2.4.2 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: 5 March, 2015 FIXES ----- - #2380 - Update the slave surveyor with the calibration results. - #2381 - Fixed Remote object serialization and Remote client exception issues as seen by Amrikart - #2383 - Created new Tip Stability Filter. - Drift calibration fixes 2.4.1 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: 29 Oct, 2014 FIXES ----- - MicroEpsilonTip calibration related minor UI changes - Drift cal code for a slave Surveyor is not called - Perform drift cal if MaximumDriftCalibrationFailures is -1 - Setting the minimum value for the numericUpDownContol MaximumDriftCalibrationFailures to -1 - Added code to call OnChanged event in Transmitter, which will push the updated Tx data to the remote watchers after Drift Calibration completes. 2.4.0 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: 9 Oct, 2014 FIXES ----- - #2333: Drift Calibration fixes - #2312: Transmitter drift check does not work - #2328: Drift calibration continues to run during system calibration - #2317: Frame monuments with bundle is failing - #2299: i5IS units improperly linked to frames - appears to use IP addresses and not MAC addresses - #2255: Outliers being occasionally used by frame calculation which causes poor frame fit errors - #2315: New Failed Locking Tolerance message box after Calibration - #2077: Frame monuments + bundle calibration results in huge calibration errors - #2342: Calibration Form does not display the latest Transmitter status. - #2335: Fixes to Stability Filter to correct an issue with continuity of rotation angles near 0. ADDITIONS --------- - #2355: Added New Tip States - #2339: Added New Frame States - #2336: Populate the frame name in the frameData being sent with the PositionCaptured event for Wire and Mesh capture modes - #2341: Added an option to clear the old automatic bundle points on Calibration start. - #2363: Added ActiveTipRadius to the IFrameDataLite interface - #2364: Added TipState to IFrameData and IFrameDataLite interfaces - #2365: Added FrameState to IFrameData interface CHANGES ------- - #2344: Frame monuments should not be allowed to be included as regular frames - #2356: Changed 'Bounce Tolerance' to 'Outlier Tolerance' - #2353: Changed 'Stable' transmitter state to 'Calibrated' - #2354: Renamed the MinStableReferencesForStaticUnstableFrame and MinStableReferencesForStaticStableFrame properties to MinLocatedReferencesForStaticNotLocatedFrame and MinLocatedReferencesForStaticLocatedFrame - #2349: Update Surveyor Configuration to mention Point Fit Tolerance 2.3.0 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: Feb 19, 2014 FIXES ----- - #2109: Crash when saved Form Settings set to display Reference Point that does not exist in the current system - #1974: Child Frames not updating at rate of parent - #1984: Deleting Frame File deletes PCE even if other frames are also using the same PCE - #2043: Time Sync daisy chaining broken - #2071: Transmitter Fitting Error reported in feet instead of configured units - #2083: Exceptions in ProcessRevolution freezing system - #2094: Failing Minimum Triangulation Angle is not marked low accuracy - #2095: Updating origin to 2 frame frame of frames has not effect - #2120: DigitalIO not working with Protocol 21 - #2144: Child Frames do not update position after parent frame of frames is disabled - #2145: Unhandled exception when using a child frame as a reference frame for another child frame in the same frame of frames - #2147: Unable to add frame of frames remotely - #2158: Using a child frame as a reference frame for another frame not involved in the frame of frames yields no change in position for that other frame - #2171: Static frame referencing another static frame may have update lag ADDITIONS --------- - #2121: Rev2 Firmware Support - #2025: Use Reference Point in Frame of Frames - #2174: Remove expired items from Detected PCE list CHANGES ------- - #2118: Width and Amplitude Filtered independently in Tracker 2.2.5 RELEASE NOTES ------------------- Release Date: Oct 31, 2013 Emergency Release. Frame Tolerances can be changed remotely. So Amrikart's application will work. 2.2.4 RELEASE NOTES ------------------- Release Date: Oct 21, 2013 Revert rev1 frame detection to load entire frame. Small API additions for Amrikart. 2.2.3 RELEASE NOTES ------------------- Release Date: Oct 4, 2013 - #2012: Handle Periodic Noise Better - #2105: Confirmation Button when applying all changes to wired/wireless pce settings 2.2.2 RELEASE NOTES ------------------- Release Date: Sept 17, 2013 - #2091: Surveyor Manual is not text searchable. - #2090: Errors in Accuracy Filter description and Timestamp vs Capture digital event in Surveyor manual. - #2082: Prevent exceptions in ProcessRevolution/Synchronize from freezing the system. - #2083: Cannot change Frame Tolerances Remotely. - #2087: MinPulseWidthLimit filtering out all pulses in Protocol 19/20/21. 2.2.1 RELEASE NOTES ------------------- Release Date: Aug 2, 2013 - #2078: Method to set Pulse Width. - #2000: Ignored Transmitters are still used for frame calcs. - #2080: Exception occurs when running Surveyor as non-admin. Work done towards Frame Detection, Handling Periodic noise (Not considered complete) 2.2.0 RELEASE NOTES ------------------- Release Date: July 19th, 2013 - #2008: Japanese version of Surveyor. - #1970: i5IS DIO: DI event causes drop in communication to all PCEs. - #2057: Reference Frame Name in Simple Status bar. - #2048: Add Version Number to Installer executable. - #2054: Surveyor locks up on Performing Rough Position Calculation during calibration. - #2051: Drift Cal does not function in playback mode. - #2053: Digital I/O configuration UI crash due to internationalization. - #2060: Change counter for number of Drift Calibrations failed to not increment if Calibration fails due to not enough monuments. - #2013: Drift Check making transmitters uncalibrated on occluded monument system. - #2039: Change Data Capture Mode Does not work on Simple Status Bar. - #2052: Choosing "Columns to Text" for frame monuments causes Surveyor to crash. - #2023: Make Drift Check work with less than 4 monument detectors. - #1995: Frame Error Calculation and Tip Location. - #2040: # of Valid Rays does not work. - #2014: Calibration Speed Improvement. - #2069: Reset All functionality change on Virtual Frame Alignment Page. - #2061: Frame does not get good rays if at default location. - #2036: Tip change event from iProbe Crashes Surveyor 2.1.16 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: May 15, 2013 - #2036: i6Probe: Tip change event from iProbe crashes Surveyor. - #2034: Make SimpleFrameStatusForm use less bandwidth over COM remoting. - #2037: SurveyorEnvironment Does not disconnect correctly on PCE removal. 2.1.15 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: May 2, 2013 Remove Engineering Release from Solution Information. 2.1.14 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: Apr 30, 2013 - #1987: Virtual Frame: Alignment does not work. - #1983: Tip Cal requires a recent seeding from 2.0.x to work. - #1981: Calibration gets stuck forever if less than 4 usable monuments in the system. - #1979: Bundle Error and Rays column empty for one transmitter in frame monuments + bundle calibration. - #1996: VF alignment: Single Point and Aligning with logs. - #1997: Calibration lock-up in bundle only system. - #2005: Trigger Position Update when Tip is changed. - #2001: UI freezes when using G6 IDUs - Maybe duplicate. - #1998: Frame Deta does not work when reference frame is not world. - #2004: Support Protocol Switching to 17/18. - #2033: Remote reboot of IDU from Surveyor. - #2018: Too many pceXX.txt files in the Surveyor Folder. 2.1.13 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: Apr 1st, 2013 FIXES ----- - #1946: FBAT: i5IS frame generation uses wrong coordinate system. - #1964: FBAT: Post Create Frame virtual frame position is incorrect. - #1913: Reported issues at Amrikart with SurveyorPulicInterface error Port already in use. - #1965: Virtual Frame Alignment: Best fit dows not automatically apply. - #1973: 2 i5IS Frame of Frames: Frame Error Update. - #1980: Frame of Frames not updating position when Child Frames move by more than the Child Frame movement tolerance. - #1939: FBAT: Plane-Line-Line. - #1972: 2 i5IS Frame of Frame: Status seems broken. - #1982: FBAT: Plane Fit Tip Offset Compensation. 2.1.12 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: Mar 18th, 2013 FIXES ----- - #1926: TcpSocket exception. - #1930: Frame of frame advanced settings. - #1933: Base stations not saved in Snapshot. - #1931: Calibration locks up Surveyor when there are insufficient points in a Monuments + Bundle System. - #1921: Redraw of Ray Status Window based on what's selected to be displayed. - #1927: Outlier rejection reported in Ray Status window. - #1913: Reported issues at Amrikart with SurveyorPublicInterface error Port already in use. - #1935: Bestfit algorithm produces sub-optimal solution. - #1917: Coordinate system definition by part alignment. - #1937: Create Coordinate System window text. - #1938: FBAT: "Best Fit" label for Create Coordinate System. - #1943: Create Coordinate System: Define by virtual frame. - #1947: CoordinateSystemDefinitionForm (PartFrame Alignment) Contains Composite Frames in list of frames that can be imported. - #1934: Reduce Simple Status Bar Bandwidth. - #1945: FBAT: Surveyor crashes by using FBAT to make frame then Back-Next-Back. - #1856: FBAT: Associate Text with Frame state on pages that require it. - #1957: Check and make Everything that calls BestFit have at least 3 points. - #1918: Time Synchronization. - #1954: The BestFit function throws an exception. - #1900: G6 DetectedFrames disappearing, then reappearing on the FrameList Configuration. - #1960: Frame of Frame supports with manual creation using 2 IDU Frames. - #1924: UPnP does not detect G6IDU if it swaps IP Addresses. - #1961: After running system calibration, the bundle error is quite high and not equal to the Calibration error, the transmitter is still reported as stable. - #1905: Frame Monuments do not work. - #1948: BestFit throws an exception under certain circumstances with only 2 points. 2.1.11 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: Feb 6th, 2013 FIXES ----- - #1900: G6 DetectedFrames disappearing, then reappearing on the FrameList Configuration. - #1888: If Information on the Final Frame Creation results in a validation error, the Frame creation fails without warning and captured Data is lost. - #1903: Rotation output of frame positions in .CSV file. - #1904: Frame Detection fails intermittently. - #1828: NumericUpDown controls in Frame Configuration Forms do not enable the Apply button when their text is changed and the Add tree node button is clicked. - #1886: Text to Column truncates values when not operating in native units. - #1906: Cannot remove row if it is invalid in Configuration. - #1315: Ability to add a field to the csv that describes the reason for a frame being low accuracy. - #1907: BundleCollection not thread safe. - #1909: Frame Accuracy is High for the frame state 'DetectorFitErrorTooLarge'. - #1910: Big Empty white box appears on the Transmitter configuration page if factory mode is not enabled. - #1925: Update the background color of the SimpleStatusForm as the stability changes, while only updating the message when the timer expires. - #1878: Bundle scale inconsistency. - #1929: Surveyor Lockup at Amrikart. 2.1.10 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: January 21, 2013 Extend TimeBomb to March 31, 2013 2.1.9 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: January 2nd, 2013 FIXES ----- - #1901: Chained pce Synchronization. - #1899: Crash on Shutdown. 2.1.8 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: December 7th, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1895: Surveyor problems due to null mac address. - #1897: Frame tip positions should be based on referenced frame positions, not global frame positions. - #1896: Crash on _thread.Join(). 2.1.7 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: December 5th, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1893: Loading a snapshot from another day sometimes associate the detectors to the wrong PCE. - #1894: Default values for minimum triangulation angle. 2.1.6 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: December 3rd, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1892: AddFrame throwing Exception. - #1889: Detector fit check does not work for frames that reference other frames. yield desired results. - #1858: FBAT: Naming on Frame Type Creation page needs to be changed. - #1696: Calibration Status: Changing the frame associated to a monument in a mixed system (monuments with a bundle) will cause an exception on the next System Calibration. CHANGES ------- - #1880: Rename Link to User Manual in Start Menu - #1865: FBAT When measuring points for Single Detector Frames, select whether position is triangulated or uses nominal value. 2.1.5 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: November 23rd, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1846: Advanced Button in Frame Configuration Form should only be enabled when Advanced mode is enabled. - #1849: FBAT: Selecting transmitter positions for the 321 alignment procedure raises an exception. - #1848: In a fresh instance of Surveyor, after loading a snapshot the FrameTrackingControl does not update unless we restart Surveyor. - #1850: FBAT: Tip Positions are not applied correctly. - #1851: FBAT: Using Streaming mode in CircleAlignmentControl causes Surveyor to hang. - #1852: The PitchInterval for the Transmitter is always 0 in the TransmitterInformationForm. - #1854: Bundle Points do not save captured time. - #1855: FBAT Show proper value for Axis corresponding to selected plane on plane fit form. - #1874: Default values for Frame of frames are problematic. - #1879: FBAT: DatumPointControl does not display the coordinates in local coordinate system. - #1881: FBAT: In the Plane Alignment Control, selecting the Positive Direction of Z axis pointing upwards does not yield desired results. - #1882: Surveyor language setting is not setted properly at initialize stage. - #1884: DotNetBundleSample - On clicking the Calibrate button, the bundle points are cleared and the calibration doesn't proceed. - #1876: Hide Reference Frame Selection for Virtual Frames in the Frame Form. CHANGES ------- - #1845: Minimum valid rays check for frame fit. - #1857: Show the Linear Display Unit on the Main form in the bottom right corner along with the Coordinate System details. - #1866: FBAT: Clear points if going back to the alignment method selection. - #1868: FBAT: Show TimeStamp when origin is set. - #1869: FBAT minor Text changes. - #1861: FBAT: Automatically align created virtual frames using values used to define points. - #1863: FBAT: Plane definition needs to specify whether to use offset radius or not. - #1867: FBAT: Disable streaming options when capturing single points. 2.1.4 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: November 2nd, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1819: Tracker can permanently lose track of certain transmitter/detector pairs (Penske). - #1814: Frame form paints tip as blue as long as TipLocatedTolerance is met. - #1807: Digital IO commands experience severe lag for frames referencing dynamic composite frames. - #1827: Uncaught Exception sporadically occurs in outlier exclusion in the PointFilter. - #1831: MNT file parser reads virtual frames incorrectly. - #1826: Frame form should show red if reference frame is unstable. - #1813: Reference Frame: When a frame is using a reference frame to display its position, it does not change its state to reflect changes in the state of the reference frame. - #1832: FBAT: Add new Frame just quits if Frame being added has the same name as an existing frame. - #1833: Change tip selection in frame toolbar to drop down button. - #1838: Frame position stability filter need to handle rotational drift. - #1759: Frame Configuration: While Surveyor is set to use inches, setting a value for a frame's Spatial Streaming Point Spacing that when converted into millimeters exceeds the maximum value of 120 will cause an exception. - #1840: Surveyor Slow to reconnect to disconnected pces. - #1841: Bundle Point Removal does not work sometimes. - #1842: Surveyor crashes when performing Calibration. - #1821: Coordinate System: When using a best fit to perfom a coordinate system alignment, pressing the Reset All button disables all points. - #1695: Surveyor Configuration: If changes are made to a frame and a new monument, transmitter or PCE is added before applying them, no prompt for applying the changes appears. - #1697: Surveyor Configuration: Delete key behaviour is inconsistent across configuration menus. - #1817: Frame Watch Form: Frame state message should match position colour more closely. - #1793: Frame Watch Form: i6 Probe-based frames capturing in either Temporal or Spatial streaming mode do not produce the correct beeping sound when the point capture is rejected. - #1668: Surveyor Configuration: Inconsistent unit increment/decrement and excessive decimal places for certain configuration settings. - #1830: FBAT: When Creating a Frame, if the frame name is not changed from the default, the frame is not created. - #1839: The BundleForm is not refreshed after importing a bundle file using the Configuration Data->Import... option - #1666: PCE Status Window: If while recording a log, Surveyor is switched from live mode to playback mode and back again the button label remains fixed to Stop Recording. CHANGES ------- - #1823: Frame averaged mode should raise an event if averaging fails. - #1825: DetectorFitTolerance should be always on. - #1835: PI: Event for when capturing a point fails. - #1837: Save stability filter settings in xml - #1834: Ability to collect bundle on server side. - #1843: No detector pose max distance check for G6. 2.1.3 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: September 21, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1815: Tip Calibration: Calibration Type dropdown icon is greyed out even when active. - #1802: Coordinate System: When using a best fit to perform a coordinate system alignment, the button that is pressed to finish the alignment is labelled "Next" rather than finish. - #1805: Digital IO commands do not function when their assigned frame is referencing a dynamic frame of any type. - #1804: Client: Frame form slow through remoting after delta frame is defined. - #1794: Remote Watchers: In the Master instance's configuration attempting to access the configuration form for a frame that is active as a remote frame but also present and disabled locally causes a soft exception. - #1816: PCE Configuration: Attempting to update a G5 PCE's firmware settings with no values in either the "IP Address" or "Subnet Mask" fields causes a soft exception. - #1801: Coordinate System: Clicking "Next" ends the alignment process prematurely if no previous alignment method was selected. - #1808: Frames referencing dynamic composite frames will increment their position when the frame state is red. - #1809: PCE Configuration: The "Add G6" button adds a G5 PCE to the Configured PCEs list. - #1772: FBAT: Measurement frame position does not update in real-time occasionally. - #1812: G6 compensation memory usage is very high. - #1800: Coordinate System: When beginning coordinate system definition, the message "The previous coordinate system was defined by a part frame." is always displayed regardless of the method that the previous coordinate system was defined in. - #1806: Frame Tracking Control does not change the displayed tip on the tip dropdown when the tip is changed using digital IO. - #1799: Surveyor Status Bar is not updated on new Snapshot load. - #1796: FBAT: After selecting a frame type, adding it, and then skipping the alignment, returning to the beginning of the FBAT procedure and then performing the same with the opposite frame type will cause an exception. CHANGES ------- - #1798: Frame Watch window frame position colour now corresponds to tip state. - #1779: Tip calibration vertical angle tolerance can now be adjusted in the advanced configuration menu. - #1803: Changes to Surveyor licensing. 2.1.2 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: August 13, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1653: GpsFrame TipPosition Rotation is incorrect; rotation being assigned i,j,k values instead of rotaional values. - #1732: Changing the language to Chinese or Japanese in Surveyor has no effect on the UI, all the labels and strings are displayed in English. - #1721: Frame Configuration: Calibrated Base and Tip X,Y,Z values can be directly edited. - #1718: Coordinate System Alignment Window: Selecting a reference frame from the toolstrip when no measurement device is selected will cause a null reference exception. - #1694: Base Station Configuration: Deleting base stations using the Remove button on the tree toolbar does not remove them from the configuration. - #1693: Base Station Configuration: Deleting base stations using the Remove command from the context menu on the tree removes them from the configuration menu, but does not readd them to the frames list. - #1712: Surveyor Configuration: Frame of Frames type frames do not appear on the Configured Frames list when they are enabled. - #1710: Monument Configuration: Changing a monument's position in Surveyor will change the PCE type to "Unknown" for all monuments in the monuments.xml - #1667: Virtual Frame: When the world coordinate system is realigned, open frame watch windows for virtual frames do not update their position to reflect the new coordinate system. - #1704: DC-powered G6 units do not display the correct battery status in the System Status Panel. - #1701: Ray Plotter shows nominal detector locations instead of calibrated detector locations. - #1736: Cannot successfully bundle for transmitters with large strobe period oscillations. - #1702: While playing a raw log on loopback, once the log file finishes playing restarts frames stops updating. - #1687: Frame Watch Form: The frame capture mode does not propagate correctly between Surveyor and the Client. - #1684: Frame of Frames: Advanced Configuration default settings put frames permanently beyond tolerance. - #1640: Point-line-plane coordinate system alignment method does not perform orthogonal check. - #1679: Alignment - Orthogonality check/adjustment should not be changing the axis corresponding to the plane normal. - #1773: Tip Calibration: Calibrated tip positions overwrite existing nominal postions in the frame configuration.- #1665 Virtual Frame and Coordinate System Alignment Window: Frame alignment value does not update. - #1628: System Status Panel: In the master instance of a Remote Watchers configuration, frames from slave instances are not differentiated from frames local to the master instance. - #1725: Frame Configuration: Changes to tip nominal base values do not hold when applied. - #1686: System becomes unresponsive when stream capturing from a frame of frames. - #1774: The Coordinate System Status button does not open the Coordinate System Alignment form. - #1758: PCE Configuration: For a configured PCE that is also listed in the autodected PCE column, changing that PCE's IP will result in the autodetected PCE name also being added to the PCE dropdown in the frame configuration. - #1670: Frame Watch Window: Tools -> Define FoF should be greyed out for frame types other than Frame of Frames. - #1663: Virtual Frame and Coordinate System Frame of Frames Alignment Window: Undo button on reference frame settings toolstrip does not function. - #1783: Frame Configuration: Virtual Frame and Composite Frames do not output any data when opened with the Columns to Text form. - #1698: System Status Panel: The number of Frames, Transmitters and PCEs does not update when added or removed in the configuration.- #1716 PCE Configuration: Adding a Detected PCE to the configuration with a space in it's name and then removing it causes multiple entries for the PCE to appear in the PCE dropdown list. - #1749: Frame Configuration: Changing frame settings during streaming capture resets the captured points value to zero. - #1688: Frame Watch Window: When switching capture mode from streaming mode to another mode in the middle of a streaming capture, the streaming capture state remains set at on and the blue selection rectangle remains on the capture button. - #1685: Frame of Frames: Attempting to disable and then remove a frame of frames type frame with a disabled child frame will cause an exception in a live system. - #1715: When using commas to mark the decimal place, position values assigned during the coordinate system alignment are handled incorrectly. - #1654: Size of the coordinate display occasionally fluctuates causing the current position to extend outside of the display. - #1660: Frame files with a .mnt extension are not imported properly by Surveyor. - #1621: Surveyor Configuration: After importing any object (PCE, transmitter, frame,) using the import button at the top of the tree, window focus shifts to the Monuments configuration screen. - #1723: Part Frame alignment with using a Frame of Frames type frame is broken. - #1709: After transmitter removal, should select entire row or select nothing; entire row is now selected to make removing successive transmitters easier. - #1690: CLIENT: Occasional soft exception occurs during tip calibration. - #1673: CLIENT: Virtual Frame Alignment Window: Attempting to assign a point through the client results in an exception. - #1672: CLIENT: Virtual Frame Alignment: When assigning points, the selection box will not advance past the 3rd point. - #1629: CLIENT: Results from tip calibrations peformed in the client are not recorded in the frame file. - #1771: CLIENT: Occasional frame stuttering/slowdown in frame watch window. - #1671: CLIENT: Align function is not selectable for a Virtual Frame from the Tools dropdown. - #1755: CLIENT: Default linear decimal places is set to 4, but should be set to 3. - #1661: CLIENT: Attempting to create a tip from a Frame Watch window in the client causes an exception in Surveyor. - #1658: CLIENT: Exception sporadically occurs in streaming capture mode during long-duration captures. - #1729: Frames in remoting clients do not receive position changed event. CHANGES ------- - #1669: Virtual Frame Alignment Window: When clicking the "Reset All" button, select the first point rather than leave the last recorded point selected. - #1662: PCE Status Window: Expand Name, Address, Status and Clock Offset column widths to display a full line of text. - #1776: Surveyor will now automatically remap iProbe frames with Surveyor 1.4 DIO button configurations to 2.1 DIO button configurations when they are imported. - #1778: DIO configuration form saves changes without needing to select another field first. - #1777: Surveyor will now display a warning tootip when there is a mismatch between the system noise threshold and a transmitter's correction threshold. - #1746: Dynamically added reference points will appear without having to reopen the frame watch form. - #1743: Frame configuration UI changes. Names of certain configuration options have been changed: "static update when stable" -> "Stability Filter"; Rapid Update (Hz)" -> "Temporal Streaming Frequency"; "Point Filter Samples" -> "Averaged Point Samples"; includes a field for adjusting the spatial streaming point spacing and the single point tip stability (previously a system-wide setting) for individual frames. Frames are now rapid update by default and must be explicitly set to static using the "Static" checkbox. - #1681: CLIENT: Client's default rotation convention is "RollPitchYaw"; now set to "Surveyor" to match Surveyor's default rotation convention. - #1700: Parent frame of a Frame of Frames type frame now dictates the child frame's update rate. - #1691: Base Stations Configuration: The same frame can now only be selected once from the Frame Name dropdown. - #1726: Surveyor can now handle systems with up to 25 transmitters. ADDITIONS --------- - #1707: Ability to reconnect to Remote Watchers slave instances from the master instance. - #1713: Basestations now automatically rename their detectors with the detector's frame name as a prefix. - #1731: Composite frames can now be remoted through Remote Watchers. - #1737: A Remote Watcher master instance can now relay slave instance frame data to 3rd party software. - #1742: Surveyor's default configuration parameters can now be set to either a "Metrology" or "Industrial" profile in the general configuration. - #1590: Reference points can now be defined for a frame by selecting "Add Reference Points" from the frame's context menu on the System Status Panel. - #1735: CLIENT: Multi-language Support. - #1433: Spatial Streaming mode - Surveyor can now capture successive points at a user-defineable distance from one another. - #1745: Reference points for a frame can now be entered using Text to Columns in the frame's configuration. - #1753: Removing an integrated frame will remove its corresponding PCE. - #1659: Reference frame moved to the server; reference frame position changes, capture events and name changes are now done in real-time. - #1720: New Feature Based Alignment Toolkit (FBAT) provides expanded frame creation and coordinate system definition capabilities. - #1719: Frame position stabilization filter replaces "static update when stable" functionality. 2.1.0 RELEASE NOTES -------------------- Release Date: May 11, 2012 FIXES ----- - #1652: Frame Form->Display->Set Reference Frame disappears after frame tip change - #1643: Lower the minimum IDU monuments limit to 3 - #1650: G6 digital input protocol support - #1651: Dynamic frame of frames does not raise position changed event - #1645: Frame form displays tip rotation instead of tip normal - #1644: Tip Calibration does not proceed when using a G6 - #1642: Ignored rays table cannot handle detectors with same names - #1648: Unit conversion problem with nest location for tip calibration - #1647: Composite and Virtual frame alignment result transform is inverted