 'Radius' wherever there might have been confusion regarding probe tips. - Corrected issue when the 'Measure' button was used during a watch update type profile (profile with 'Send Updates' Operation). If the target in use was a 6D target (e.g. T-Probe), the azimuth of the single sample polar measurement was negated. DMS - Faro tracker was getting 'stuck' on ADM points when the reflector was already in position. This is fixed. API Device Interface - All new dll set for iScan360. This is DI version, upgraded from version API changes include: - CHG: Improve ADM reset process. - CHG: Improve IP360 double-clicking handling. - FIX: Homing failure when beam broken occurs. - NEW: add configuration settings file for IC360. - CHG: Revise IP360 ADM Offset compensation. - CHG: Use dynamic date to do IP3 tip offset calbration PCMM Arms All - Plane, Hole, Pin, Patch, and Slot measurements Material Thickness compensation was not handling negative thickness values. This is fixed. - Patch Shift (Material Thickness) is now persisted with each plane measured in the arm interface. * The Patch Shift will now be shown in the plane area of the measurement dialogs instead of the top header section. * Warning, this change will cause a 'settings file not compatible' error on the first run of this version. Just restart the interface, and all's well. - Fixed an issue introduced in v.2009.08.06 which caused instability in arm interface's circle fits. Laser Projectors Virtek - Virtek PDK v. (dll's v. removes the log4net.dll deployment issue relative to Metris Surveyor and Laser Radar. - Drift Checker is paused/resumed when projection is paused/resumed. Metris K-Series - Upgraded to Metris HHAPI v., released on 2009.08.28. This version and a quick start guide are available in the Driver Downloads area on the NRK web site. SA 2009.08.06 ******************************************************************************************************************* - SA Dynamic Reporting * Fixed issue with large table titles being clipped. * Objects now support Summary / Detail table display. - SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * Projection Options argument now supported. - ASCII File Importer of point weights for best-fit transforms now has Wmag as optional. - Corrected issue with circle fits introduced in v. 2009.07.15 which caused dependency on job units in some cases. - MP Construct Circle function now properly maps the normal vector to working coordinates. - Improvements in CAD assembly units handling - Drag and Drop can now be used to import files into SA * Supports all file types handled by File>>Auto Import (by file extension) * Hold down the CTRL key while dropping a file to use the beta Adobe APEX importer Metris K-Series -- New Instrument Interface added * Supports Metris HHAPI, which handles K-Scan and SpaceProbe. * Arms like the Metris MCA can also be supported by this interface. * NOTE: This interface replaces the Krypton SpaceProbe interface. TheoManager - NEW Instrument: Added support for the Leica TCRA6000 Total Station Precise EDM mode during tape / prism acquisition. Laser Trackers All - Updates to some dialogs for multi-language support. SA 2009.07.15 NEW *** Geometry Comparison Relationships added. * This allows you to have a relationship that performs a geometrical fit then compares that result to a nominal geometry. * Also allows you to just fit a geometry, or just compare 2 geometries. * Implemented for Circle, Sphere, Plane, Line, Cylinder, Cone, Paraboloid, and Ellipse. * When the points used in the fit change, the fit automatically recomputes and updates the reports, callouts, etc. * In the report option for these relationships, you can configure which items are reported, how they are toleranced, etc. * You can also control which of the criteria are used in the relationship fitting optimization. You can control (and weight independently) both the Delta value as well as the amount out of tolerance. NEW *** SA Dynamic Reporting * Design Custom Reports (Reports >> Add Dynamic Report). + Drag / Drop items from the SA Tree onto the Report Designer. + Move objects around within the Report. + Reports now stored under new SA tree branch "SA Dynamic Reports" NEW *** Native CAD import method implemented for SA Ultimate + Native CAD based on the Adobe platform: * File>>Import>>All CAD Formats - Adobe (Beta) * This requires that you install Adobe APEX. This is part of the SA Ultimate + Native CAD software bundle. * Initial implementation available. More enhancements coming soon. NEW *** SA UDP Data Stream feature added * Once enabled in an instrument interface, it will stream UDP network packets for 3D and/or 6D measurements. This allows users who are integrating with simulation environments, for example, to dynamically update other programs with the measurement information from SA. * These can either be sent to a specific computer (IP or name), or broadcast to an entire subnet. * There is a diagnostic program, SpatialAnalyzer UDPMonitor.exe, included in the SA Install. Use this to monitor the traffic. * You can set the coordinate system of reference for the data. Options include Instrument, Working, and World. * Currently implemented in the Laser tracker interface and the Metris Laser Radar interface. For Trackers, from the Utilities menu, select 'UDP Data Stream'. * Group to Group Relationship statistics now properly displayed within SA Tree Bar. NEW *** SA Software Development Kit (SA SDK) * The Spatial Analyzer SDK provides a means by which to write custom applications that utilize Measurement Plan functionality within Visual Basic, Visual C++, C# and J#. This functionality is available as part of the Measurement Plan module of SA. * A PDF file describing how to use the SA SDK and code samples are available for download in the Other Installs area of the website: "SA_SDK_SampleClientCode.zip" - Measurement Plan: * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct a Point at line MidPoint - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct a Point at Circle Center - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Points from Cylinder - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct a Point at Projection of Point onto An Object - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Planes >> Construct Plane - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Planes >> Construct Plane, Normal to Object, Through Point - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Planes >> Construct Planes, Bounding Point Group - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Cylinders >> Construct Cylinder - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> Spheres >> Construct Sphere - argument update to become collection aware. * Construction Operations >> B-Splines >> Construct B-Spline From Points - argument update to become collection aware. * Analysis Operations >> Mushroom Target Hole Inspection - argument update to become collection aware. * Analysis Operations >> Sphere Axis Check - argument update to become collection aware. * Instrument Operations >> Locate Instrument (Group to Surface Quick Fit) - argument update to become collection aware. * Instrument Operations >> Auto-Correspond with Proximity Trigger - argument update to become collection aware. * Instrument Operations >> Measure Nominal Feature - argument update to become collection aware. * Instrument Operations >> Locate Instrument (Best Fit - Group to Group) -- fixed issue with command always failing. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Average a set of Groups - argument update to become collection aware. * Instrument Operations >> Watch Closest Point - argument update to become collection aware. * Variables >> Set Point Name Variable -- new command added. * Variables >> Get Point Name Variable -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Get i-th Point Name From Point Name Ref List (Iterator) -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Get i-th Object From Collection Object Name Ref List (Iterator) -- new command added. - Auto correspond by proximity measurement mode -- watch window option now shows the distance to the target vector or point instead of the compensated distance to the surface (in the case of vector measurement) - Group-to-Group Relationships will now update when points are added via renaming or moving. - Vector / Point callouts may now be displayed without a label. - Fixed a situation where cylinder and cone fits could find the wrong solution when refitting to an existing geometry. - Added 'Planar' and 'Radial' labels for targeting offsets in Point Properties dialogs. - Geometry Fit Plane Profile - rearranged ui to match planar part of circle profile ui - above, below, face. - Rearranged Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, and Paraboloid profile ui's to match radial part of circle profile ui - inside, outside, face. - Fixed issue when refitting a circle while using probing direction to determine offset direction, there were cases where the circle would be offset incorrectly. - Language Translation Editor -- added Export / Import buttons. These save/load CSV files for translation data. - Improved processing of Large CATIA V4/V5 files. Improved import speed, solids rendering, and faster analysis after import. - SA Report Templates updated (Reports>>Add new SA Report Template) * When output is set to Excel, the Set Output Position instruction now also allows using named cells by specifying #NAME the output position will be set to the cell with the name NAME attached - MP ODBC, improved error reporting * MP>>File Operations>>Database Operations>>Put/Get to/from ODBC Database * when an error occurs, the underlying SQL failure information is returned and displayed to better support diagnosing problems - ASCII File Importer now supports point weights for best-fit transforms: * Format: "PointName X Y Z Wx Wy Wz Wmag" - Relationships -- added option to "Automatically create and update Vector Group" for Group to Group and Points to Objects relationships. * This means the vector group will continually update as the relationship recomputes. * Option available in the relationship Properties area. * The Right-Click option to make a vector group makes a single group and does not update it. Laser Trackers All - "Update SA Graphics When Not Measuring" option added in Settings >> Tracker >> SA Interaction. Set frequency in Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings. - Any time a measurement's operation is 'Send Updates', a 'Measure' button appears in the measurement's progress dialog. If a 6D probe is in use, this 3D measurement sent during a 'Send Updates' operation will now contain probing direction information. - Geometry and cardinal point names "Group::Target" now become "Group_Target". The "::" names were problematic when used in MP because of Collection Object Naming Convensions. Leica emScon - Any time the tracker is started without having been initialized, it will now auto-initialize. API Device Interface - All new dll set for iScan360. Another new version designation style for DI sdk as well. This is DI version API changes include new interface to manage ic360 stylus and enhancement for ic360 error compensation. PCMM Arms All - Fixed an issue with geometry properties notes. When multiple geometries were measured without closing the measurement dialog, the notes were being appended. Notes are now properly cleared before each new geometry. - Geometry and computed point names "Group::Target" now become "Group_Target". The "::" names were problematic when used in MP because of Collection Object Naming Convensions. API Axxis 7-100 Arm Scanner - New Kreon dll set v. Beta. This version exposes arm joint angles, which are now updated in SA graphics. This version also involves an update of the Baces.dll (arm dll) from to, but this should not affect the 6dof Axxis arms. Also new with this verison is the Plugin SpatialAnalyzer from Kreon. Just go to ftp://ftp.kinematics.com/pub/SA/Install/Driver Downloads/API Axxis Arm Installs and get 'PluginSpatialAnalyzer2105B.zip'. Unzip to your harddrive, and run Setup.exe. It will guide you through the installation. Metris Surveyor - By request from Metris: Do not allow measurement when frame status is NOT 'Stable'. NOTE: Depending upon your measurement conditions, you will need to adjust parameters in Metris Surveyor to ensure the measurement status will NOT be 'Moving'. As of this change, a status of 'Moving' will invalidate the measurement. Please contact Metris for details re. how to adjust these settings. - Ignore checked frames when measuring via probe buttons. Only send measurements from the one that produced the button event. - Send probe offset with all updates to SA. (It was already sent with all measurements, but this was needed as well) - Bug fix - code from Metris was causing a situation where multiple measurements could be taken with a single probe trigger button press. This is fixed. - Support added for streaming UDP data. There's a new button at the bottom of the interface dialog, "UDP Data Stream" for setting it up. - Added support for MP function 'Set Instrument Group and Target'. LPT Laser Projector - Added blue "?" help button in the log on dialog to provide startup and usage information. As always, the help information can be printed from the help UI. API Laser Rail - Added support for MP commands 'Set Instrument Group and Target' and 'Measure', both for 1D distance via Auxiliary Data to SA. Faro Photon/LS Scanner - Updated Faro Open interface from v.4.5 to v.4.6 - needed to support Faro Scene 4.6 SA 2009.05.12 ******************************************************************************************************************* - Added Construct>>Surfaces>>From Objects * Allows selection of multiple objects and then creates surfaces from each selected object * A summary is shown indicating any failures or object types which do not support surface creation - Added export/import .csv for scale bar database - GD&T Surface Profile Check, added support for asymmetric tolerances * Added a new property, OuterTolerance, which describes the portion of the tolerance which is outside the surface * By default this is 1/2 Tolerance, resulting in symmetric tolerance but can be overridden by the user if required - Reports>>Add New SA Report Template update * When selecting "Embedded Excel Workbook" as the output choice, it is now possible to provide a template workbook file - Enhancements for display of callouts/labels/colorbars * These are now included in Capture Graphics>>To Printer * Improved rendering to allow viewing on different resolution/aspect ratio displays than the ones on which they were created - MP Excel Direct Connect - when writing data, if the specified worksheet does not exist, it will now be added to the workbook - Bug Fix: Point Cloud to Objects relationship -- when making a vector group, points that were excluded with outlier rejection were being added to the vector group. This if fixed. - User Options + Machine Configuration tab contains new option to enable / disable Remote Viewing of Spatial Analyzer. - User Options + Analysis Tab: Added "prior measurements" option to force a new point if a measurement comes in for an existing point. "*" will be added to the name. - Point group subdivide command added. Right-click the point group to access. - Make Surface menu option added for objects that can create a surface. This currently includes planes and cones. - Relationship fitting window -- added right-click menu options for Properties, Tolerance, Fit Constraints, and Outlier Rejection. - Bug Fix: Cylinder Fit - When fit mode was changed (e.g. least squared to min circumscribed), and the new fit could not perform the requested mode, the report stats were not always correctly invalidated, therefore showing the previous fit's results. This is fixed. - Leica T-Probe -- fixed issue where watch updates did not always have the correct target offset. - Measurement Plan: * Instrument Operations >> Locate Instruments (USMN) - fixed issue with wrong point group being deleted when USMN dialog shown. * Construction Operations >> Circles >> Construct Circle -- circle now properly constructed when active frame is not world. * Construction Operations >> Lines >> Construct Line 2 Points (Vector Notation) -- now handles points specified in working frame. * Vector Group Name arguments now supports referencing of string data. Laser Trackers API Device Interface - All new dll set for new iScan360. New version designation style for DI sdk as well. This is DI v1.3.9 Build 708. New Instrument Interface added API Axxis PCMM Arm with Kreon Solano Scanner, Axxis 7-100 Arm Scanner (7dof 2.6m) Be sure to hit the blue "?" help button in the log on dialog for help getting started with this arm. SA 2009.04.22 - Added the ability to manually associate point clouds to datums and feature checks (right-click, Associate Clouds) - Added point filtering option for the below commands to include both, only positive offsets, or only negative offsets * Inspection Auto Filter - Construct>>Point>>Auto Filter to Faces - Construct>>Point Cloud>>Auto Filter to Faces - Analysis>>Feature Inspection Auto Filter * Construct>>Point>>From Cloud Points>>Filter Clouds to Plane * MP Analysis Operations>>Cloud Filters>>Filter Clouds to Plane - Added the option to store the filter results for the below commands as cloud points * Construct>>Point>>From Cloud Points>>Filter Clouds to Plane * MP Analysis Operations>>Cloud Filters>>Filter Clouds to Plane - Added Max Pts Per Face option to the filtering functions described above * If enabled, this is applied at the very end to the final points which were filtered to each face * It ensures that a given face receives no more than the specified number of points - Quick Align modified to use selected side of face selections. - Reporting * User Options + Report Options tab contains new option to include object notes within quick reports. * Object notes now appear with each object within report. Notes follow each object's pertinent data. - Measurement Plan: * Object type arguments now include "Poly Surface". * Added "Edit Subroutine" to MP Editor step list right mouse click menu. Valid only for Run Subroutine steps. * Analysis Operations >> Best Fit Transformation - Group to Group - new resultant argument added for transform in working frame. * Analysis Operations >> Best Fit Transformation - Group to Group (Scale Free) - new resultant argument added for transform in working frame. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Point (Fit to Points) -- new command added. - Bug Fix - Construct>>Point>>Layout>>on Obect Vertices & On Object Vertices by clicking now reconnected for surface objects. - Fixed issue which caused 'Auto Measure (streamlined)' to FAIL all remaining targets when START was selected while instrument was still searching or measuring. - Fixed issue with scale-free transformations being applied properly when working frame is far from the data. This fixes an issue introduced only in the 2009.04.03 release. - Fixed issue with Vector Group colorization for Tolerance (Continuous) drawing within tolerance vectors in white. This created problems whenever a white background was being used by the user. - New Instrument Interface added - API Axxis PCMM Arms. Currently supported models: 6-100 (6dof 2.6m) and 6-200 (6dof 3.2m) Be sure to hit the blue "?" help button in the log on dialog for help getting started with these arms. PCMM Arms All - Button Help - updated MP help for setting meas modes with ‘Configure and Measure’ or ‘Set Instrument Measurement Mode/Profile’ commands - help was missing entries for 'Hole' and 'Circle' - Fixed a bug in Patch (projected point) Measurement. Target name was getting incremented before point was sent to SA. Laser Trackers All - ADM seed distance (Settings >> Tracker >> General Settings) is sometimes reset automatically to avoid the need to constantly reset it. One such time is after a succesful GoTo command. The idea is that the tracker has been commanded to move to an area where the user may well use ADM auto-reset, and therefore an appropriate seed distance is set automatically. This automatic reset no longer occurs if the commanded GoTo vector is less than 1 meter in length. (Leica users note that the minimum ADM distance requirement is still taken care of automatically.) SA 2009.04.03 - Point Clouds automatically thin for quick rendering when rotation or panning the view with the right or left mouse button. - Added Construct>>Point(s)>>Auto Filter to Faces and Construct>>Point Cloud>>Auto Filter to Faces * These work similar to the Feature Inspection Auto Filter, however, they filter input data to CAD faces without the need for feature checks and/or datums * There are 3 ways to select which faces are used for filtering - All Faces used all the CAD faces in the current job - Select Surfaces lets you select surface objects and then uses all the faces in the selected surfaces - Select Faces lets you select individual faces directly by double-clicking them in the 3D view * The results are placed in separate groupings (clouds and/or point groups) or combined into a single grouping based on the settings chosen - Inspection Auto Filter Updates (Analysis>>Feature Inspection Auto Filter) * Added adjustable surface and edge offset values to control the filtering * Added a settings dialog with the above and access to the cloud thinning options - Added an Automatic Measurement option for Guided Inspection * During inspection design, use the checkbox to enable Automatic Measurement and create nominal points * During inspection, for features which have nominal points and for which Automatic Measurement is enabled, the instrument will be automatically driven through the nominal points - Added the ability to drag annotations along the leader-line direction when editing them * Need to be editing an annotation (props dialog shown) * Click on the annotation and drag to move the annotation around in its plane (existing functionality) * Hold down the ALT key while dragging to move the annotation up and down along the leader line direction (new functionality) - Exporting Point Clouds now supports exporting with cloud point labels. - Vector Group display properties now support new render mode for Blotches and Arrows. - Point Group Properties dialog now supports renaming of group. - Point Groups Tree Branch now supports "Delete All" - Added Construct>>Surface>>Tubular Surface from B-Spline function. - Added an option to set the nominal value from CAD for dimensions when using the GD&T Toolbar * When enabled and the Nominal +/- mode is used, the nominal value will be initialized using the CAD - Added radius GD&T feature check type - Added the ability to set hole vs. pin for inspection when cylindrical features are referenced * This can be set for annotations and datums/feature checks which have associated cylindrical features * This controls which way the offset compensation occurs (outward for a hole, inward for a pin) - Measurement Plan: * Added "Terminate All MPs" button to MP Execution dialog. Available from within subroutines. * MP Watcher - Support for display of Counter Reference Arguments. * MP Watcher - Steps that cause an MP to Jump to another step are now properly updated within the watcher. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Point at Intersection of Planes - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Point at Intersection of Plane and Line - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Points at Intersection of Circle and Line - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Point at Object Origin - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Point Group from Point Name Ref List -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Lines >> Construct Line - Project Line to Object Reference Plane - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Lines >> Construct Line - Normal to Object through Point - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Lines >> Construct Line Construct Line 2 Points (Vector Notation) -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Lines >> Construct Line Normal to Object -- new command added. * Construction Operations >> Surfaces >> Construct Surface From BSplines - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Circles >> Construct Circle - now collection object aware. * Construction Operations >> Points and Groups >> Construct Points WildCard Selection - auto adding of astericks to criteria removed. * Construction Operations >> Vector Groups >> Construct Vectors WildCard Selection - auto adding of astericks to criteria removed. * Analysis Operations >> Angle Between Two Planes' normals - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> Angle Between Line and Plane - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> Angle Between Two Lines - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> Cloud Filters >> Filter Clouds to Plane - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> Cloud Filters >> Filter Clouds to Surface - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> Query Clouds to Surface - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Relationship Attributes >> Set Relationship Reporting Frame -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Get Number of Collections -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Get i-th Collection Name -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Relationship Operations >> Make Group to Group Relationship -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Raster Scan Edge Inspection - now collection object aware. * Analysis Operations >> New Raster Scan Edge Inspection - now collection object aware. * Instrument Operations >> Configure and Measure -- Added "Wait for Completion" argument to provide a means of not having to wait for measurements to be completed by user. * Instrument Operations >> Quick Align -- added arguments to provide 6 nominal points and corresponding point of views used during quick alignment * Points and Groups >> Construct Point Group from Point Cloud -- new command added. * Variables >> Set Font Variable -- new command added. * Variables >> Get Font Variable -- new command added. * MP Font arguments now support color for output text. * Fixed issue with MP object types not being assigned properly during runtime selection. * Process Flow Operations >> Ask for User Decision -- added argument to allow specification of font. * Process Flow Operations >> Ask for User Decision (Pull-Down Version) -- added argument to allow specification of font. * Process Flow Operations >> Ask for User Decision from Strings -- added argument to allow specification of font. - Edit>>Scale Objects -- now scales selected objects about the working frame (previously about world). - Construct >> Curve >> B-Spline menu path now becomes Construct >> B-Spline - 6D updates (frames) from any instrument will now update watch windows. - 6D updates can also be used from slave instruments in sychronized measurements. - Geometry Fits - Planes and Circles now have an option to override Right Hand Rule or Point On Positive Side with Probing Direction to determine offset direction. The override is used only when probing directions are available in the data - e.g. cmm arms or 6D targets. Otherwise, the fit will fall back on RHR or Pt. on Pos. - Fixed issue with editting an Embedded File not updating the embedded file when saved. - Fixed issue with Analysis>>Best-Fit>>Points to Surfaces/Objects>>N-Point Full Fit -- It was not properly localizing the point set to avoid getting stuck when the points were far from the origin. This is fixed. It will now match Points to Objects relationship fits. - Vector Groups: Added magnitude tolerance information to the summary report area. - Support for reading Left Handed Frames from Catia. - Geometry Fits - Fixed issue with cylinder and cone. When probe offset was overriden in the fit profile, the overriden offset was not being used. - Bug Fix - removed unintended time dependancy on Catia imports. Fixes Catia Import Error # 923 SAButton - ExecuteMP method now returns the proper TRUE/FALSE status. - New property added "MPExecutionStatus". This property reflects the status of requests to SA to execute an MP. - New property added "TerminateNow". Setting this property to TRUE will call ForceMPTermination. - ForceMPTermination -- new method available to provide a means of remotely terminating all running MPs. Caution should be taken when using this method. Termination of running MPs where an MP has presented the user with a dialog may cause a software exception. Metris Surveyor - New Interface replaces Metris IST Surveyor. - This is built for Metris Surveyor version 1.1.9. Make certain this version is installed. You MUST run the batch file 'Register Metris Surveyor Assemblies.bat' located in the 'MetrisSurveyor' folder in your SA install folder. This file must be run once on any pc which is to run the Metris Surveyor interface. If you have an installation of a previous Surveyor version then you MUST first run 'Unregister Metris Surveyor Assemblies.bat', then run 'Register Metris Surveyor Assemblies.bat'. Additions since IST interface: - Supports iProbe, with filtered tip data, and probe radius detection - Allows for registration of multiple frames/probes for position change and button hit events - Polls for position data for any discrete measurement (instead of waiting for next frame change event) This means you don't have to have a frame registered to measure a discrete point or frame. - Check boxes added to frames list for measuring discrete locations. All frames which are checked will be polled for selected data type. - NOTE: Allows only one frame at a time to stream 6D updates. This ensures proper TransTrack operation. For multiple TransTracks, just run another instance of the interface. - Shows transmitters and their rms errors, same for frames (whether registered or not) - NOTE: iProbe button functions: button function 2 remove last measurement from SA 3 toggle streaming 3D points trigger measure discrete 3D point - Discrete measurements from MP supported by sending "Measure 3D" or "Measure 6D" strings via 'Instrument Operations Check' command. - All frames will now start out unselected. This means to measure discrete 3D or 6D points, you must first select the frame(s) to measure. - A button has been added to 'Stop Selected Listening' (un-register) the selected frame. This means that streaming 6D updates from the selected frame will be disabled unless it is once again set to listen. TheoManager - Leica TCRP1203+: * New toolbar icon to indicate current reflector type. Pressing toolbar indicator also allows for changing the current reflector type. * Fixed issue where auto measuring tape targets caused auto fine adjust to occur. * Fixed issue with initiating tracking on tape target leaving instrument in auto lock state. - TotalStations interface for perimeter scanning enchanced for proper determination of scan line cutting plane such that initial cut plane is zero degree grid rotation at instrument base. - Sokkia Net-2: Weather units within interface now properly handled. Metris Laser Radar - Perimeter scanning enchanced for proper determination of scan line cutting plane such that initial cut plane is zero degree grid rotation at instrument base. - updated to new Metris SDK, v1.1.7.537 Laser Trackers ALL - Geometry Fits - Planes and Circles now have an option to override Right Hand Rule or Point On Positive Side with Probing Direction to determine offset direction. NOTE: Point On Positive Side was already set based on probing direction with 6D probes, but this was added to ensure expected behavior with the new fit option. - The Tracker interface now has a tool bar. Note that the four bottom most buttons in the interface, which deal with measurement profiles and targets/retros, are now redundant. Eventually, these buttons will be removed. The tool bar also adds easy access to beam break behavior, and always shows the current setting. - Geometry Fits - Fixed issue with cylinder and cone. When probe offset was overriden in the fit profile, the overriden offset was not being used. API - Mirror alignment (beam return finder) enhancements - maximum beam return search is still performed, but around that point of max return is now a secondary minimum quad cell position search. If the position at minimum quad cell position has a return intensity of at least 70% of the max return, then that min. quad cell position is the new result. Otherwise, the max return intensity position is the result, as it would have been prior to this change. - An API dll was replaced. This dll caused a message box to be popped when an ADM search failed while the video was up. The message is no longer popped. API Device Interface - All new dll set for new iScan360. Also, code changes to support iScan360. - In this version, when the beam recovery mode is set to auto_adm, API's new HoldPosSwitch is set. This is an attempt by API to prevent the jumping off behavior when resetting ADM distance. - SA install registers VitaminCtrl.dll, the camera control dll. Faro - ADM/IFM operations check - proper operation is ensured by setting distance mode to 'IFM Only' for IFM measurement, and 'ADM Only' for ADM measurement. Leica emScon - Changes in preparation for release of emScon v.3.5. Changes involve recognition of new T-Mac 'Virtual Probe', and recognition of new AT400 series trackers and new PXA250 processor. NOTE: Due to the new virtual probe definition, previous versions could mistakenly auto-identify a T-Probe as a T-Mac when locked onto the beam if the system had both defined. The correct probe could of course still be chosen from the Target/Retro database when this occurred. Laser Trackers and PCMM Arms - GeometryTrigger - user can choose whether to append trigger names and group output pts. separately - start value which is greater than stop value is now valid when creating trigger planes (handled for both Cartesian and cylindric cases) - added support for selecting trigger planes from SA Laser Projectors ALL - Projections from SA Geometric Primitives are now much more efficient, and will project with less flicker. LPT - Added Ply Filters for thinning projection point data... Mimimum Angle (turn angle), Minimum Distance (between points), and Number of Points (to hard limit pt. number). These filters will all work with any b-spline or geometric primitive object, whether adding to an offline part, or projecting 'live'. There is a new button in the Projection area of the main dialog. The button will display current filter type and set parameters. - Interface now prompts for a ply name only when working offline. GSI VSTARS - Updated camera model to Inca3. SA 2009.02.16 - Added object type identification to hover window. - Construct >> Curve >> B-spline >> From Points -- now preserves b-spline fit options. - Added the option to draw end arrows on B-splines (right-click B-spline >> Properties) * Also allows you to apply this setting to all BSplines or selected BSplines. - Construct >> Points >> From Cloud Points >> Pick Cloud Points -- now preserves Make Points from Clouds dialog settings. - Reporting * Fixed issue with Vector Group Magnitude always being positive in MS Word Report - Cylinder Fit - Added options to fit Maximum Inscribed and Minimum Circumscribed cylinders. - Added "Point at Target" menu option for points within treeview. - Instrument >> Automatic Measurement >> Auto-correspond with proximity trigger >> Points - watch window now displayed in proper job units. - Rename of a Point Group now allows renaming where the name has only changed in case. For example: Random ==> RANDOM - Measurement Plan: * Function tree searches now properly display resulting matches based on criteria specified. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Make a System String -- new "Date (Short)" option available for MM/DD/YYYY format. * Construction Operations >> Other MP Types >> Append two Point Name Ref Lists -- new command added. * Instrument Operations >> Get Last Instrument Index -- added output argument of type Collection Instrument ID. * Instrument Operations >> Watch Instrument -- new command added. * Instrument Operations >> Delete Instrument -- new command added. * Analysis Operations >> Fit Geometry to Point Group - now produces minor failure when out of tolerance points encountered. Also properly utilizes out of tolerance specifications when running without fit dialog. * Collection Object Name arguments now support an additional object type element. Provides a means to distinguish between objects with identical names. * Variables >> Set Point Name Ref List Variable -- new command added. * Variables >> Get Point Name Ref List Variable -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Delete SA Report Template -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Delete SA Report -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Delete SA Doc -- new command added. * Reporting Operations >> Define Report Template -- modified Item to Report argument into a Collection Object Name Ref List allowing multiple report items to be specified. * Analysis Operations >> Get Vector From Vector Group By Name -- new command added. - AIMS TDF import, multiple operations in the TDF are now imported into multiple collections - Added Construct >> Feature Checks >> From ALL CAD Annotations * With annotations in multiple collections this provides a quick way to create all the checks; all checks will be created in the default collection - Catia V5 Importer now processes R19 files - BUG fix - Mirror cube frame assignment error for cases where X&Z Axes were defined. - Hide All Subroutines menu option added to the Measurement Plans Branch. - Enhanced Language Translations Editor dialog - next buttons added to support finding next item in list for specified criteria. Adding translation will cause missing translations list to remain at its current scrolled location. - Addressed problem where deleting a collection that is presently displaying an instrument report within the report bar would cause SA to crash. - Embedded files with spaces in names now open properly. - The importing predefined ASCII formats dialog now properly preserves checkbox settings when selecting a different format from the list. PCMM Arms All - Added ablility to select persisted reference planes (projection planes for pin, hole, patch, slot, edge line) from SA -- new button in meas dialogs. - New Measurement Mode added - Geometry Trigger. This allows for an array of crossing planes to be created in the Working Frame. Just right click on the new measure button, or hit the arm settings button (big check mark button in lower left), then hit 'Fit/Meas Options' >> 'Set Triggers', to create/edit Cartesian and/or Cylindric trigger plane grids. - Instrument Scale from SA is now updated immeditately for all data calculations (e.g. geometry fits) intrinsic to the interface. - When scale changes, all reference planes (projection planes for pin, hole, patch, slot, edge line) are cleared - Fixed issue when planes were measured in succession without closing plane ui, normal (and therefore offset direction) could be calculated improperly. This was introduced in version, 2008.11.13. Romer CimCore - Added models for 6dof 5100 Series (Infinite 2) arms. Faro - Improved support for Renishaw Sensor probe. E.g., streaming measurements are begun when touched, and paused when released. - Arm cal. leaves arm in scanning mode if scanner was selected as active probe - this is now cancelled, since laser scanning is just a measure mode, and user may want to use hard probe, even after calibrating the scanner. Laser Trackers All - New Acquisition Mode added - Geometry Trigger. This allows for an array of crossing planes to be created in the Working Frame. Just click 'Geometry Triggers' in the Acquisition parameters to create/edit Cartesian and/or Cylindric trigger plane grids. Your profile set will be searched for the existence of a profile with this new Acquisition. If none are found, a profile called 'Geometry Triggered Pts.' will be added to your measure profiles, with a 'Send Points to SA' Operation. - Instrument Scale from SA is now updated immeditately for all data calculations (e.g. geometry fits) intrinsic to the interface. - Cylinder Fit - Added options to fit Maximum Inscribed and Minimum Circumscribed cylinders. - Added "Measure Level", and "Monitor Level" to Measure Plan Instrument Operational Check string commands. - When tracker is sending updates to SA, a 'Measure' button appears in the measurement progress dialog. 'F3' will now operate this button as well. Interface must have focus. SMX - Fixed issue reported by user - Watch Window updates were not working properly. Laser Projectors LPT - Added ability to create tools offline. In SA, Instrument >> Laser Projector >> Alignment (just like a live projector connection). - Log on to projector is now name based, as opposed to ip address based. Just enter the name of the pc running the projector... defaults to local machine name. - No need to worry about .xml extension with part or tool files. They are added if needed. - Projection is now faster. - Adding new tools/parts is now faster. TheoManager - Leica TCRP1203+: * Fixed issue with reflector type changes not being preserved after measurement. * Tilt compensator changes within interface now properly reflected on the device. SA Open Instrument Interface - Added SendSinglePoint method to allow user to send a single point to SA without having to Add/Send/Clear Measurements. - Auxiliary Data Support added: * NOTE: Not compatible with older versions of SA. Must be used with this SA version or newer. * Added AddAuxiliaryDataItem method to allow user to queue auxiliary data items for a measurement. * Added SendAuxiliaryData method to allow user to send queued auxiliary data for a measurement to Spatial Analyzer. * Added ClearAuxiliaryData method to allow user to clear queued auxiliary data items. Metris Laser Radar - updated to new Metris SDK, v1.1.7.515