14:22:00 .SETUP.EXE started at: January 28, 2010 14:22:00 14:22:00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:22:00 .Command line: -Q 14:22:00 .Check if the user belongs to the Administrators group 14:22:00 .User belongs to the Administrators group 14:22:00 .Kit-Dll loaded from: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Kit.dll 14:22:00 .CheckKitVersion: TRUE (KitVersion: 14:22:00 .Version.ini: Option=KUKA.USB Version=V1.1.0 Build=8 Date=20081030 14:22:00 .Start init PreSelectBase 14:22:00 .enumerate installed options 14:22:00 !can't open key 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\Software\KUKA Roboter GmbH\Version], "Version" 14:22:00 .->result: V5.5.11 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\Software\KUKA Roboter GmbH\Version], "OfficeLite" 14:22:00 .->result: 0 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\Software\KUKA Roboter GmbH\Version], "Customer" 14:22:00 .->result: KUKA 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\Software\KUKA Roboter GmbH\Version], "InstallationDir" 14:22:00 .->result: C:\KRC 14:22:00 .S4R: Get the TrafoName for the actual mada typ. 14:22:00 .S4R: Actual TrafoName: #KR5 C2 FLR ZH02 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion], "KUKA_Build" 14:22:00 .->result: XPe V2.0.0 Build 2, 2006-06-01 14:22:00 .End init PreSelectBase 14:22:00 .Execute check parameter: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\DevInstXP.exe #/Q /F PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1019&SUBSYS_101E1734&REV_00# 14:22:00 .Execute start: "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\DevInstXP.exe" /Q /F PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1019&SUBSYS_101E1734&REV_00 14:22:00 .Return value from executed program: 0 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System], "SystemBiosDate" 14:22:00 .->result: 03/16/07 14:22:00 .reading: [HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System], "SystemBiosDate" 14:22:00 .->result: 03/16/07 14:22:00 .use section [NewInstallation] 14:22:00 .Use INI-File: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini 14:22:00 .Check INI-files. 14:22:00 !Section 'Exec4' not found in 'D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini'. 14:22:00 !Section 'Delete0' not found in 'D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini'. 14:22:00 !Section 'WinDir' not found in 'D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini'. 14:22:00 !Section 'UserVar' not found in 'D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini'. 14:22:00 !Section 'Dependencies' not found in 'D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini'. 14:22:00 !Section 'NoKrc' not found in 'D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini'. 14:22:00 !Unable to get 'CheckRegistry' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:00 !Unable to get 'OperatingSystem' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:00 .No check of operating system 14:22:00 .Get infos from current installed release 14:22:00 !Unable to get value of registry key 'Patch'. 14:22:00 !Unable to get value of registry key 'PatchDir'. 14:22:00 !Get ParameterMark: No value for ParameterMark found. Use # 14:22:00 !Unable to get 'LogFile' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:00 !No 'ReinstDir' available in section [Information] 14:22:00 !No 'UninstDir' available in section [Information] 14:22:00 .GetUserExeLangID: 0x409 14:22:00 !Get LanguageDir no Id available in section [WinDir] 14:22:00 !Get LanguageDir Id not found in section [WinDir] 14:22:00 .Check whether 'KUKA_HMI.EXE' is running 14:22:00 .Check whether 'CROSS3.EXE' is running 14:22:00 .Check whether 'KUKABOF.EXE' is running 14:22:00 .Check whether 'KUKADB.EXE' is running 14:22:00 .No KRC process is running => RunOnce=FALSE 14:22:00 .Check if the user belongs to the Administrators group 14:22:00 .User belongs to the Administrators group 14:22:00 !Unable to get 'ShowSecurityCheck' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:00 !Unable to get 'KrcRunning' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:00 !Unable to get 'CheckDependencies' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:00 .Start prepare Technology Setup installation 14:22:00 .Don't check installed version and service pack version 14:22:00 .Copy all files of the Technology Setup to: D:\KUKA_OPT\KUKA.USB 14:22:00 !EraseDir: D:\KUKA_OPT\KUKA.USB ... nothing to do! 14:22:03 .CopyDir: 42 from D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB to D:\KUKA_OPT\KUKA.USB 14:22:03 .CopyFiles: 1 from D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\Setup_08.ini to D:\KUKA_OPT\KUKA.USB\Internat\KrcUpd\KukaUpd.ini 14:22:03 .Copy Exec1 files disabled 14:22:03 .Copy Exec2 files disabled 14:22:03 .Copy Exec3 files disabled 14:22:03 .Copy Exec4 files disabled 14:22:03 .Delete work 0 14:22:03 !Delete work nothing to do 14:22:03 .Make SaveDir 14:22:03 !No 'UninstDir' available in section [Information] 14:22:03 !Make UninstDir nothing to do 14:22:03 !No 'ReinstDir' available in section [Information] 14:22:03 !Make ReinstDir nothing to do 14:22:03 !Make SaveDir nothing to do 14:22:03 .Save files 14:22:03 .Copy files with wininit-method 14:22:03 !Get NoHibernate: No value for NoHibernate found. Use 'AUTO' 14:22:03 .Check whether 'KUKA_HMI.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .Check whether 'CROSS3.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .Check whether 'KUKABOF.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .Check whether 'KUKADB.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .No KRC process is running => RunOnce=FALSE 14:22:03 .KRC process is not running => NoHibernate=FALSE 14:22:03 .Check whether 'KUKA_HMI.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .Check whether 'CROSS3.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .Check whether 'KUKABOF.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .Check whether 'KUKADB.EXE' is running 14:22:03 .No KRC process is running => RunOnce=FALSE 14:22:03 .Unregister files 14:22:03 .Delete work 1 14:22:03 .Copy files final step 14:22:03 .CopyDir: 6 from D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KRCSetup\WINDOWS to C:\WINDOWS 14:22:03 .CopyDir: 2 from D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KRCUPD\Floppy08 to C:\WINDOWS 14:22:03 !Condition FALSE: [CopyFiles] %WinDir%=%SourceDir%\Internat\KRCUPD\NoFloppy08,0x0002 ///KrcVersion=V7 14:22:03 .Execute check parameter: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KrcUpd\DevInstXP.exe #/Q /EA *kcbiosd1688 14:22:03 .Execute start: "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KrcUpd\DevInstXP.exe" /Q /EA *kcbiosd1688 14:22:03 .Return value from executed program: 4 14:22:03 .Execute check parameter: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KrcUpd\DevInstXP.exe #/Q *kcbiosd1688 "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\KCBiosD1688.inf"# 14:22:03 .Execute start: "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KrcUpd\DevInstXP.exe" /Q *kcbiosd1688 "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\KCBiosD1688.inf" 14:22:07 .Return value from executed program: 0 14:22:07 .Execute check parameter: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe #setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\WBD_UsbFltDrv.inf# 14:22:07 .Execute start: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe" setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\INTERNAT\KRCUPD\WBD_UsbFltDrv.inf 14:22:08 .Return value from executed program: 0 14:22:08 .Execute check parameter: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\XchgFile.exe #C:\KRC\BIN\StartKRC.exe.config | D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.add 14:22:08 .Execute start: "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\XchgFile.exe" C:\KRC\BIN\StartKRC.exe.config | D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.add 14:22:08 .XchgFile: CmdLine "C:\KRC\BIN\StartKRC.exe.config | D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.add" 14:22:08 .Kit-Dll loaded from: D:\KRC1_CD\Internat\tools\USB\Kit.dll 14:22:08 .reading: C:\KRC\BIN\StartKRC.exe.config 14:22:08 .----- block operation: [InsertReboot] ----- 14:22:08 !no entry found: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.add, [InsertReboot], After 14:22:08 !no entry found: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.add, [InsertReboot], Start 14:22:08 !no entry found: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.add, [InsertReboot], End 14:22:08 .reading: D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\krcupd\HMIConfig.txt 14:22:08 .insert block before line 5: 14:22:08 .writing: C:\KRC\BIN\StartKRC.exe.config 14:22:08 .XchgFile: success 14:22:08 .Return value from executed program: 0 14:22:08 .Register files 14:22:08 .Save registry 14:22:08 .Registry work 14:22:08 !Unable to get 'RegeditDir' from KuKaUpd.ini use default value. 14:22:08 .Registry work: "D:\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\TOOLS\USB\Internat\KrcUpd\Usb.reg" 14:22:08 .Modify files 14:22:08 .Make shortcuts 14:22:08 .No update of patch info in registry 14:22:08 .Add KukaLog 14:22:08 .Reset security of registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\KUKA.USB' and subkeys. 14:22:08 .Reset security of registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\KUKA.USB\Dependencies' and subkeys. 14:22:08 .Force KRC1 to make cold start 14:22:08 .Force no hibernate 14:22:08 .Check whether 'KUKA_HMI.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .Check whether 'CROSS3.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .Check whether 'KUKABOF.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .Check whether 'KUKADB.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .No KRC process is running => RunOnce=FALSE 14:22:08 .Don't force windows to make restart after installation of the Technology Setup 14:22:08 .Check whether 'KUKA_HMI.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .Check whether 'CROSS3.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .Check whether 'KUKABOF.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .Check whether 'KUKADB.EXE' is running 14:22:08 .No KRC process is running => RunOnce=FALSE 14:22:08 .Technology Setup executed successfully!! 14:22:08 !Unable to get 'DelSourceDir' from KuKaUpd.ini 14:22:08 .SETUP.EXE ends at: January 28, 2010 14:22:08 14:22:08 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------